Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2003, Page 10, Image 10

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August 06. 2003
®Ije ^Ìnrtlanò (ßbserucr
Career Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503)
944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944
7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at
www.portportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­
ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
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Leaving The Comfort Zone
(A P) — Jen n ifer Sam s recently
com pleted a w orkshop in diversity
at A labam a State U niversity, but
she plans to use the lessons and
ideas she learned at her jo b at Em­
bassy Suites Hotel and in her future
career as an educator.
“ It’s about respecting and being
sensitive to other cultures while
learning about their custom s and
traditions,” said Sams, w ho partici­
pated in the course as part o f her
education major. “I deal with people
o f all nationalities on a daily basis,
and this type o f training prepares
you to take steps forw ard and get
out o f your com fort zone.”
W orkplace diversity is an issue
that thousands o f national co m p a­
nies spend m illions o f dollars to
“ Som e industry categories are
b etter than o thers, but u n fo rtu ­
nately a lotofm inorities are in lower-
paying skilled jo b s and do not hold
top o r m anagerial positions,” said
L am ar H iggins, director o f the Na-
tional A ssociation o f Black Auto-
coordinate diversity program s,
"B y hiring som eone to coordi-
nate diversity and m inority pro-
gram s, com panies can place spe-
IJ diversity is not part oj the
company mindset, strategy fo r
growth and initiated from the
top, then it w on’t work.
—Stacia Robinson, executive directorof Business Network International
m otive Suppliers South division.
“ Em ployers need to m ake sure there
are no artificial barriers that are pro­
hibiting m inorities from success.”
A riinda K ennedy-Knight, direc­
tor o f the M ontgom ery M inority
Business D evelopment Center, said
com panies should hire som eone to
cial em phasis on the needed pro­
grams. Peopleare looking foracom -
pany that is diverse," K ennedy-
K night said.
H iggins thinks w orkplace diver­
sity issues start w ith the quality o f
education students are provided in
area school system s.
“The w hole key is education,
and w hen schools have the money
they need to im prove the quality o f
education they provide (the stu­
dents), em ployers w ill have a bet­
ter-equipped, di versi tied work force
to choose from .” H iggins said. “The
m ain goal is to m ake sure the work
force reflects the population in
w hich the com pany is operating
Stacia R obinson, executive d i­
rector o f B usiness N etw ork Inter­
national, said diversity m ust be a
part o f a co m p an y ’s corporate cul­
“ If diversity is not part o f the
co m p an y m in d set, strateg y for
grow th and initiated from the top,
then it w on ’ t w ork,” R obinson said.
"T his type o f diversity m ust be
evident from em ployees to m anag­
ers to contract suppliers and in
every departm ent.”
Honeywell Recruits Minorities
H oneyw ell, a Fortune 100 co m ­ ing H oneyw ell attract and retain
pany and em ployer o fo v e r 100,000 diverse talent pools o f experienced,
people in nearly 100 countries has professional individuals worldwide
launched a cam paign to em brace through its leading-edge, career
diversity and craft a global work center technology and extensive
environm ent o f varying perspec­ web-based community ofover 2,5(X)
tives, differences and cultures.
inform ation sources.
S p e c i f i c a l l y ,
T h e co m p a n y ’s stra te g ic a p ­
W orkplaceD iversity.com is assist- p ro ach to su sta in a b le gro w th in­
clu d e s h irin g ta len ted , d iv erse,
em p o w ered p eo p le -p e o p le w ho
b u ild and valu e re la tio n sh ip s as
m uch as d e liv e r b u sin ess results.
“ A s w e g ro w an d d ev elo p o u r
o rg a n iz a tio n , w e co n tin u a lly fo­
cu s on cre a tin g an effe c tiv e and
a ttra c tiv e w ork en v iro n m en t rich
in in c lu siv e n e ss and fa irn e ss,”
say s R oslyn D ick erso n , C o rp o ­
rate V ice P resident, G lobal D iver­
sity , H o n e y w e ll. “ W e b e lie v e
th ere is a d ire c t c o rre la tio n b e ­
tw een valu e c re atio n an d g ain in g
co m p e titiv e a d v a n ta g e th rough
the talen t each em p lo y e e b rin g s
to fu lfillin g o u r c o m p a n y ’s v i­
sion, v alu es an d g o a ls .”
Union Wins Convention Center Jobs
Workers credit unity and community pressure
« ir
Security officers at the Or­ accept the unacceptable. When
egon Convention Center and they ratified their first union
other public facilities refused to contract July 16, they gave a
resounding thumbs down to the
pay freeze management had
demanded. Instead, some offic­
ers will see raises o f more than
20 percent under the new agree­
The 30 part-tim e and nine
full-tim e security workers are
represented by Local 28 o f
the International Longshore &
W arehouse Union. They are
employed by the Metropolitan
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T his m ay w ork for you, but keep
in m ind that 53 percent o f jo b re­
cruiters in a survey said candidates
should w ait one w eek before fol­
low ing up. A surprising 2 1 percent
said candidates should wait less
than one w eek, w hile 8 percent said
tw o w eeks. N ineteen percent o f the
recruiters said they preferred to
when he saw that too m any trouble­
m akers w ere using it. G ang m em ­
and a choice o f a boiled red potato, bers and drug dealers w ere told to
rice p ilaf or fries for only $8.25. Bar get lost.
menu items include I Ochicken wings
“ H e’s really doing a m arvelous
for $5.50, bacon wrapped scallops job. Y ou can w alk through that bar
for $6 and ham burgers for $6.25.
and be safe now ,” said M ilw aukie
Previously the ow ners had prob­ resident Del B lacketer, w ho had
lem s w ith fights, but C hung hired stopped there for lunch. “The food
m ostly new em ployees and told is really outrageous. It’sexcellent."
troublem akers to get lost. He even
C hung said he is com m itted to
pulled a local phone o ff the wall the diversity o f his em ployees and
con tin u ed
almost 10,000 strong, visit us at:
IDS I Jfe Insurance Company
How long should you w ait to
follow up on an em ploym ent call?
O ne w eek, recruiters say.
M any jo b seekers try to find the
magic num ber using com plex equa­
tions that factor in their enthusiasm
fo rth ejo b , how well their interview
w ent and w hether o r not they’re
currently em ployed.
contact candidates, rather than vice
It’s a good idea for candidates to
follow up, i f for no other reason that
the fact that recruiters often d o n ’t
- especially for unsuccessful can­
didates. F ifty-four percent o f re­
cruiters surveyed said they do not
notify unsuccessful candidates.
Neighborhood Grocer Expands
To find out how to use your skills in a new way and
American Express Financial Advisors
pressure on the elected offt-
cials who appoint the MERC
Gerry C aldw ell, a leader
among the African-American
security officers, also stressed
that the workers’ own unity was
“ We won because o f the
united stand o f all the employ­
ees, our resolution that we
weren’t going to be taken ad­
vantage o f or pressured into
something not for our benefit,”
said Caldwell.
M IM M M W M N M M M M M H H M M M M a Q M M M M M M M M M N M M H
your boss than on the work you do, American Express
Ron A s c h o ff - R e c ru ite r
Exposition-Recreation Com ­
m ission which operates the
Convention C enteralong with
the Expo Center and the Port­
land Center for the Perform ­
ing Arts.
Larry Buskrud, a 22-year
M ER C s e c u rity o ffic e r,
stressed that a key to the
union’s victory was com m u­
nity pressure. He said Port­
land Jobs with Justice, the
N o rth w e st O re g o n L ab o r
Council and m embers o f other
unions helped to put political
A le x a n d ra R ik k e r
Assistant to the Field Vice President
American Express Financial Advisors
fro m M etro
custom ers.
“This co m er has alw ays been a
negative com er. N ow it’s going to
be a positive com er," he said. “Most
bars you go to there is only one
race. I thought this w as a good
opportunity to have m ulticultural
m ixing w ith all the races.”
Chung hopes to have live music in
the future. He is renxxJeling by reftir-
bishing the bathrooms and painting to
improve the restaurant’s image.
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