Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 30, 2003, Page 9, Image 9

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    luly 30.2003
Sere Williams is shown
the Best Female
Athlete award during the
11th Annual ESPY
Awards. (AP photo)
Serena Williams
Gets Part on
(AP)— Serena Williams will play
a reformed gang member on parole
inanOct. 1 episodeofthe Showtime
series “Street Time.”
“As a fan o f “Street T im e,’ I told
myself that if given the opportu­
nity, I’d love to be on the show ,”
Williams said. “1 am taking this role
very seriously, because I want to
excel and because I have respect
for the series.”
T he w o rld ’s to p -ra n k e d
women ’ s tennis player had the role
created for her, said R ichard
Stratton, the cable show ’s co-ex­
ecutive producer.
“Anyone that has seen Serena
perform on the tennis court under­
stands her commitment to being
the best,’’ he said. “We are confi­
dent that she will bring that same
type o f energy and devotion to
“Street Tim e.’”
Williams has appeared in TV
commercials with her sister, Venus,
and played a kindergarten teacher
last year in an episode o f the ABC
sitcom “My Wife and Kids.”
“ Street T im e,” starring Rob
Morrow, begins its second season
Äug. 6.
Page B3
Jîortlanb ® bBerber
Advertise ni '^ i ’urlU nd Observer call ¿U3.388.01)53
S A . L E ! !
(off the Hook)
5 9 2 4 se 4 7 th &
5 0 3 -7 7 7 -3 9 0 0
T .B . E n t e r p r is e s P r e s e n t s
T he 2 2 nd M t. H ood Ja zz F est re
turns to G re sh am from 1 to 9:15 p.m
S aturday, A ug. 2 and S unday, A ug. 3 at G resham
M ain C ity Park (at S o u th ea st P ow ell B oulevard
and S o u th ea st M ain S tre et). T ic k ets are $25.
T w o -fo r-o n e tic k ets are a v a ila b le to an yone
riding a b ik e to th e show . F or m o re in fo rm atio n ,
visit w w w .m th o o d ja z z .c o m .
Grassroots Underground
O .A .R ., S lig h tly S to o p id and T he R ed W est
perform at the R o selan d T h e a te r at 8 p.m ., A ug.
18. T ic k ets are $14 in ad v a n c e o r $17 at the
door. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -8 4 9 9 .
Coco at Roseland
T om m y C a stro and C oco M o n to y a perfo rm at
the R oseland T h e a te r a t 7:30 p.m . Sep!. 25. $16
in ad vance. F or m o re in fo rm atio n , call 503-
2 2 4 -8 4 9 9 .
Musical Spitfire Grill Premiers
L akew ood T heatre C o m pany p resen ts “ T he S p it­
fire G rill” at 8 p.m . T h u rsd ay s th ro u g h S a tu r­
days and 7 p.m . S u n d ay s th ro u g h A ug. 17. $26.
T he m u sical w ith a so u lfu l c o m b in a tio n o f
A m erican folk and co u n try , is te m p o rarily p e r­
form ing at F ir A cres T h ea tre, L ew is and C lark
C o l le g e , 0 6 1 5 S .W . P a l a t i n e H ill R d.
m o re
in fo rm a tio n ,
c a ll
6 3 5 -3 9 0 1 .
Concerts at Dawson Park
S u m m er c o n c e rts in the park are free, fam ily
frien d ly and b eg in at 6 :3 0 p.m . W ed n esd ay s at
D aw son P ark on N orth S tan to n b etw een W ill­
iam s and V an co u v er. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call
5 0 3-823-P L A Y o rv is itw w w .p o rtla n d p a rk s.o rg .
Laser Motown at OMSI
O M S I’s M urdock P lan etariu m featu res a fun-
filled trib u te to th e M otow n so u n d s o f D iana
R oss, T he T em p tatio n s, T he F our T ops and
m ore. 1945 S.E . W a te r A ve. F o r a sc h ed u le o f
show s,
c a ll
5 0 3 -7 9 7 -4 6 4 6
v is i t
w w w .o m s i.e d u .
Symphony In Irving Park
O reg o n S y m p h o n y p erfo rm s at Irv in g Park at 7
j.m . S atu rd ay , A ug. 23 at N o rth e a st 7lh A venue
I s l e y B
i / am taking this role very seriously.
- Serena Williams on her role In the Showtime series “Street Time."
Comedian Steve Harvey says the economics of television
advertising discriminate against black-oriented shows and
those who work on them. (AP photo)
This Weekend
#7 Selling Album
"Body Kiss"
Harvey Tells Why Black Actors Make Less
fat. Hood Jazz
W o o d s to c k
(A P) — The econom ics o f telev i­
s io n a d v e r tis in g d is c r im in a te
against black-oriented show s and
those who work on them , says ac­
tor-com edian Steve Harvey.
A dvertisers pay less for such
program s even w hen the ratings
equal or ex ceed tho«e o f other
show s, H arvey told a recent m eet­
ing o f the T elevision C ritics A sso­
The result is, “African-Americans
don’t get to make what they deserve
to make when they have a hit show,”
Harvey said, appearing before TV
critics to promote his WB fall series,
“Steve H arvey’s Big Time.”
Advertisers pay lower rates for
an d F rem o n ^ at 7 p.m .
F or m o re in fo rm atio n , call
503-823-P L A Y .
IFCC Summer Festival
Interstate A venue C ultural C enter will coordinate
m usic and kids art booths for the Interstate
A venue Fair and G arage Sale from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m ., Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 16 and 17. The
IFCC is located at 5340 N. Interstate. N o ad m is­
sion is charged, but donations appreciated. For
m ore inform ation, call 503-823-4322.
programs that attract black audiences
because they reason that blacks are
among T V ’s more loyal customers
and it’s easy to reach them across the
TV dial, Harvey said.
That does represent the thinking
o f the ad community, WB executives
said in a later session with TV critics.
In contrast, shows that attract harder-
to-reach young viewers can command
higher ad rates.
“T here is a truth in w hat h e ’s
saying, that advertisers are trying
to find people that they c a n ’t get
easily. And they do pay a prem ium
fo r th o se p e o p le ,” sa id Ja m ie
K ellner, W B ’s chairm an and ch ief
executive officer.
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¿J azz tfe tiv a t
A u gu st 2 & 3
Gresham M ain City Park, Main at Powell Blvd.
Oregonian A&E Stage
Joe Lovano N onet • N nenna Freelon
Busta Rhymes - "It Aint Safe No More"
Classical Jazz Q u artet
Bone Crusher -- "Attenchun"
w/Kenny Barron, Stefon Harris, Rufus Reid & Lewis Nash
“Ceramics: All Levels”
PortlandCom m unity College offers high-fire stone­
w are clay classes this sum m er. The first class
takes place M ondays through Aug. 18. T he sec­
ond class takes place W ednesdays through Aug.
20. Both classes m eet at the follow ing tim e and
location: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Room 130 o f
the Terrell Hall B uilding at P C C ’s C ascade C am ­
pus, 705 N. K illingsw orth St. For m ore inform a­
tion, call 503-978-5143.
Calligraphy Class for all Levels
S w e e p in g -b ru s h stro k e s an d e a s y - to - le a rn
s h a p in g m a k e u p P o r tl a n d C o m m u n ity
C o lle g e ’s ita lic c a llig ra p h y class. T he class
w elc o m e s th e new and th o se lo o k in g to fine
tun e th e ir R e n aissan ce hand at italic. C lass
run s T h u rsd ay s, an d en d s A ug. 7. C la ss s e s ­
sio n s run from 6 p.m . to 9 p.m . in R oom 304
o f the S tu d en t C e n te r B u ild in g at P C C ’s C a s­
ca d e C a m p u s, 705 N. K illin g sw o rth . F o r m ore
in fo rm atio n , call 5 0 3 -9 7 8 -5 1 4 3 .
I ■■
Sunday August 31, 2(M)3j|
Crystal Ballroom
1332 W Burnside
9:00pm Until
Whitney Houston - "Just Whitney"
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Order your tickets today! Tickets available at all
Safeway/Tic kefs West locations or call 800 992 TIXX
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For additional Festival information call 503 665-3827
or email info(i»mthoodjazz.com
"Friday After Next Snd Trk"
The Isley Brothers
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--------- \
(C om cast
Drawing for Drawing Enthusiasts
Need Car Loan ?
Bad Credit?
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C apture the hum an form by learning special
draw ing techniques from Instructor, M arko Polo
-featuring live m odels. The draw ing class m eets
Saturdays through Aug. 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 12
a.m. in Room 203 o f the Terrell Hall B uilding at
Portland C om m unity C o lleg e’s C ascade C am ­
pus, 705 N. K illingsw orh. The class costs $105.
For m ore inform ation, call 503-978-5143.
Reparations Thursdays
D avid P ark’s band. The R eparations, will play
T hursdays at 9 p.m. w ith DJ C hill and special
guest perform ers and DJs at The Red Sea, 318
S.W . T hird Ave. A dm ission for those 21 and
older is $5.
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