Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 30, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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    July 30. 2003
First Oregon Krispy Kreme Opens on 82nd Avenue
Clackamas just got a little
crispier and a whole lot creamier
with the introduction ofOregon’s
first Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Krispy Kreme fans report­
edly camped outside the store at
9950 S.E. 82"d Ave. for two
straight days, until the ribbon
cutting at 5:15 a.m. Tuesday.
The store put 150 people to
work, making 250 dozen dough­
nuts an hour—all within sight o f
T he C lack a m a s K rispy
Kreme’s drive-thru window is
open 24 hours and seating is
available inside from 5:30 a.m.
to midnight, daily.
Krispy Kreme features 15
doughnut flavors, including the
famous glazed, and a line o f
coffee and espresso drinks.
For more information, visit
Krispy Kreme baker Shalese Brown bakes 3,000 doughnuts an
River Transit Tested with Free Rides
photos by M ark W ashincton /T he
P ortland UBS er VT r
Bruce, Era and Sky Williams wait to board the Willamette Ferry
in the east bank o f the Willamette River near OMSI. The ferry is
\ffering free commuter rides for the next three weekends.
Looking for a new way to move
around downtown? Take the river.
The Willamette Ferry, which car­
ries passengers between Riverplace
Marina, OMSI and the East Espla­
nade, is free to commuters for the next
three weekends, through Aug. 10.
“This m aiden voyage o f the
Willamette Ferry is the first step to
achieve a long-held dream o f a river
transit system in Portland,” said
Mayor Vera Katz.
Signs featuring the ferry route
and schedule are at the entrances to
the dock on the north end o f the
Eastbank Esplanade' s floating walk­
way, at southeast Madison, near the
Hawthorne Bridge.
The ferry is an “environmentally
sensitive” way to travel, according
to Peter Wilcox o f RiversWest.
“This boat is very low-impact— it
has a minimum negative effect on air
and water. It is a very efficient de­
sign and produces a low wake as it
moves through the water,” WitcoX
Fora map o f the ferry route, visit
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Sanctification for Today’s g e n e r a tio n
John 17:19-20
Bishop Ernest»
sponwcd by:
«All \ iti o n s ( ( ) ( ; > (
Danu'is "Memorial Ç’OGIC
1234 NF kiilingtovoFlk Street
Portland, OR ‘****?,i
Praise in Action
A d m issio n is F ree
F o r in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t:
360-260-1493 '
Yvette G. Williams
(Kurt Carr Singers)
Dewitt & Kim Jones
GNC (God N” Charge)
Raising the Roof on Education
The African-American Scholar­
ship Foundation will “Raise the
Roof on Education” at 7 p.m. Sun­
day, Aug. 3 with a fundraiser for
higher education.
The scholarship awards night
with a fashion show, local enter­
tainment and hors d'oeuvres is at
the Shenanigans on the Wi llamette
ballroom, at 4575 N. Channel Ave.
Tickets are $15 and can be pur­
chased at the door or in advance.
The scholarship foundation,
which began in 2000, is available to
African-American children with a
grade point average ofbetw een 2.5
and 3.0, who have the academic
ability to be accepted into a college
ofhigher learning, but lack the nec­
essary funding to keep them there.
The foundation reaches out to chil­
dren who have had to overcome
The foundation accepts dona­
tions o f computers, textbooks and
cash for travel assistance.
For more information, call 503-
Be Responsible,
Know Where You Stand
Open to the Community
New Jobless Benefits Begin
O regon has reached a “high
level o f unem ploym ent,” trigger­
ing a further extension o f Federal
Extended U nem ploym ent Ben­
For the past three m onths, the
state has experienced an average
seasonally-adjusted unem ploy­
ment rate o f 8.4 percent. This
m eans O regon will enter a period
o f high unem ploym ent beginning
the week o f Aug. 3, extending the
num ber o f w eeks a claim ant may
receive unem ploym ent benefits
under the extended benefits pro­
gram from 13 to 20 weeks.
The Oregon Em ploym ent D e­
partm ent will notify all individu­
als potentially eligible for the ex ­
tension. Due to a high volum e o f
activity, the departm ent urges O r­
egonians not to call their local
Em ploym ent D epartm ent offices
regarding this program .
Seeking women aged 18 to 30 to participate in a research
study evaluating an investigational vaccine to prevent herpes.
If you meet the criteria for enrollment, you will be invited to a
screening visit, which will involve a free herpes blood test as
well as free educational materials and counseling about herpes.
Those who qualify based on blood test results will be eligible to
enroll in the vaccine trial. Vaccine trial participants will be
reimbursed for time and travel. For more information or to see
if you qualify, call (503) 226-6678.
Highland United
Church of Christ
Comer of NE Going and 9th Avenue
Wednesday Evening August 6, 2003
5pm - 8pm
African American
Health Coalition, Inc.
W estovertfeights Clinic
2330 NW Flanders Suite 207
Portland, OR 97210
Contact AAHC a t 2800 N. Vancouver Ave Portland, OR 97227,803-413-1880, ktkusarOaaho-portland.org