Page A4 luly 30. 2003 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer The Portland Observer B d IT O I-IU -C C » t a H it F .P U IL IS H I» Charles H. Washington r I v t D itte r o » Paul Neufeldl The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned i f accompanied by a s e lf addressed envelope. A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 T H E P O R T L A N D ____________ USPS 9 5 9 6 8 0 ___________ E Established 1970 d it o O m e t M a n a a e » Kathy Linder » Michael Leighton 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr. Blvd., M I Í» A Mark Washington D is t » i » v t io n P ortland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. K tr o tit» G t » Jaymee R Cuti The Portland Observer—O regon's Oldest M u lticu ltu ra l P u b lic a tio n -is a member o f the National Newspaper Association—Founded in 1885, and The National A dvertising Repre­ sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, N Y , and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. P ostmastik : Send addrats changes to Portland Ohsartrar PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 __________P e rio d ic a l Postage paid In P o rtla n d , OR ■ S u b scriptio n » are $ 6 0 .0 0 p e ry e a r__________ 5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 3 3 • FAX5 0 3 2 8 8 6 0 1 5 • EMAIL: Jackson Applauds Decision To Fine Lions’ Millen Katz Jesse L. Jackson Sr., founder and president o f the Rainbow /PU SH C oa­ lition, praised the National Football L eague’s deci­ sion to fine D etroit Lions team president Matt Millen for violating league policy by failing to interview a m inority candidate for the head coaching position. T h e N F L in fo rm e d M illen by letter that he Jesse L. Jackson Sr. must pay a $200,000 line for failing to follow league guidelines after the firing o f M arty M om hinw eg Millen subsequently hired Steve M ariucci as Lions head coach w ithout in­ te rv ie w in g a m in o rity candidate. “ I ap p lau d th e N FL for its actio n reg ard in g M illen and his d e lib e r­ ate circu m v en tio n o f the Don’t Weaken Head Start House measure cuts vital services to low-income children Oregon Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and David Wu issued statements in reac­ tion to last w eek’s vote in Congress to dramatically alter the popular Head Start program. Both Democratic lawm akers voted against the Republican-sponsored legis­ lation, arguing that it will significantly weaken this highly successful early child­ hood education program. The legislation would allow states to lower standards for Head Start programs and cut vital services for low-income Children and their families. “It makes no sense to gamble with Head Start when we know the program works,” said Blumenauer. “Across the country, states are dealing with an economic crisis and cutting back on services. The finan­ cial outlook in Oregon is already bleak. This legislation would further jeopardize families who are already losing services. “By approving this legislation I fear that the leadership in the House is taking a gamble withourchildren,” Blumenauer said. Wu said Head Start has proven its ability to improve the lives o f disadvan­ taged kids. “I have personal experience with the program — my wife was a Head Start teacher for seven years at the Creston School and I have visited Head Start class­ rooms throughout the First Congressional District. We said despite the success, only 54 percent o f qualified 3 to 4 year-olds are able to participate and take advantage o f Head Start. For the 9,000 Oregon kids in Head Start, there are about 9,000 others who qualify but can’t participate. “I opposed the House bill because it does not help increase the number o f quali tied kids who can participate in Head Start,” Wu said. "Rather, it seeks to experi­ ment with the program by allowing eight states to receive block grants to adminis­ ter the program. Instead o f experimenting with something that already works, we should be focusing on allowing all quali­ fied children to reap the benefits o f Head Start.” league ‘s d iv e rsity g u id e lin e s,” Jack- son said. “ H o p efu lly , th is w ill send a clea r m essag e to h irin g ag e n ts for pro team s that they w ill be held a c co u n t­ able. T he N F L to o k th e first step in the rig h t d ire c tio n by ad o p tin g the g u id elin es, b ut the ru les m u st be re­ sp ected and ad h e red to .” T he L ions o rg an iz atio n ap p a ren tly w o n ’t be fin ed o r su ffe r th e loss o f d raft picks. T h e L io n s, at the tim e M ariucci w as h ired , c o n ten d e d they had attem p ted to in terv iew b lack c a n ­ Story Ideas fo r the Portland Observer? Do you know about a story that hasn’t showed up In other newspapers? If so, the newly expanded Portland Observer editorial staff would like to know. Please fill our this form and attach a brief description of your news tip so we can contact you. Outline of Story Idea:_____________________________________________ Name: Phone: Send your response to: The Portland Observer Editorial Staff, 4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland, Or. 97211 or fax 503-288-0015. Submissions can be made by emailing The Portland Observer is Oregon s Oldest and Largest M ulti-Cultural Newspaper. American Hero Pursued soon follow. Now information has surfaced that Miss Nineteen recently overdosed on pills in the wake o f a breakup with a boyfriend and the death o f another close friend. The episode \flas described as a calling out for help! Did she pursue a lifestyle that tran­ scended her earnings? Did the prosecu­ tion know o fh e r fragile mental anteced­ ents when urging media to respect her privacy? Kobe is certainly remiss in his indiscre­ tion. But a man with money needs to adopt an ethical code o f conduct and practice that removes one from compromising po­ sitions. A celebrity must never find him­ self alone with a stranger. K.TaylorCurry Portland The Portland Observer’s distribution of nearly 40,000 papers encompasses a wide cross-section of residential and state readership, as well as a large percentage of the local business community. Become a part of our community. Read the Portland Observer News. Price of Subscriptions 1 Year $60.00 2 Years $100.00 Make check payable to the Portland Observer News or pay by Visa or Master Card. Renewal $60.00 Online subscriptions are also available a t ; Subscription Lorin Another Forum with Police Needed 1 h o u ran d 4 5 m inutes to the com m unity m eant that people who cam e on tim e were forced to w ait a long time with their e m o tio n s in ch e c k . Is th is C h ie f K roeker's prom ise o f “ intense com m u­ nity debate?" Let’s have another community forum— for us, the people. We in the white commu­ nity— especially those in the outlying suburban areas, need to hear w hat Portland’s communities o f color have ex­ perienced at the hands o f the police. We need to hear first-hand about the brutality, the injustice, the harassment and the intimidation. Then all o f Portland can understand the injustice o f not only this latest deadly event, but the historical record o f racism in “the city o f roses”. Linda Kanzinger P o rtla n d S ta te U n iversity P resident D aniel O. B ernstine released the fo llo w in g sta te ­ m ent regarding M ayor Vera K a tz ’s decision last week not to seek a fo u rth term in office: M ayor V era Katz has left an indelible mark on Portland State University. She has been an out­ standing advocate for the univer­ sity, as well as the city, and we have grow n stronger because o f her leadership. M ayor K atz has w orked har,d to m ake PSU a great university for this great city o f Portland. When she leaves office, Mayor Katz’ s legacy on this campus wi 11 be reflected in the Urban Center, the Sim on B enson H ouse, the Streetcar, the form ation o f the University District and our soon to be constructed N orthw est C enter for Engineering, Science and Technology building. She has m ade the strongest com m itm ent o f any Portland m ayor to Portland State U niver­ sity and we will m iss her when she leaves office. You Probably Saw It In ì,!r ^ o rtla n ò (©bseruer betters to the (SLditer I would think a “community forum” would be a place where the community could speak. In a city our size, one would expect it to take some time forcommunity members to voice their thoughts and feelings, espe­ cially when so many people feel that the death o f Kendra James at the hands o f police was a ‘straw that broke the cam el’s back.’ Sgt. Brian Schmautz, a police spokes­ man, fretted that Rev. Roy Tate inter­ rupted the detective’s presentation “after less than one hour.” Taken out o f context, this forgets that for the two months, yes, 60 days, the community “w aited" for an opportunity to express their feelings and frustrations in the case. The forum s’ format, giving the first 3 hours and 15 m inutes to police and then Leadership Will be Missed If It’s New or Informative, ■MMWHMMMMMMHMMNMMI Kobe Bryant, with all ofhis accomplish­ ments, finds himsel f through the crosshairs o f a Colorado prosecution. Whether he was courting adultery or practicing a one- night stand, his lapse o f prudence results inconvenience, ordeal and expense. We do not know whether the alleged victim expected an ongoing involvement, the romance ofherdream s, ascribed social contacts or an opportunity at fame. Is Miss Nineteen so naive that she expected to be kept? Nonetheless a respectable hotel may not only suspend but also ter­ minate an employee who is fraternal with hotel guests. A business must avoid any appearance o f impropriety or suspicion o f allowing ladies o f the night on its payroll. For where there is vice and narcotics, extortion, robbery and white slavery will d id a te, but w ere reb u ffed b ecau se o f th e w ell-k n o w n b e lie f th at M illen had alre ad y d ec id e d to hire M ariucci. “Token interviews are unacceptable,” Jackson said. “W e ca n ’t allow black coaches to be used as paw ns to satisfy a rule that m ust have real teeth. A $200,000 fine is a m outhful o f teeth and adds a significant bite to the N F L ’s guidelines. W e certainly expect to see m ore m inority interview as tim e goes on, and subsequently, m ore m inority co ach es. N am e________ A d d ress_______ C ity__________ State P hone________ Fax _ Zip Code Company Name Gift subscriptions are also available for half price with your renewal. ( . il l Subscription Lorin Nam e___ A ddress _ C ity_____ State P h o n e___ Fax . ®1’* ^portlanò (Observer P.O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 503.288.0033 or Fax 503.288.0015 Northeast Portland A 4 Zip Code