PagcA2 luly 30. 2003 P olice Guard Says Teen Shot to Anger Moose Gunfire Kills Councilman ch am b er’s crow ded (A P) - N ew york balcony and died at a M ayor M ic h a e l hospital. B loom berg w alked A security officer through a metal de­ fired up at his killer, tector as he returned O thniel A sk ew -w h o toCity Hall on Thurs- had avoided the metal day.adayatteracoun- detectors because he cilm anallow edarival w as with D avis - and politician to bypass the 31 -year-old died a security, leading to a short tim e later at the sh o o tin g th a t left New York Councilman sam e hospital, police them both dead. James Davis said. “W e have a city Askew had been a rival o f D avis’ to ru n e sam e city that C ou n cil­ man (Jam es) D avis w as trying to and had filed papers to oppose him help,” B loom berg said. “A nd the in a three-way council race in this rest o f us have a responsibility to tall'sDemocraticprimaiy.Bloombeig his fam ily and to 8 m illion people to said. But he was not an official can­ continue.” didate because he hadn ’ t filed enough T h e a tta c k last W e d n esd ay petition signatures. D av is sp o k esw o m an A m y re turned N ew Y ork C ity ’s seat o f governm ent into a crim e scene, with Loom is said D avis and A skew had scream ing political aides and terri­ recently called a truce, and had met fied visitors diving for cover. three tim es in recent weeks. W hen Davis, 4 1, a form er police officer A skew show ed up last W ednes­ and ordained minister w ho cam ­ day at D av is’ office in Brooklyn paigned against urban violence, was and asked if they could go to City shot several tim es in the council Hall together, D avis agreed. Defense attorneys want to block testimony (A P) — S niper defendant Lee Boyd M alvo told a prison guard that he shot a teenage victim to anger M ontgom ery C ounty, Md., Police C h ief C harles M oose and that he had intended to shoot an entire busload o f children, the guard testified Thursday. The claim s w ere am ong several M alvo allegedly m ade to guards shortly after he and fellow defen­ dant John Allen M uham m ad were arrested in O ctober. M alvo’s attorneys, w ho want to keep the testim ony out o f his trial, said som e o f the claim s — such as shooting a senator on a gol f course — cast doubt on al I the alleged statem ents. Joseph Stracke, a guard at a Bal­ tim ore prison, said at a prelim inary hearing that M alvo spoke proudly o f various shootings. Stracke said he asked M alvo w hy he w ounded a m iddle-school stu­ dent. "T o m ake C h ief M oose upset, to m ak e h im em o tio n al so he w o u ld n ’t think straig h t, and it w orked,” the guard quoted M alvo as saying. M oose, w ho has since left the departm ent, led the sniper investi- D avis said he d id n 't necessarily believe everything M alvo said. "1 w as under the im pression he w as exaggerating to m e,” Davis said. M alvo’s law yers said the array o f claim s calls into question the veracity o f any o f the alleged con­ fessions. M alvo, 18, and M uham m ad, 42, have been linked to 20 shootings, Moose including 13 deaths, in V irginia, gation. He is a form er Portland Po­ Maryland, Georgia, Alabama, Loui­ lice C h ief and long tim e Portland siana and W ashington, D.C. Both could face the death penalty if con­ officer. M alvo said he had in itially victed. P r o s e c u to r s h a v e s a id th e planned to shoot a busload o f chil­ dren, but aborted that plan, Stracke shootings carried out in m etropoli­ testified. T he reason w as unclear. tan W ashington during a three- A second guard, W ayne Davis, w eek spree in O ctober w ere part o f said M alvo claimed that he shot a a schem e to extort $ 10 m illion from senator on a g o lf course, that he had the governm ent. shot a young black w om an w ho an­ D avis said M alvo talked about a swered a door, and that he had tracked racial m otivation forthe killings but down and shot a schoolmate who a lso said the sh o o tin g s “w ere had been picking on him. m ostly about m oney.” Bank Robberies Tied to Four Suspects WE'LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTABLE f LIFETIME WARRANTY 6444 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97211 The FBI says these four suspects may be responsible for a quarter o f Oregon's bank robberies. (A P) — Bank robberies have increased sharply this year and the FBI blam es four men for m ore than a q uarter o f the crim es. The robberies likely w ere not connected, said FBI spokesw om an Beth A nne Steele. "They ’re not that organized," said Tom Linger, a spokesman for Wells Fargo, w hich has seen an increase in robberies this year. “These guys Ogi Ognianov Phone 503-445.4702 Cell 503.380.4425 are usually drug addicts. T hey’re not planning that far in advance.” Linger said four suspects are w anted in connection w ith 26 rob­ beries in the greater Portland area. They are thought to have robbed betw een three and 10 banks each. O nly one has ever show n a weapon, the FBI said. A fter a July 14 robbery in north­ west Portland, theFB I reported that there have been 93 bank robberies in O regon this year. In the sam e period last year, there w ere 60. For all o f 2002, there w ere 128 bank robberies, statew ide, dow n from 247 in 1996, the highest num ­ ber in the past seven years. The FBI said the current increase m ight be a result o f increased drug use or the possibility that there are m ore petty crim inals on the streets as a result o f state and local law enforcem ent budget cuts. Police Search Non-Whites More Town examines treatment minorities at traffic stops (A P) -- N onw hites stopped by police in C orval I is are searched m ore often and detained longer than the general population, an analysis released by the city says. Data was collected during 11,550 traffic stops during 2001 and 2002. A w ider state study o f 600,000 stops by the state C rim inal Justice D ivision show ed a sim ilar trend. The C orvallis study exam ines how police treat people after a traffic stop, not w hether there w as intentional bias in stopping them. M em bersoftheC om m unity Policing Forum, an advisory com m ittee to the police depart­ m ent, requested the analysis to see if prelim i­ nary figures could be explained by random chance. The study found that o f 335 stops that lasted longer than 30 m inutes, H ispanics m ade up 18 percent o f those involved but m ake up only 4.9 percent o f the city ’s population. B lacks w ere 2.7 percent o f the people involved in longer stops but represent only 1.1 percent o f the population. A typical stop takes 15 to 20 m inutes, police said. C orvallis Police C h ie f G ary B oldizsar sug­ gested longer stops o f H ispanic drivers could be because o f language problem s. C ity C ouncil President Rob G andara, also president o f the C om m unity Policing Forum , said he thinks language m ay be only part o f the problem. “ H ispanics are not any m ore likely to be arrested, but th ey ’re m ore likely to be searched,” G andara said. Teens Arrested in Statue Vandalism At home with Family. Turning work into play. Connecting on a different level just by changing scenery. Hanging out ‘til dark. Outdoor bliss. Home! Over three generations of homeowners have trusted American Family Insurance for the sound advice and committed service that helps them live life to the fullest. Give us a call or visit today. Discover the peace of mind of knowing Family's always at home protecting what matters most to you. American Family Insurance. Check your local telephone directory for the agent nearest you. AMERICAN FAMILY S U R A N C E All your protection under one roof 4 Tw o teenage boys arrested for vandalizing the Joan o f Arc statute at Northeast Glisan and 39,h Avenue told police they dum ped paint on the statue because “ it w as too shiny". The 1925 statute w as recently repainted and coated with g o lf leaf. R epairing the dam age is estim ated at m ore than $5,000. T here had been speculation the destruction w as a hate crim e. It occurred on B astille D ay, F rance’s In d ep en d en ce D ay. T he statue com m em orates Portland soldiers w ho fought alongside the French in W orld W ar I. The 14 and 13 y ear olds w ere charged after police traced the pur­ chase o f paint at a local Fred M eyer store. Women Confess ‘Street Family’ M urder (A P )— T w o w om en have pleaded guilty in the death o fa m entally disabled A frican A m eri­ can w om an w ho police say w as killed hy her “street fam ily” for violating its code ofconduct. Crystal A. G race, 20, pleaded guilty last week to second-degree kidnapping, third-degree robbery and third-degree assault in the death o f 22-year-old Jessica W illiams ofG ladstone, w ho w as beaten, stabbed and set on fire. Her body w as found M ay 23 near the F.astbank Espla­ nade in Portland. In exchange for her plea, G race agreed to testify against others w ho have been indicted in W illiam s’ slaying. G race is scheduled to be sentenced T hursday to five years in prison on the kidnapping charge. Heidi L. Keller, 21, pleaded guilty July 22 to the sam e charges as G race and was sentenced to five years in prison under an identical agreement. 4 T hirteen people have been indicted in W ill­ iam s'slay in g . Danielle M aneC ox, 18; Jam es Aaron Stewart, 18; and Carl Richard Alsup, 18, face aggravated m urder charges. C ox and S tew art have been arrested, but police are still looking for A lsup. á