Page B4 CLASSIFIEDS/BIDS R eligion INVITATION TO BID BRI' Metro is requesting bids for four (4) pre-manufactured pre-cast reinforced concrete flush toilet restrooms (RFB #04-1083-PKS). Potential bidders may obtain bid documents by contacting the Regional Parks and Greenspaces Department at (503) 797 1870. Sealed bids must be delivered to the Parks Department at Metro, 600 NE Grand, Portland, Oregon 97232-2736, to the attention of Glenn Taylor no later than 11:00 a.m., Thursday, August 14,2003, bids will be publicly opened at 3:00 p.m. and read in Room 270. Postmarks and faxes are not acceptable And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3v. Pastor Elder J.W. Friday Gel Up and let us worship the Lord together. We go a long way bock, let's go the last mile of the way together. Service Time photo by "Early Riser Worship Service" M ark W ashincton /T he P ortland O bserver Congratulations to Bishop Wilbert G. Hardy Sr. (from left), who celebrated his 75"' birthday Friday, July 25, with his sons Thomas W. Hardy, Elder Lamarr Hardy Sr. and Pastor Wilbert Gail Hardy, Jr. of the Highland United Church of Christ. Hardy Sr. is a pastor and founder of New Freedom Assembly in northeast Portland. Thursday Night Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Service Location: 6401 NE 10th Avenue (Corner of NEIOth and Highland) H ig h la n d U .C .C . L o v e In A c tio n V I Women’s Club Dignitaries Dignitaries from the oldest Black women's organization in the country spoke at the Northwest Region of the National Association o f Colored Women's Club and Youth Affiliates Convention last Saturday in Portland. Margaret Cooper (from left), president o f the National Association o f Colored Women 's Club and Johnnie B. Peters, Northwest regional president of the club, addressed members at a banquet. FREE For transportation or additional information call (503) 287-9567 Email HighhindTEfttaolxom W.G. Hardy, Jr., Sr. Pastor • Food Haircuts Entertainment Activities This event is open to the public; with entertainment for the entire family. An opportunity to take one’s mind off the seriousness facing today’s society. A tim e o f healing for our community. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. / Alberta Park (on the corner of 22nd & Killingsworth) Saturday August 16,2003 11:00 am - 5:00 pm photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver O b itu a r ie s L o cal G ospel S in g er Dies Church of the Living God Christian workers fo r fellow ship 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 11 Î Services Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Weds Bible Study Pastor and First Ladv Rov G. Moxie 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. "Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” For more information please call (503) 284-5171 Everyone s Welcome.... A funeral was held last week at they later divorced. In 1974, he Vancouver Avenue First Baptist m arried M ^ Rene Elliott. Church in Portland for Hillary Kelly Survivors include wife Hillary Sr., who died July 23 at age 75. Kelly Jr.; sons Henry L. Kelly, David Mr. K elly was born Oct. 13, J.R. Kelly, Kelvin Dunn, Ken Barrell, 1927, in M cCall C reek, Miss. He Dennis R. Kelly, Marcus W. Kelly m oved to Portland in 1967 and and Michael J. Kelly; daughters, w as a m aintenance w orker for Mary Sorrell, Helen Staples, Lora Sears. He sang in several P ort­ Adams and Tangela L. Kelly and 35 land gospel groups and at w ed­ grandchildren; and great-grand­ dings, funerals and revivals. In children. His daughter Irene Kelly 1947, he m arried Inez W oods; died in 2 0 01. Full Holy Ghost Pastor Dies Bishop Kindrick Sims, pastor o f Full Holy Ghost Mission Church died Saturday, July 26. Funeral ser­ vices, officiated by Elder L.Gordon o f Seattle, are scheduled Tuesday, Aug. 5 at the church located at 213 N. Killingsworth. Bishop Sims leaves behind his precious and devoted wife, Evang Inez Sims; daughters Julie Darling, o f A tlan ta, G a. and S an d ra Wadsworth, o f Portland; sons Elder Kenneth Sims and Kermit Sims o f Portland; brother Pastor James O. Sim sofD etroit;ahost o f grandchil­ dren nieces and nephews. Relocation Advertise with in , '* {.Indiani» (Obserurr, call 503.288.0033 continued r /m BtDttib... "Beautiful M Bud’s Em ua at qua Id Annual 'Wonvuu ^onjeunn. Contact: Patricia Peek (503) 287-7774 Saturday August 16, 2003 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Bethesda Christian Church 109 N Emerson Ave.., Portland, Oregon Patricia Peek ynthia Moore Tarla Strong This is a public works project. The contractor and all subcontractors and suppliers, shall be required to comply with ORS 279.350 through 279.354 and ensure that all workers are paid not less than, and in accordance with, the Prevailing Wages published by the Oregon Bureau Labor of Industries. Metro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age religion, physical handicap, political affiliation o r, marital status. p resents ■ The length of the contract is nine months (September 2003 through June 2004). Bidders must comply with Metro’s Minority, Women-Owned and Emerging Small Business Enterprise Program. Any questions regarding MBE/WBE/ESB requirements should be addressed to the M etro M BE/W B E/ESB Program Ad voca te, C in na 'M on Brannon-Williams at (503) 797-1816. "Life Is What You Make It Only You Fake It" * The contract contemplated consists of the manufacture, delivery and installation on Owner prepared gravel pads of four (4) pre- manufactufed pre-cast reinforced concrete flush toilet restrooms as detailed in the drawings and specifications. Two of the eight individual unit restrooms will be delivered and installed at Blue Lake Regional Park located at 20500 NE Marine Drive, Troutdale, OR 97060 and one eight unit and one four unit restroom will be delivered and installed at Oxbow Regional Park located at 3010 SE Oxbow Parkway, Gresham, OR 97080. Bidders and Subcontractors must be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractor's Board pursuant to ORS 701.035-90. For Information Call: (503) 202-7560 1 Restrooms for Metro Parks RFB #04-1083-PKS Celebrating 75 Years AR Oregon First Junsdiction Prelate • Bishop A.R . Hopkins Sr. k luly 30. 2003 (Tljf Jia rt lanh ©bseruer yce Smr Barbara Bailey I from Front VI the Portland way, very caring and compassionate with the com ­ munity involved," said Shelly Marchesi, communication director for the housing authority. “There’s a tremendous amount o f learning from the last 10 years. We have the benefit o f the experi­ ence o f other Hope VI projects.” According to Perez from Sisters in Action, 40,000 public housing units have been lost nationally because o f Hope VI “im prove­ ments." “ Part o f our concern around this issue is the larger trend th a t's happening in the w ay H ope VI grants are used to dism antle p u b ­ lic housing around the co m m u ­ nity. Every tim e a city gets a Hope VI grant, thousands o f fam ilies are displaced,” Perez said. “ B e­ tween gentrification and relo ca­ tion, you’re talking about a mass d isp lac em e n t o f lo w -in c o m e people out o f the city .” Sub-Bids Requested Fire Stations 8,19, & 20 Bid Date: August 7,2003 at 11:00 a.m. John Hyland Const., Inc. H YLAND g) P.O.Box 7867 c o m , me, $ Eugene, OR 97401 Rhone: 541-726-8081 Fax: 541-741-0896 CCB# 46071 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from emerging small businesses, small disadvantaged subcontractors, worrten, minority business enterprises. Sub Bids/Supplier Quotes Requested Portland Community College Cascade Campus Northwest Parking Lot Divlslons2&16 Voluntary Prebid at WWC Conference Rm. 10 AM August 1 Bids due 3 PM Wednesday, Aug. 13,2003 Walsh Construction CO.-/0R 2905 SW First Ave Portland, OR 97201 (503) 222-4375 FAX (503) 274-7676 Contact: Bob Forster or Don Geddos ORCCB # 147267 Walsh Construction Co. is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from Minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. Academic Position Announcement - Research Assistant: Work as a member of a team on federally funded grant projects (current funding available until Fall 2005) to: a) coordinate evaluation activities across multiple projects, b) provide technical assistance and training to high school transition and postsecondary technical training programs, c) conduct research and evaluation in transition and postsecondary area, d) develop and dissem inate project information. Experience working in/with high schools, community colleges or technical training schools; with adolescents and young adults with disabilities; with job and career development for people with disabilities; in providing training and technical assistance in the area of transition and employment; in coordinating and working across multiple tasks and activities with different people; in managing grants, including evaluation; in writing technical and practice oriented materials. Need to have excellent communication skills, organizational skills and creative problem solving skills; have word-processing, database and email skills; be able to initiate and complete tasks independently and efficiently; and be able to prioritize work coming from different sources. Master’s degree in area of special education, postsecondary education, rehabilitation or related field; or BA degree with grant m anagem ent experience and com parable relevant experience. Full position description available on request Salary Range: $42,000-544,000 based on 1.0 FTE for 12 months. Review of applications will begin August 11,2003 and position will remain open until filled. Mail vita and letter of interest, which summarizes your experience relevant to the responsibilities and qualifications listed above to; Priscilla Phillips, Educational and Com m unity Supports, 1235 University of Oregon, Eugene 97403-1235. The University of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to Cultural Diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.