•ly 23, 2003 Page B3 (Elje ^ o rtla n ò ©bseruer G I A N T STORE WIDE S /X 1 ^ 1 2 ! ! Focus BUY ANY 2 NEW OR USED CLOSE-OUT CD’S, GET ONE FOR FREE!! USED VHS TAPES 3 FOR $15!! USED DVDS 2 FOR $20!! FREE JAZZ PEAK PERFORMANCES CD (off the Hook) unden De ' Leon jr s Fresh Face in Hollywood Black Actress to Star in an O rigi­ nal O nline Series” for her role in the online series Sitcom . Her fresh, adventurous percep­ tive and creative visual imagery led to a 5-year deal with the Hol­ Enticing and vibrantly enter- lywood film company MarrLand tining, actress Lunden D e’Leon Entertainment to produce and di­ • best know n for her role as rect movies for theatrical and tele­ oanne M butu on the hit televi- vision release. The first film w ith L u n d en ’s ion series Vital Signs, a com ing f age dram a about a group o f as producer/director is the ac­ iends trying to m ake it in m edi­ tion m ovie The Four H orsemen, al school. described as having the intrigue She has starred in the 20th Cen- o f C lear and Present D anger, iry Fox m ovie The Ladies Room, the grit o f T raffic and the fast- rllowed by Surviving Paradise, paced action o f Lethal W eapon. ryptz, F aux-Pas, Fury and the B esides acting, this Sw im suit :m akeofthe 1970’s A B C hittele- Illustrated model has graced the ision show G et C hristy Love pages o f num erous national and tied U ndercover. international m agazines and ap ­ Media buzz has already tagged peared in m usic videos for art­ unden as “one o f the new faces ists such as M ichael Jackson, (‘Hollywood.” In 2001, she made Lenny Kravitz, Bon Jovi and The istory by becom ing the “First T em ptations. \ctress and model ilso produces and iirects Celia Cruz performs during a rehearsal for the Latin Grammys in Los Angeles. Cruz died in her house in Fort Lee. New Jersey, last week. She was 77 years old. (AP Photo) ‘Queen of Salsa,’ Dies (AP) — From Ruben B lades’ perspective, Celia Cruz was to salsa music what Ella Fitzgerald and Sa­ rah Vaughn were to jazz - a classic icon who defined the genre per­ fectly. "She had a tremendous command o f the stage, and a tremendous charisma,” the entertainer said af­ ter learning that Cruz, the “Queen o f Salsa,” had died last W ednes­ day from a brain tumor. She was 77. “She had a tremendous voice, a strong voice, one o f the strongest voices I ever heard anyone have, male or female, and she had a tremen­ dous sense o f rhythm also,” he said. "All of that is a legacy o f a generation that we may not see again.” Cruz died in her home at Fort Lee, N.J., just outside New York. C ruz's husband, trumpeter Pedro Knight, was at her side. Cruz recorded more than 70 al­ bums. She remained energetic late into her career, and was popular with both young and old audiences. At last year’s Latin Grammys, she gave a hip-shaking performance wearing a frothy blue-and-white headpiece and a tight red dress. Pop and salsa singer Marc An­ thony, who recently paid tribute to Cruz at a gala concert, said in a statement: “ We are witnessing the end o f an era. She is simply irre­ placeable and it’s just an honor to know that she was a part o f my life.” worth J924 se 4? th & W oodstock 5 0 3 -7 7 7 -3 9 0 0 T .B , E n t e r p r is e s P r e s e n t s T he I s l e y B rothers ¿7 Selling Album "Body Kiss" J. Z ’ fJ I / ickets go mi sale July 14, 2OO.1 Available („ The Crystal Ballroom, Terrell Brandons Barbershop anil any Tickrtmaslers outlets. Trice $40.00 Sunday August 31. 2003] Crystal Ballroom 1332 W Burnside 9:00pm Until Pic• party/Concert/ After party z Afropean Hip-Hop Comes to Portland Zoo Les Nubians, an Afropean hip- Afropean" sensa­ op/R&B duo based in Paris, is tions Les Nubians ipidly winning the praise o f audi- and Zap Mama will nces and critics alike. Sisters be weaving their lelene and Celia Faussart singover exotic music over wide range o f sounds including the concert lawn o f ilk, reggae, afro-beat, pop, and the Oregon Zoo on lectronica. Sunday, July 27, as The five female voices o f Zap part o f the Wells 4ama com e together to create Fargo Summer clectic and moving sounds that Concert Series. iclude soul, gospel, pygmy song nd Afro-Cuban rhythms. Marie Jaulne formed the Brussels based mony based sound to an authentic ;roup in 1990. The group has pop band with the addition o f sev­ •volved from a mostly vocal-har- eral instruments and the incorpora- tion o f hip-hop and other diverse sounds. New to the sum m er concerts this year are gourm et, pre-packed picnics for concertgoers to pick up w hen they arrive. “W e’re making it really easy to enjoy the concerts and have a relax­ ing dinner on the lawn,” said Swan. “ I’eopie ^aft just come to fhe zoo and find their delicious, gourmet picnic waiting.” Concertgoers can also try the zoo’s summer barbecue and nightly specials, then sit back and enjoy a diverse mixture o f mu­ sical styles. The series helps financially sup­ port the zoo’s mission o f conserva­ tion and education. / his is a 21 ¿v ticer affair Dress 2 Impress For more information check www brandonbarbershop com •i.l. n, - -laj,;., i-W Oi », s ¡ ,.,7 ' H i l l IIR O I I II l b Ito \ > I II I' I I I MB ulti.!. 77V • fh>t>A fjazz S t i v a i A u g u st 2 & 3 Gresham M ain City Park, Main at Powell Bivd. Oregonian A&E Stage featuring Native Culture Center Nears Completion continued Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, twice as bad as before, star in “Bad Boys II. ” Bigger and Badder Known for their winning formu­ las at the box office, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are no strangers when it com es to blockbuster suc­ cesses. Nevertheless, the sequel to Bad Boys has them very excited. “This is hands down the most an­ ticipated film that I have ever done,” says Smith. “People really want to see Bad Boys 11 and it’s long over­ due,” says Smith Smith stars with Lawrence and thestunningGabrielleUnion in Bad Boys II, a Columbia Pictures pre­ sentation and a Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer Production. In this new installment, Miami narcotics detectives M ike Lowrey (S m ith) and M arcus B urnett (Lawrence) are part o f a high-tech task force assigned to stem the flood o f designer ecstasy into Mi­ ami. They unwittingly uncover a deadly conspiracy in vol vingTapia (Jordi Molla), a ruthless drug lord determined to expand his empire and take control o f the city’s bur­ geoning drug trade, killing anyone who stands in his way. The dynamic chemistry be­ tween Smith and Martin is stron­ ger than ever in Bad Boys II. front Metro and program s w ith N ative cur­ riculum , including an Institute for Tribal G overnm ent and an undergraduate N ative A m erican studies certificate program . “The Native American Student and Community Center marks an im p o rta n t m ile sto n e in the university’s history and in our ability to serve Native students and the larger com munity,” said PSU President Daniel Bemstine. U nique art installations will com plim ent the c e n te r's arch i­ tecture and landscape. Still in the works are a smoke hole prism, g la ss s to ry w all an d to te m marker. The trophy piece o f the co l­ lection is a bronze statue o fC h ie f Joseph sculpted by N ez P erce, C h ip p e w a a n d A s s in ib o in e sculptor Doug Hyde. V alued at $190,000 and standing 10 feet high, the statue w as donated by Y osh id a’s Fine A rts G allery. ANNIE MAE’S UNIQUE GIFTS & APPAREL 2631 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 503 528-2933 Tuesday - Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Shop at Annie Mae's Unique Gifts & Apparel A friendly, and affordable store to purchase: Women Apparel • Lady's hats • Shoes • Unique Jewelry • Men Cultural Attire Greeting Cards • Porcelain Dolls • Limited Edition o f Figurines Joe Lovano Nonet • Nnenna Freelon f it * w Classical Jazz Quartet w/Kenny Barron, Stefon Harris, Rufus Reid & Lewis Nash Jason Moran • Peters Drury Trio - . 5 ■ ’ U R L' MUSIC, INC. T O P T E N L IS T Busta Rhymes -- "It Aint Safe No More" 1» Greg Osby • Tin Hat Trio • Ron Steen A dvance T ic k e ts $ 1 5 per day Order your tickets today! Tickets available at all Safeway/TicketsWest locations or call 800-992 TIXX 503 224 8499 or log onto www.mthoodjazz.com Bone Crusher - "Attenchun" For additional Festival information call 503-665 3827 or email info(K>mthoodjazz.com Whitney Houston - "Just Whitney" WC -- "Ghetto Heisman" Tom Braxton - "More Than A Woman" Solange - "Solo Star” R8GUE BORDERS A*A B Ä ' It a M M iM S Enc Sermon - "React" TLC3D ..^R< UMPQUA B A M K (comcast © TRI MET w w w .m th o o d ja z z .c o m "Friday After Next Snd Trk" The Isley Brothers Happy 13th Birthday! 1615 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 503/284-2435 503/289-8906 FAX To Lynessa Massad From all your family Need Car Loan? Bad Credit? You are Approved! I f Job + Driver License=Car Loan & Choose from 500, Cars, SUV, Vans & Trucks Call Now: 971-570-1233 "Local C all"