luly 23. 2003 ®l|e Jlortlanh ©bserber ©IBSIEIR Page AS I Winters Urged to Run for Congress Could replace J.C. Watts as lone Republican Actress Makes Directorial Debut A cto r a n d d ire c to r S a lm a H a yek ta k e s q u e s tio n s fro m th e m e d ia d uring th e p r e s e n ta tio n o f th e cable-T V m o v ie “The M a ld o n a d o M ira c le ," h e r directorial d e b u t. (AP p h o to ) (A P ) — A ctress Salm a Hayek says she initially turned dow n the offer to direct the u pcom ing cable television m ovie "T he M aldonado M iracle.” “I felt so honored, but I passed," she said. "T hen I w ent to do F rida’ and when I cam e back and I started reading scripts and I d id n ’t like anything, I said I need to find som ething that I’m passionate about. The film is H ay ek 's directorial debut. “T he M aldonado M iracle" is about the testing o f a sm all to w n ’s faith when a statue o f Jesus appears to be shedding tears o f blood. It stars Ruben Blades, Peter Fonda and M are W inningham . “ S h e’s a b o m leader and you w ant to d eliver for her," W inningham told the T elevision C ritics A ssociation last week. "S h e ’s very inspired and excitable and bossy and creative, and you w ant to m ake her dream com e true.” H ayek also w as executive producer for the m ovie, w hich airs O ct. 12 on Showtime. S ta t e S e n . J a c k ie W inters The 2004 elections are 16 m onths aw ay, but State Sen. Jackie W inters, R -Salem , is al ready considering a challenge to D e m o cratic C o n g re ssw o m a n D arlene Hooley. A nd sh e ’s getting encourage m ent from President Bush, w h o 'd love to see a black R epublican in C ongress. T here are none left since O k lah o m a’s J.C. W atts left C on gress last year. “ I*ve had conversations w ith the president on acouple ofoccasions,” said W inters, w ho is s e n ing in her first state Senate term . “ I ’ve said that I w ould look at it, but I w o n ’td o anything until after the session.” W inters, 66, said she likes the idea o f taking her interest in hum an services to the next level. W inters, o w n e ro f Jack ie’s Ribs, has a long history o f com m unity involvem ent. She is a charter m em - Community Bank Opens on Fremont i a O rru v Check All Boxes that Apply Census amplifies confusion of what it means to be Latino (A P) — Jean-R o b ert L afortne considers h im self Latino, but to the governm ent he is not H ispanic. He checked o ff black as his race on his census form , but ask him directly and he will call him self A fro-C arib bean. W hile the C ensus B ureau re cently m inted H ispanics as the n atio n ’s largest m inority group, Lafortune is an exam ple o f the con fusion over w hat it m eans to be H ispanic o r L atino and the co m parison with blacks and w hites. H ispanic first appeared in 1980 as a choice on a census q u estio n naire. The ethnic category is d iffer ent from any other label the govern m ent uses in looking at A m ericans. H ispanics can be o f any race. T here are w hite H ispanics, black H ispanics and A sian H ispanics, for exam ple. Y et it is unclear w hat the category means. M any, but not all, H ispanics speak Spanish. For som e, ancestry in a Spanish-speak ing country w as many generations back. The Census Bureau reported this month that the Hispanic population grew nearly lOpercent to 38.8 million betw een April 2000 and July 2002. The rate o f grow th w as four times that o f the overall U.S. population. A b o u t tw o - th ir d s o f th e country’s H ispanics are M exican, 9 percent are Puerto R ican a n d 4 p er cent are Cuban. II ispanics can come from nearly 20 other places as well, including C olom bia, El Salvador and Spain, according to the C ensus Bureau. The governm ent defines H is panic as som eone from a S panish speaking country, though hundreds o f native dialects that predate the introduction o f Spanish by colo nists still are spoken throughout C entral and South A m erica. A s im m igration from M exico began to grow in the 1960s and 1970s, pressure m ounted to m ore accurately count H ispanics. O n the 2000 census, the ques tion w as phrased, “Is this person S panish/H ispanic/L atino?” People w ho said “yes” w ere asked to check o ff a box that identified them as M exican, Puerto Rican, C uban o ra w rite-in box for another country o f origin. The C ensus B ureau release in cluded four pages o f guidance on how to com pare race and ethnicity data. T he bureau recom m ended com paring H ispanics to all blacks, regardless o f ethnicity or how many other races they belonged to. It w as the first tim e in m ore than a decade that the bureau issued such guidance. A bout 1.7 m illion people in July 2002 w ere identi fied by the govern m ent as black and H ispanic, w hile 36.3 m illion said they w ere w hite and Hispanic. P u b lica cio n es en E sp a ñ o l S e g ú n lo s d a to s d el c e n s o nacional de 2000, el 7 p o r ciento de lo s re s id e n te s d e O re g o n son hispanos/latinos. Estacifra equivale a m ás o m enos 230,000 personas. Para m ejor servirlas necesidades de los hispanos y latinos del estado, el Servicio de Extensión (Extensión Service) de O regon State U niver- sity hoy en día ofrece un núm ero creciente de sus p ublicaciones y videos en español, así com o en inglés. El Servicio de E xtensión ofrece m ás de 37 publicaciones y videos en español, con una ampl ia variedad de tem as, incluyendo lajard in ería, la cocina, el cuidado de niños y la s e g u r id a d p a ra tr a b a ja d o r e s agrícolas. U n a lista d e los m a te ria le s d isp o n ib le s se e n c u e n tra en el In te rn e t. V is i te h ttp :// e e s c .o r e g o n s ta t e .e d u . E s c o ja " P u b lic a tio n s a n d V id e o s ,” y lu e g o “ S p a n is h la n g u a g e (E sp añ o l).” Á O rb photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver B a n k o f P o rtla n d B ranch M a n a g er J a c k Alvord p r o m o te s b u s in e s s - r e la te d lo a n s from h is N o r th e a s t F rem o n t S tr e e t location. our U.S. troops with her recently released CD titled “Y ou A re My Hero.” She has launched a new web site at w w w .m . She also will be honoring our soldiers by per forming on tour in the near future. “ No m atter w hat o u r personal feelings are about w ar, the fact is. Companies cited for poor hiring practices, charitable work ( A P ) - C i v i l rig h ts le a d e rs a re a c c u s in g A m e r ic a ’s re ta il in d u s try o f d o in g a p o o r jo b o f h ir in g a n d p ro m o tin g b la c k s a n d w ith d o in g little m ark e tin g and c h a rita b le w ork fo r th e b la c k c o m m u n ity . Retailers got an overall grade o f D in a report released last w eek at the N A A C P ’s annual convention. It w as the g ro u p ’s first ranking o f the sector. The highest grade w as a C+, aw arded to W al-M art Stores. “It is very obvious that in that indus try the time for change is now,” said NAACP President K weisi M fume. T hree retai lers — Di I lard ’ s I nc., K o h l’s D epartm ent S tores and N ordstrom Inc. — got Fs. O f those three, only D illard 's responded to the survey. The report ranked 45 large com - JJortlanb (Obserber www.portlandobservcr.coni our men and w om en in uniform are doing th eir best to protect o u r free dom ,” said C onstantina. “ It’s u n believable that since M ay I st, when m ajor com bat ended in Iraq, over 60 A m erican soldiers have died. They m ust not be forgotten as the days and m onths go on.” As the world becomes more and more electronic, The Portland Observer strives to meet the needs o f our read ers and advertisers by going online. With the capability o f the Internet, the Portland Observer now reaches a broader audience, and thus sets your business in front o f a new generation. Visit www.portlandobserver. com _ m H (A P ) — Final vote counts in lo w er house o f C o n g re ss, and as th e PR I. “ W e have to tra n slate congressional elections confirm ed p arty lead e rs im m e d ia te ly sig th is v o te o f co n fid e n c e in to a c setbacks for President V icente Fox n aled th e ir w illin g n e ss to n e g o ti tion an d p ass th e refo rm s this and show ed that - against all odds a te w ith F o x ’s p arty to p ass long- c o u n try n e e d s." - M ex ico ’s old ruling party is very d elay e d refo rm s. The other big gainer in C ongress m uch alive three years after Fox “The M exican people have told w as the leftist D em ocratic R evolu ended its 71-year grip on pow er. th e g o v ern m en t and p o litical p ar tion Party, w hich appears to have T h e Ju ly 6 e le c tio n s tre n g th ties to b u ck le d o w n an d get to nearly doubled its congressional en ed the fo rm e r ru lin g In stitu w o r k ,” s a id C a r lo s J im e n e z , delegation based largely on a rep u tio n al R e v o lu tio n ary P a rty ’s p o sp o k esm an for the In stitu tio n al tation for PR I-style social and p u b sition as pow er bro k er in M ex ico ’s R ev o lu tio n ary P arty, also know n lic w o rksprogram s. (A P) — Thousands o f C ubans m arched inahom etow n funeral pro cession forC om pay Segundo, sing ing his famed song “Chan C han" as he w as lowered into his grave. The cigar-sm oking guitarist w ho helped revive w orldw ide interest in traditional Cuban m usic died ofkid- ney failure. He w as 95. B ystanders threw flow ers as the B uena V ista Social Club. ’ ’ m u sician 's body passed by on a C om pay S egundo becam e an sw eltering 2.5-m ile jo u rn ey to the international star only in the final cem etery from a city building where decade o f his life — first gaining an overnight vigil w as held recognition w ith concerts in E u At the cem etery, the crow d sang rope, then em braced by global fame an improm ptu, som ew hat mournful after the 1997 G ram m y-w inning version o f “C han C han" — a song record “The B uena V ista Social m ade fam ous by the 1997 record C lu b " and “C han C han." A ~ , <Vèad(>ii: r *,: DameísTVIeuirtrial C 'Ò G IC , -Swaaaossi. Admission is Free For inform ation contact: 360-260-1493 liolyspiritconf^yahoo.coni I panies based on em ploym ent, m ar keting, procurem ent, com m unity reinvestm ent and charitable d ona tions. Nordstrom spokesw oman Brooke White said her com pany couldn’t com plete the survey within the two w eeks required by the NAACP. She said Nordstrom is a partner with the civil rights group in black youth pro gram s across the nation. The other tw o fai I ing com panies did not return calls for com m ent. “To those com panies that did poorly: W atch out, we arc com ing your w ay,” M fum e said. onWeb Mexico’s Old Ruling Party Advances Cubans Mourn Segundo in Funeral March Bank o f Portland has opened a new office at 2416 N . E . Fremont. The commun i ty bank i nakes busi - ness-related loans as a primary func tion o f business and takes deposits from both individuals and busi nesses. It does not make individual loans for consum er purposes. T he bank first open in Portland on N ortheast Sandy in 1996, a sub sidiary o f the Bank o f Salem w hich opened in 1991. Jack A lvord is vice president and branch m anager. He cam e to Bank o f Portland affera 37-year career with US Bank. I le w as raised and educated in Port land and is a graduate o f Lew is and C lark C ollege and Pacific C oast Banking School. His wife, Susan, is a teacher at Rose City Park Elem en tary. A resident o f northeast Portland, A lvord said he is looking forward to becom ing involved in local com m unity activities “as a good banker sh o u ld .” Rights Group Gives Retailers ‘D’ Grade Latina Singer Supports Troops W hat does “ Y ou A re M y H ero” m ean in our current situation with Iraq? W hat it m eans to one A m eri can Latina artist is “giving back” through the pow er o f m usic. Constantina, the beautiful. Inter national singer and songw riter, is absolutely com m itted to supporting b e r an d p re s id e n t o f S a le m ’s N A A CP, vice-chair o fS alem ’s Hu m an R ig h ts C o m m is s io n and founder and past president o f O r egon N orthw est Black Pioneers A ssociation, to nam e a few. A fter m oving to Portland at the age o f 6, W inters attended Portland Public S chools, graduated from Jefferson High School and attended the O regon State U niversity. Since then, she has won m any leadership honors, including the City o f Salem D istinguished Service A w ard, the N A A C P P resid en t’s A w ard for advancing the cause o f civil rights in O regon and the W h o ’s W ho in Black America.