Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 23, 2003, Page 3, Image 3

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    (Elie jjJorilanh 0i)bscruer
luly 23. 2003
Page A3
Athletes Score Points with Community Columbia Villa
Coach goes
door-to-door to
raise donations
for his team
B y J aymee R. Cirri
T he P ortland O bserver
Besides pushing his athletes
through summer training and writ­
ing game plans for the upcom ing
season, Tim Price, Jefferson High
School’s football coach, is spend­
ing his sum m er going door-to-
Price is popping in north and
northeast P ortland businesses,
asking ow ners to sponsor an a th ­
lete for $200.
That price buys m ore than je r ­
seys and equipm ent for the up­
com ing year. It buys a com m it­
ment to com m unity service. In
exchange for the donation, the
com pany receives a t-shirt with
the com pany logo and 30 hours
o f service from a sponsored ath ­
“ We w ant to give back w hat
the com m unity has given u s,”
said Price.
Price said he hopes the public
service experience will give his
athletes a ju m p start tow ards a
jo b in the future.
The goal is to raise $ 10,000 by
the start o f the football season in
For m ore inform ation about
sp o n so rin g a Je ffe rso n H igh
School football player, call 503-
finding social services they re­
ceived atColumbia Villa and mak­
ing sure they w on't fall through
the cracks when the project is
done. Door-to-door interviews
with current residents revealed
that 69 percent plan to return to
New Columbia. The PflA ha.
even budgeted to pay the mov­
ing costs related to their return.
The first phase o f relocation
began in the spring, when resi­
dents from the 462-unit commu­
nity received 90 days notice to
leave. Ground will break in De­
cember, and new units are ex­
pected to be available in 2005.
The "mixed economy” commu­
nity features 370 units o f public
housing, 190 units o f affordable
housing, 60 units for housing for
Em ploym ent Figures Look Bleak
“An unemployment rate o f 1 l.Sper-
cent is terrible news for African Ameri­
can people. Too m any hardw orking
the elderly, and 230 market rate
homes tor sale, along with a Vil lage
Square, a Main Street design, edu­
cation and service centers and com ­
mercial property.
The concept behind “m ixed-
economy” housing, according to
Shelly Marchesi, com m unication
director for the housing authority,
is to end the physical and social,
visible and invisible, isolation that
Columbia Villa residents experi­
enced in the m aze o f to d a y ’s
“Hope 6 plans to integrate the
surrounding community with the
new commun ity,” she said. “O ne o f
the goals o f New Columbia and
mixed income com munities is that
you don’t know if you are driving
by public housing or market rate
homes for sale. It’s much more like
a neighborhood.”
Racism Doesn’t
Cause Alzheimer’s
J e ffe rso n High S chool
Football C oach Tim Price
h its th è s tr e e ts to raise
d o n a tio n s for h is team .
The latest unemployment figures show
African Americans continue to sufferthe
highest rate ofjoblessness in the coun­
According to a governm ent report
released by the Bureau o f Labor Statis­
tics, 11.8percentofAfrican Americans
were unemployed in June, almost double
the overall unemployment rate o f 6.4
from Front
people are looking for work and Presi­
dent Bush and the R epublican C on­
gress continue to look the other w ay,”
H ouse D em ocratic Leader Nancy
Pelosi said.
Congressional Black Caucus chair
Elijah Cummings, D-Md„ calls the un­
employment situation unacceptable.
“African American families are finding
it harder to make ends meet,” Cummings
said. “Our people and our great country
a re s u ffe rin g b e c a u s e o f the
O H SU , studying the effects o f
stress on the A frican-A m erican
m em ory. H is study co n sid ers
w hether racism m ay be an en v i­
ronm ental stress related to d e­
“ I am interested in various as­
pects o f racism in the lives o f
A frican-A m erican seniors. R ac­
ism however, is researched as one
o f many causative agents involv­
ing stress, w hich m ight im pact
ones m em ory,” M iller explains.
“O ften this type o f stress can be
The Korean War Veterans Association
tem porary. I am not aw are o f any
d y that eq u a te s rac ism to
will celebrate the 50-year commemorative
er’s d isease.”
Korean War cease fire.
M iller was also m isidentified
A celebration, with Korean dancing and
Fred Miller is con d u ctin g a
in the sto ry ’s photo caption. We
refreshments, will be at 9 a.m. Saturday, ' s tu d y a t OHSU on how s tr e s s sincerely regret these errors.
a ffe c ts m e m o ry in th e African
July 26 at the Korean War memorial next to
M iller is th e p rin cip al in v e s­
American com m unity.
a to r w ith the A frican A m eri­
the Wilsonville Visitors Center.
A headline equating racism c a n D e m e n tia a n d A g in g
A local African-American veteran of the
with A lzheim er’s disease was P ro ject in the D ep a rtm en t o f
war is inviting both veterans and non-veter­ w rong in the story, “W ords that N eurology in the O H SU S chool
ans to the event.
H urt,” on the M etro page in our o f M edicine.
For more information, call Troy at 503- July 9 issue.
He can be reached at 503-494-
v ia
e m a il
M iller co n d u c ts research at m illefrcteohsikedu.
Korean War
Veterans Celebrate