luly 23. 2003 PageA2 P olice « ^ C l f a * C han n ( i A Career W ith America’s Finest The FBI attempts to recruit minori­ ties with a bill­ board campaign. Two of the advertisements are located in northeast Portland at Killingsworth Street and Rodney Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Russell Street. Vandalized Statue a Hate Crime? FBI Campaign Recruits Minorities The FBI in Oregon is taking a step to recruit female and m inor­ ity candidates. Tw o billboards went up in northeast Portland last week to encourage new re­ cruits to apply to be FBI Special Agents. The billboards on K illings­ worth, just east o f Rodney A v­ enue and on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, just north o f Rus­ set Street, will be up for two m onths, with one o f the b ill­ boards rotating to a location in Cornelius in the second month. As workforce demands on the FBI increase, the bureau is step­ ping up its search for employees who are intelligent, dedicated and motivated. The FBI hired more than 900 new agents in 2002 and plans to hire another 1 ,(XX) in 2003. Currently, 18 percent o f FBI Special Agents are women and 16.5 percent are minorities. Special agents must be U.S. citizens between the ages o f 23 and 36 with no felony convic­ tions, three years work experi­ ence and very limited drug use. For more information about ap p ly in g for the FBI, v isit www.ftijobs.conL WE LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTABLE LIFETIME WARRANTY 6444 NE Martin Luther King Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97211 Ogi Ognianov Phone 503-445.4702 Cell 503.380.4425 P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The Joan o f Arc statue, vandalized on Bastille Day, may have been the target o f anti-French sentiment. Although the statue has been tagged before, the most recent damage was the most vicious and costly. by J aymee R. C uti T he P ortland O bserver As if Joan o f Arc, the French child-warrior, didn’t suffer enough indignities in her lifetime, pranksters defiled the statue remembering Port­ land soldiers who fought alongside the French in World War I. Last week, vandals ripped the laurel wreath from the head and dumped a can o f black paint over the statue, standing at Coe Circle at Last May, the Regional Arts and Northeast 39"1 Avenue and Glisan Culture Council refurbished the statue by changing the statue’s Street. Repairing the damage is esti­ finish from a dull green bronze to a mated at $7,500, half the budget to gleaming gold leaf. maintain 1,600 pieces o f public art Police barricaded the area with yellow tape to lift fingerprints from across the county for a year. The statue was vandalized on the statue, which will only catch the Bastille Day, France’s Independence taggers if their fingerprints are al­ Day. The attack was possibly a po­ ready in the bureau’s criminal data­ litical statement against the French. base. C op R o c k e r s Vancouver Police Band seeks musicians The V ancouver Police Benefit Band “Civil D isturbance” is seeking a bass player and experienced lead guitarist to take the group forward. The band formed in 2002 to raise money for fal len pol ice officers, firefighters and emergency dispatchers. The group plays rock with a mixing o f blues and contemporary music. The set list includes the Beatles, CCR, Rolling Stones, Lynrd Skynrd, the Eagles, Melissa Etheridge, Tracy Chapman, Taj Mahal and Santana. The band m em bers are looking for flexible m usicians w illing to have a good tim e and dedicate Sunday nights for practice. For more inform ation, visit ci. Vancouver.w benefit_band.htm or contact O fficer Barb K noeppel at bar bara .knoeppeUuc L v anco u v Bank Robber Escapes with Loot Federal and state law enforcement is asking for the public's help in solving a bank robbery at US Bank on Southeast Mill Plain in Vancouver. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 20 to 25 years old with brown hair and wearing a dark colored sweatshirt, jeans and a blue baseball hat. He was seen getting into a silver-colored Toyota C elica near the intersection ofN orth- east 2nd Street and 116th A venue ju st after the July 2 heist at around 5 p.m. The vehicle had som eone w aiting in it, according to w it­ n esses. If anyone was present near that intersection at the time o f the robbery, they are encouraged to cal I the Vancou ver Pol ice Tip Line at 360-696- 8148. Persons who call the tip line can be anony­ mous. FBI Says Man Preyed on Children At home with Family. Turning work into play. Connecting on a different level just by changing scenery. Hanging out ‘til dark. Outdoor bliss. Home! Over three generations of homeowners have trusted American Family Insurance for the sound advice and committed service that helps them live life to the fullest. Give us a call or visit today. Discover the peace of mind of knowing Family's always at home protecting what matters most to you. American Family Insurance. Check your local telephone directory tor the agent nearest you. AMERICAN FAMILY IN S U R A N C E AD-000410 í All your protection under one roof i (AP)— TheFBlhasarrestedaTigardmanand charged him with using or trying to use interstate commerce to entice a minor to have sex. Richard Irvin Detwiler, 61, was arrested near downtown Portland last week. He is the re­ source development director for the Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation. The FBI said the charges are linked to its Innocent Images program that targets people who traffic in child pornography or prey on children online. The program is in operation in 23 FBI offices around the country. President Bush is seeking more money to expand the program. The FBI says each year one ch i Id in four aged between 10 and 17 is exposed to pornography and that one in five receives sexual solicitation on the Internet. St. Johns Bridge Named in Threat Report (AP) — An intelligence report issued by the suspicious incidents at bridges all across the FBI warning o f possible threats to the nation’s country, including an act o f vandalism at the St. bridges specifically references the St. Johns Johns Bridge." Bridge in north Portland. Road crews found the local bridge had a Federal officials acknowledged the reference maintenance room window broken and a pad­ despite the mention there is no indication that lock tampered with sometime before June 5. there is any threat to the bridge or the people o f A uthorities say th e re’s no indication that Oregon. the St. Johns Bridge incident was an act o f The FBI document mentioned a number o f terrorism. Man Convicted in Outreach Center Fire A Multnomah County jury convicted 32- The charges were related to an incident on ycar-old Bjame Alex Lewis o f three counts o f Sept. 25, in which Lewis sprayed flammable arson, two counts ofburglary, unlawful posses­ liquid in a room and lit it on fire at the “JOIN” sion o f a destructive substance and criminal community outreach center at 1136S.E.Oak. Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 18. mischief. A *