Page B6 luly 23.2003 S ports Blazers Release Pippen to Chicago Sexual Assault Charge Casts Cloud NBA great hopes to get Bulls back in playoffs (A P) — Scottie Pippen has one goal as he returns to the team he helped w in six N B A cham pionships: lead the C hicago B ulls back to the playoffs. The B ulls officially announced Sunday they re-signed Pippen, a m em ber o f six title team s in the 1990s. T he team expects Pippen to supply veteran leadership and a w inning attitude to a young team . “I ’m here to help get this team back to the playoffs — th at’s m y goal,” Pippen said in a statem ent released by the team Sunday. “I 'v e m ade the playoffs every year o f m y 16- year career, and I d o n ’t plan on breaking that streak.” Pippen w as a seven-tim e A ll-S tar in his 11 seasons w ith the B ulls, before leaving for the H ouston R ockets before the 1999 season. He has spent the last four seasons w ith the P ortland Trail Blazers. “T ve alw ays been a Bull in m y heart,” P ippen said, “and now I w ill play w here m y h e a r t. Laker Kobe Bryant, seated next to his wife Vanessa at a news conference in Los Angeles, pauses while speaking about the sexual assault charge he faces in Colorado. (AP photo) assault against a 19-year-old woman and Spalding. B ryant could lose m illions o f at an exclusive spa w here he w as staying w hen he cam e to C olorado dollars in endorsem ents. for knee surgery. If convicted, he B ry an t’s team could feel the faces four years to life in prison or sting as w ell. 20 years to life on probation, and a T he L akers b ecam e the favor­ (A P )— The sexual assault charge fine o f up to $750,000. ites to w in the N BA cham pionship brought against Kobe Bryant and E agle County D istrict A ttorney next season after signing point his admission that he "m ade the m is­ Mark Hurlbert filed the charge after guard G ary Payton and pow er for­ take ofadultery” threaten to spoi I his spending tw o w eeks review ing evi­ w ard K arl M alone. reputation as one ofthe N BA ’ s classi- dence and consulting w ith other Bryant said Friday he w as think­ est role m odels and cast a cloud over prosecutors, and said he "can prove ing m ore o f his fam ily than his the Los A ngeles Lakers. th is case b ey o n d a reaso n ab le career. ” 1 have a lot at stake, and it has B ryant appeared at a Los A n g e­ d o u b t.” Even if he is ultim ately cleared, nothing to d o w ith the gam e o f les new s conference holding hands w ith w ife V anessa on Friday and the crim inal charge and adm ission basketbal I and it has nothing to do said he w as innocent o fth e crim inal o f infidelity w ill alm ost certainly w ith endorsem ents,” said B ryant, charge and insisted the act w as change the public perception o f w ho fought back tears several co n sen su al. Bryant. tim es during the new s conference. “ I sit here in front o f you guys, H is squeaky-clean im age m ade “ It has to do w ith m y fam ily and fu rio u s at m y self, d isg u sted at him one o f the N B A ’s m ost recog­ being falsely accused. A nd, I ’m m y se lf for m aking the m istake o f nizable and m arketable stars. He innocent. W e’re going to fight this ad u ltery ," he said. recently signed a m ultim illion-dol- all the w ay to the en d .” B ryant, 24, w as charged Friday lar deal w ith N ike and has en d o rse­ Legal experts said that p ro s­ w ith a single count o f felony sexual m ent deals with Sprite, M cD onald’s ecutors have a tough task because the case appears to h inge m ainly on B ry an t’s w ord against that o f the alleged victim . B ryant tearfully addressed his w ife at the new s conference. “Y o u ’re a blessing, y o u ’re a piece o f my heart, the air I breathe, and y o u ’re the strongest person I Seeking women aged 18 to 30 to participate in a research know and I ’m so sorry for having study evaluating an investigational vaccine to prevent herpes. to put you through this, putting If you meet the criteria for enrollment, you will be invited to a m y fam ily through th is,” B ryant screening visit, which will involve a free herpes blood test as said, pausing several tim es as he well as free educational materials and counseling about herpes. spoke. Those who qualify based on blood test results will be eligible to Patricia Brew er, w ho w as at the enroll in the vaccine trial. Vaccine trial participants will be Staples C enter for her d au g h ter’s reimbursed for time and travel. For more information or to see basketball gam e, w as shocked at if you qualify, call (503) 226-6678. the news. “ I love him so much and I'll still keep an open mind and hope that this is all a m istake,” B rew er said. “But you know, if it’s true, then h e ’s 2330 NW Flanders Suite 207 ju st another man m asquerading as Portland, OR 97210 a fam ily man, fooling us all, and that just m akes your heart sink.” Kobe supporters rally around NBA star INVESTIGATIONAL VACCINE TO PREVENT HERPES Westover Heights Clinic Scottie Pippen Blazers Introduce Nash as GM (A P )— JohnN ash, to excellence both officially introduced on and o ff the court.” last W ednesday as the N ash, the form er T rail B la z e rs’ sixth Philadelphia, W ash­ ington and N ew Jer­ general m anager, said he w as excited about sey G M , w as m ost jo in in g a team that is recently a basketbal 1 analyst on the P hila­ in the m idst o f a soul- searching overhaul. delphia 76ers p o st­ gam e show . N ash says he looks forw ard to the oppor­ T he 5 6 -y e a r-o ld tunity ofjoining a team v e te r a n m a n a g e r recently re-dedicated re p la c e s B ob W h its itt, w h o se to ex cellence — both John Nash on and o ff the court. p e rs o n n e l m o v e s “ Paul A llen has m ade it clear that an g e re d m an y in the co m m u n ity . he w ants a team that both he and T he team failed to w in a c h a m p i­ the city o f Portland can be proud o n sh ip w ith th e le a g u e ’s h ig h est o f,” said N ash, adding that he w as p ay ro ll an d sev eral n o ta b le p la y ­ excited to jo in a team “rededicated ers h av e h ad su rly a ttitu d e s and Serena Williams, Woods win ESPYs (A P) — Serena W illiam s w as honored as fem ale athlete o f the year and fem ale tennis player at the 1 1th annual ESPY A w ards in Los A ngeles, a y ear after she accepted the sam e trophies on behal f o f older sister V enus. T iger W oods repeated as m ale golfer for the fourth consecutive year. C yclist Lance A rm strong w as chosen m ale athlete o f the year over Barry Bonds, Tim D uncan and W oods, w ho had w on the last three years. B onds w as chosen m ajor league baseball player for the sec­ ond straight year. Serena W illiam s recently de­ feated V enus to w in her second straight W im bledon title. She thanked her divorced p ar­ ents at last w eek ’ s aw ard cerem ony. T he W orld S eries ch am p io n A naheim A ngels w ere chosen best team. Q uarterback T om m y M addox o f the P ittsburgh Steelers w as ch o ­ sen com eback athlete. D uncan, w ho helped the San A ntonio Spurs w in a cham pion- Serene Will­ iams is honored as female athlete • o f the year at the annual ESPY Awards in Los Angeles. ship, w as nam ed N BA player, beat­ ing out K obe B ryant and Shaqui lie O ’N eal o f the Los A ngeles Lakers, am ong others. 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N ash said he w o u ld n ’t shy aw ay from those problem s. “ It w ould be m y goal to m ake som e changes before the season starts, but not change for the sake o f chan g e,” he said. O ne o f the te a m ’s w orst head­ aches has been R asheed W allace, w hose tirades against referees have been the on-court sym bol for a team perceived to be out o f control w hen it leaves the arena. A s W a sh in g to n ’s G M , N ash drafted W allace. N ash has also been know n for cleaning house. W ith the N ets, he sw ung a nine-player trade w ith D allas and an eight-player trade w ith Philadelphia. • 2 A reas o r m o re, S m all H all F ree, P re -S p ray T raffic A reas • S ta irs ........................... $ 1 .5 0 e ach [“U pholstery cleaning "[ • S o fa (u n d e r 6 ft.) $ 6 9 • L o v eseat $49 • S ectional $ 9 9 & up • T h ro w p illo w s $5 each p —————————— I [ CARPET COUPON I I Cleaning Area j I Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hall not included) Jr) 3 5 i ~ i j k _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — n I I UPHOLSTERY COUPON | I I ‘ ’ I I Sofa (under 6 ft.) C 1 1 QÛQ 1 j Loveseat & Chair 4) i 1 V j u j CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 5 O 3 -2 N 1 - 3 9 4 9 « C arm elo A nthony, w ho helped Syracuse w in the N C A A cham pi­ onship before leaving for the N BA , w as nam ed m ale college athlete. Boxing Battles Fill Fight Card B attle at the B each III at the C h in o o k W in d s C a sin o an d C o n ­ v e n tio n C e n te r in L in c o ln C ity fe a tu re s 10 b o u ts on F riday. T h e m ain ev e n t is the 2 0 0 0 O ly m p ic team S u p er H eavy a lte r­ nate M ik e W ilso n o f the M ed fo rd B u lld o g s a g a in st T o n y O ’B ry an t o f W est P o rtlan d . A lso on the card at 160 p o u n d s is L in co ln C ity ’s fav o rite h o m e-b o y , fo rm er S iletz resid en t c u rre n tly from A l­ b a n y , B o M a rth a lle r w h o w ill go u p a g a in s t B o o n e W y a tt o f M ed fo rd in the Ju n io r M id d le ­ w e ig h t c a te g o ry . A n o th e r e x c itin g b o u t w ill pit tw o 16 y ears old talen ted w arriors in L u is D eA lb a o f S eattle an d E lo y P erez o f R o ch ester, W A . B ra u lio L o p ez o f W est P o rtlan d w ill m ak e h is th ird a p p e a ra n c e at C h in o o k W in d s and w ill go up a g a in s t th e m o re e x p e rie n c e d L o re n z o R io s o f M edford.