Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 23, 2003, Page 10, Image 10

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July 23. 2003
Jînrtlanh (Observer
R eligion
A d ve rtise w ith
Sub-Bids Requested
in “ IJnrtl.-itib (Oliarrurr. call 503.288.0033
Firestation 8,19, & 20 Remodel
Bid Date: 07/31/2003 Bid Time: 11:00 AM
Payne Construction
1835 NE 137wAve.
Portland, OR 97230
Phone: 503-257-8221 Fax 503-253-3247
CCB# 38215
Oregon First Jurisdiction Prelate - Bishop A .R Hopkins Sr.
And they that be wise shall
shine as the brightness of
the firmament; and they that
turn many to
righteousness as the stars
for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:3v.
Elder J.W. Friday
Got Up and lot ua worship the Lord together
We go a long way back,
let's go the last mile o( the way together
Service Time
"Early Riser Worship Service"
Thursday Night Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
Service Location:
6401 NE 10th Avenue
(Corner of NE 10th and Highland)
For Information Call: (503) 202-7560
"Life Is W hat You Make It Only You Fake It"
Highland U.C.C.
Love In Action VI
For transportation or additional information
call (503) 287-9567
Email HighlandTE@anl.coni
W.G. Hardy, Jr.. Sr. Pastor
Food Haircuts Entertainment Activities
This event is open to the public;
with entertainment for the entire family.
An opportunity to take one’s mind o ff the seriousness facing
today's society. A time o f healing for our community.
Church of the Living God
Christian workers fo r
6401 N.E. 10th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
Pastor and First
Ladv Rov G. Maxie
suppliers Including Minority and Women-Ownod Businesses. Disadvantaged. Disabled
Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises
Bishop Ernestine Reems
Holy Spirit
Learn techniques to balance
your I i fe, be empowered by the Holy
Spirit and be an effective m em berof
the ministry at the Holy Spirit Con­
ference at 7 p.m. Thursday July 31
through Saturday, Aug. 2 at Daniels
Memorial, 1234 N.E. Killingsworth
“The pressures from society tend
to cloud a person’s view o f God,”
said Pastor C liff O. Chappell from
St. John’s All Nations Church o f
God in Christ, host o f the confer­
ence. “W e’retryingto separate that
out and bring God back into focus.”
Conference speakers and par­
ticipants include PastorO. Chappell,
Pastor Donald Mcknight, Pastor
Bernard Ings, Bishop Ernestine
Reems, Yvette C. W illiams o f the
Kurt Carr Singers, Praise in Action
and God N ’ Charge.
The conference is free and open
to the pubic. Donations are appre­
ciated. For more information, call
Women’sClub President to Visit
Alberta Park
(on the corner of 22nd & Killingsworth)
Saturday August 16,2003
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday School
Morning W orship
Evening W orship
Weds Bible Study
Wa a r t an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids for all subcontractors and
9:45 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
“ WTiere there is no vision, The People perish.
For more information please call
(503) 284-5171
Everyone s Welcome....
Contact: Patricia Peek (503) 287-7774
Saturday August 16, 2003
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
at Bethesda Christian Church
109 N Emerson Ave.., Portland, Oregon
Patricia Peek
“--- Í
r..... .
— £
Joyce Smfln
Barbara Bailey
In The M a tte r O f
Nolan G. Anderson,
A Minor Person
BUS DRIVER for Catlin Gabel School
needed primarily to drive athletic
teams to away games. CDL and
bus certification required. $14.20
per hour, on a pre-scheduled as-
needed basis. Most trips leave at
1 :3 0 p.m . or la te r s ta rtin g in
You Are Hereby Cited to be and
appear in the Superior Court of
the State of California, in and for
See www.catlin.edu to review job the County of Stanislaus, in the
d e s c rip tio n and d o w n lo a d Courtroom to be announced, at
application or call (503) 297- the Courthouse located at 800
Eleventh Street, Modesto, County
1894 x373.
of Stanislaus, California, on 9-10-
Catlin Gabel S chool supports 2003 at 8:30 a.m., then and there
in sp ire d le a rn in g, le a d in g to show cause, if any you have, why
re s p o n s ib le a ctio n th ro u gh Nolan G. Anderson, should not be
d e d ic a te d te a c h in g , c a rin g declared free of the custody and
relationships, and com m unity control of Theodore Brenton JR.,
service. The school enrolls 670 his natural father. You Are Further
students In Pre-Kindergarten-12 Advised that if you appear at the
g ra d e and is c o m m itte d to above hearing and wish to have
diversity among students, faculty legal counsel but are unable to
and staff.
afford counsel, the Court will
appoint counsel on your behalf.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Leaves Doris’
Without a Home
tu a l qua 1d ^ t u u i a l ^Itfoma/iL ^onfeunn.
Marla Strong
Catlin Gabel School
Margaret Cooper, the president of
Oregon Department
th e o ld e s t B la ck w o m e n 's
Of Transportation
organization in the country, will
speak in Portland at a banquet Transportation Maintenance
for the Northwest Region of the Management, Coordinator, and
National Association of Colored Specialist
W o m e n ’s C lu b a n d Youth
Affiliates Convention on Saturday, Don't Miss Out! Get On ODOT’s
July 26. For more Information, call
H irin g List.... In dividua ls with
Pauline Bradford at 503-281- roadway/highway maintenance,
leadership, team w ork and/or
construction skills sought for
upcom ing openings In various
locations statewide. Our highway
maintenance crews operate light
and heavy equipment, perform
manual labor and help maintain,
repair and reconstruct roadways,
from Metro
high w a ys, fre e w a ys, bridges,
signs, and landscape. Managers
thought would want to support her
and coordinators lead and direct
are trying to get rid o f her.”
h igh w ay m aintenance crew s,
Thebuilding’sowner, Bill Leigh,
a p p lyin g critica l th in kin g and
said the eviction was “a very hard
excellent communication skills
thing to do,” claiming late rent pay­
daily. ODOT offers competitive
ments “were getting out o f hand”
s a la rie s , as w e ll as h ealth
and were the only reason for the
in s u ra n ce , paid le a ve s, and
lease termination.
retirem ent contributions. Visit
But Leigh said he does have
several restaurants offering to move
or call (503) 986-4030 (TTY 986-
into the space at rent “substan­
3854 for the hearing impaired) for
tially more” than Dean was paying.
Announcem ent #0CDT3550 -
Dean announced last year that
Management or Announcement
D oris’ was closing, then that her
# 0 C D T 3 5 3 0 - S p e c ia lis t/
sons would operate it. She now
C o o rd in a to rs and PD 100-TM
says she hopes to re-establish the
A p p lic a tio n
Form .
T h e se
restaurant somewhere else.
announcements are open until
A n o th er d ev e lo p e r, Jean n a
further notice and will be used to
Wooley, said local business and
establish q ua lifie d candidate
community leaders should have
pools to fill future vacancies.
stepped in to help reconstitute the
ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer,
popular restaurant.
“ Doris’ is historic; it’s been a committed to building workforce
bright light for this com munity,”
Wooley said.
"■•M titai M Bud’s Eyes'
Jynthia Moore
Court No. 333910 Superior
Court of California
County of Stanislaus
M etro
É v e n t C u s to d ia n , P o rtla n d
Center for the Performing Arts.
Multiple PT positions. $9.89/
hour. Deadline: 8-4-03. Provides
event set-up, maintenance and
follow-up. Cleans and maintains
restrooms, lobbies, open spaces
and oth e r p u b lic / n o n -p u b lic
areas prior to, during and after
To a cce ss th e c o m p le te jo b
annou ncem ent and re q u ired
application material you may visit
our w e b site at w w w .m e tro -
region.org/jQbs. or you may pick
up a complete packet at Metro
Hum an R e s o u rc e s , 6 00 NE
G rand
P o rtla n d .
Resumes are not accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
Public Employees
Retirement System
O ffice S pecialist
PERS co ve rs nearly 300,000
m e m b e rs and a d m in is te rs
retirem ent, disability benefits,
health Insurance and deferred
compensation plans statewide.
Office Specialistl, Announcement
#LE300510. The purpose of this
position is to act as a lead and is
responsible for the accuracy and
th e p ro d u ctivity of a team of
employees processing requests
for docum ents from microfilm.
Salary range is $l,651-$2,208/
month. EOE/AA. To review the job
description, Including minimum
q u a lific a tio n s , o b ta in the
appropriate job announcement
lo c a l
E m p lo ym e n t
Department field office, the state
job website: www.oregoruobs.org,
or calling PERS Human Resources
at (503) 603-7552. Closing date
Is July 30, 2003 at 5:00 pm.
A dministration
M u ltno m ah ESD
D ire cto r, B u s in e s s S e rv ic e s
Requires BA degree in business
adm inistration or related field,
experience in fiscal planning that
in c lu d e s
b u d g e tin g
a cco u n tin g experien ce In the
public sector, and supervisory
e x p e rie n c e ,
d e m o n s tra te d
leadership, project organizational
skills, and ab ility to carry out
m u ltip le
p ro je c ts ,
s tro n g
interpersonal skills to develop
c o lla b o ra tiv e re la tio n s h ip s ,
e x c e lle n t o ra l and w ritte n
communication skills, effective
project m anagem ent planning,
budgeting, organizing and cost
control techniques, demonstrated
k n o w le d g e o f s ta te law s
g o ve rn in g fisca l op e ra tion of
public agencies, valid d rive r’s
license aryt own transportation.
Begin Salary: $82,355-$99,512
depending on experience, 240
Day position Closes: 5 PM 7/31/
We offer excellent fringe benefits
including District paid PERS, LTD,
Life, medical & Dental insurance.
To be a part of the team obtain
application materials M-F 8:00-
5:00 in person or via mail send
self-addressed stam ped legal
e n v e lo p e ($ .6 4 ) In d ic a tin g
position to: Multnomah ESD, Attn.
R e c e p tio n is t,
Ainsw orth Circle, Portland, OR
9 72 2 0
Bilingual Spanish
Library Assistant
M ultnom ah C o u n ty Lib rary is
s e e k in g
S p a n is h -s p e a k in g
applicants for permanent and on-
c a ll p o s itio n s to w ork in
designated libraries throughout
th e co u n ty. T h e s e p o s itio n s
p ro v id e re a d e r’s a d v is o ry
reference service to adults, teens,
and children In both English and
Spanish within a library s e t t in g s
w e ll
o u tre a c h
program m ing for the Spanish­
speaking community. Requires
two years of experience working
in a library or with youth and
families in an educational setting;
AND equivalent to two years of
post-high school education at an
accredited college or university
with major coursework in liberal
arts, child/human development,
Spanish or a related field. Fluency
in conversational and written
S p a n is h is re q u ire d . Salary;
$ 15.36-$ 18.89 per hour, plus 3%
differential pay. Apply by: August 8,
2003. For m ore Inform ation,
w e b s ite
Immediate full and part-time open­
ings. Seeking dependable, well-
groomed, positive Individuals.
$8.00 + Starting wage
Overtime/advancem ent
Medical & Dental,
401K avail.
Drug test/Background Check
New hires must have acceptable
documentation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues
& Thurs at
City Center Parking
Conciliation Counselor
$3,986 - $4,8 44 / month
Closes August 1, 2003
Call (503) 846-86069/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ita :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County
Human Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
A ccounting
S e n io r M a n u fa c tu rin g C o st
A c c o u n ta n t:
In te rn a tio n a l
company seeks cost account with
e x p e rtis e in a ll a s p e c ts of
m anufacturing accounting and
financial reporting. W ill assist
c o n tro lle r
m anage
Implementation of fully Integrated
m anagem ent Inform ation and
accounting software. Competitive
salary and benefits. Contact Kathy
Balducci, Intelicoat Technologies,
P.0. Box 3349, P o rtla n d , OR
97208. An Equal O p p ortunity
Credit Problems!
Feel Confident and Take Care of
Your Financial Situation With
Fast Track 1-888-689-1112
m ust go, make offe r! Factory
S e c o n d s , F re ig h t D a m a ged ,
Repos, Open til 7 pm. 800-222-
6335. Made in U.S.A.
Love the Body Shop products?
Our new division is offering a
ground floor Income opportunity
to those interested In a home
based buisness. Toll Free (877)
P h e n o m e n a l g ifte d p sychic
Reunites lovers. Powers beyond
Application materials will not imagination. Unbelievable proven
ba faxed.
results 24 hrs.