luly 16. 2003 ®l|c JJartlanb ©bseruer Focus 1 Jn J r « Page B3 IÀ i The Afro Celts, having recently released their newest ablum, “Seed," bring their unique sound to the Oregon Zoo on Friday, July 18. r M u s ic a l F u s io n The Afro Celts are going to rock the lawn near the Asian elephants at the Oregon Zoo on Friday, July 18. Afro Celt Sound System iselec- trifying audiences across the na­ tion with their innovative fusion o f West African rhythms, Irish tradi­ tional m usic, and cutting-edge dance grooves. Tickets for the Afro C elt’s July 18 performance are on sale now. Considered pioneers o f the glo- bal beat movement and originally called the Afro Celt Sound System, the sound o f the Afro Celts has evolved in the past seven years from an emphasis on programmed beats and grooves to real instru­ mentation and song craft. The lat­ est album in their continual musical exploration, Seed, has an organic- feel throughout. Tickets for the Afro C e lt’s per­ form ance are on sale now. Ticket price is $ 15. Tickets are available at the zoo reception office and S afew ay T ic k e tsW e st T ic k e t C e n te r s , o n - lin e at T ic k e ts W e s t.c o m ( s e r v ic e charges apply) or by calling 503- 224-8499or 800-992-8499. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. For additional in f o r m a tio n , p le a s e v is it w w w or cal 1503- 226-1561. Macy Gray ’s Return to Pop Judge Throws out Felony Only two years ago, Macy Gray was on top of the music world - a critical and commer­ 20arrest in Philadelphia, when police after intervening in an argument cial darling with a multi-plati­ said Sigel threw a gun from his ve­ between Speller and two women num debut album, a Grammy hicle during a traffic stop, Perri said. outside the Pony Tail Bar. Speller and a ubiquitous hit single. The 29-year-old also has a pre- was expected to recover. Then her second album In the court hearing last week, a landed a week after Sept. Philadelphia judge threw out a Police said Sigel fired 1 1, with a resounding thud. twoshots after intervening felony assault charge but upheld Now, as Gray prepares to two misdemeanor charges against in an argument between release her third album , Sigel for a January assault. The “The Trouble With Being victim, Wendall Mathis, testified Speller and two women At the close o f a state court M yself,” she finds herself that Sigel punched him in both eyes, outside the Pony Tail Bar. hearing on an assault case, rap art­ breaking the orbital bone around in the uncom fortable posi­ Speller was expected to his left eye, according to Assistant tion o f having to re-estab­ ist Beanie Sigel was arrested by federal officials and charged with recover. District Attorney Crystal Scott. Js lish h erself as a pop suc­ being a felon in possession o f a Sigel’s 1995 drug conviction is cess. firearm. liminary hearing on a charge of the basis for the federal gun-pos­ “ Music is all about timing.” Sigel, a South Philadelphia na­ shooting a man outside a West session charge, Perri said. reflects the 32-year-old singer- tive whose real name is Dwight Philadelphia bar. Last week, Sigel A protege o f Jay-Z, Sigel gained songwriter. “You could put out Grant, was to remain in custody on surrendered to police on an at­ a following in 2000 with his gold- the hottest record in the whole the weapons charge until a federal tempted murder charge for alleg­ certified debut CD, “The Truth.” world - if it’s not the right time detention hearing, said his lawyer, edly shooting Terrence Speller in His second album spent several Fortunato Pern Jr. the stomach and foot on July 1. for it, it won’t work.” weeks in the top 10 o f Billboard’s The charge comes from an April Police said Sigel fired two shots R&B/Hip-Hopchart. Timing was certainly part of the problem surrounding Gray’s “The Id.” In the wake of the E N JO Y O NE OF T H E H IG H E S T FO R M S OF E N T E R T A IN M E N T terror attacks, Gray’s sexy, exuberant attitude didn ’ t mesh with the somber, healing tone of the times. “The Id” sold about 585,000 copies - decent for some artists, but a flop The C ipizzaner Stallions are horses o f nobility - the ultimate compared with the 3.3 million expression o f an art form which fa tes b a efto the 16th century. copies sold for her debut. Charges Against Beanie Sigel Rapper with firearms possession charge had prior charges dropped THE “ WORLD FAM OUS” Singer Macy Gray poses is preparing for the release of her third album, “The Trouble With Being Myself." The 32-year-old singer- songwriter finds herself in the uncomfortable position o f having to re-establish herself as a pop success. L ipizzaner S tallions O N E SIffl MUSIC, INC. SATURDAY These magnificent stallions perform acrobatic maneuvers that no other breed o f horse can equal A n d now, they are here fo r a ll to appreciate. T.B. E n t e r p r is e s P r e s e n t s T h e is l e y B r o t h e r s JULY 19 • 2 pm & 7:30 pm P O S IÎA Ü D E N w w w . ro s e q u a rte r.c o m #1 Selling Album "Body Kiss" TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT THE ROSE QUARTER BOX OFFICE AND ALL ticketm aster OUTLETS T O P T E N L IS T D o n ’t miss this rare chance to see them perform, including their ‘A irsA bove the (fou n T . Busta Rhymes -- "It Aint Safe No More" Bone Crusher - "Attenchun" TWO SHOWS ONLY! Whitney Houston - "Just Whitney" WC -- "Ghetto Heisman" I it kets .({»