Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 2003, Image 7

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    Committed to C u lluid l Diversity
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Clothing for a Good Cause
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Taking Stress Out of Caregiving
Successful Choices hosts a blow­
out clothing sale fundraiser from
9a.m .through5p.m .Sat.,July 19,
in the McCoy Academy parking
lot, 3802 NE Martin Luther King
Jr. Blvd. Stop by for food, drinks,
music and killer bargains.
African Beats at Fairview
Enjoy marimba music inspired by
the rhythms o f southern and west­
ern Africa from I 1:30a.m. to 12:30
p.m. Friday, Aug. 1 at Fairview
Park, 152ON.E. Village St. Formore
information, call 503-988-5655.
Classics for Canines
Improve your reading skills by
reading aloud to therapy dogs
from 1 to 3 p.m. Sat., Aug. 2 at the
Albina Library,36O5N.E. 15 th Ave.
Register at 503-988-5362.
Sant Thakar Singh
Know Thyself as Soul Founda­
tion features free a meditation
class from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at
Portland State’s Hoffman Hall,
1833S.W. 1 l lhAve. Form ore in­
formation, call 503-648-7380.
Démocraties Party
Who says politicians can’t party?
The Multnomah County Demo­
crats’ third annual potluck is at I
p.m., Aug. 17 at Woodstock Park,
S o u th e a st 4 8 ,h A ven u e and
Steele. Formore information, call
Participants learn tools to become more powerful caregivers to their aging family members at Legacy Emanuel
Hospital in north Portland.
photo M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Lakewood Theatre Company pre­
sents “Oregon G hosts” week­
ends at the Studio Theatre, at
Lewis and Clark College, 615 S. W.
Palatine Hill Rd. $23. For more
information, call 503-635-3901.
African Americans
helping sick and
elderly take time for
Welcome Home Troops!
by J aymee R. C vti
T he P ortland O bserver
Haunting at Lewis and Clark
The Troops Parade to welcome
home the U.S. forces from Iraq is
at 11 a. m. Saturday, July 19inthe
park blocks at Northwest 8,h Av­
enue and Davis. For more infor­
mation, cal1503-670-0864.
Many African Americans have been
raised to believe that taking care o f sick or
elderly loved ones is a duty to take pride in.
They may not have also been w arned about
the tension associated with being a caregiver
and what that stress can do to their mental
and physical health.
The cooking, cleaning, shopping, super­
vision, daily personal care and sometimes
financial support can bury caregivers in
mountain o f to do lists that prevents them
from taking time for themselves.
A new six-week long class at Legacy
Emanuel Hospital, helps family caregivers
learn that taking care o f themselves can help
manage depression, anger, stress and im­
Farhia Omar teaches caregivers to manage
prove communication with doctors and other
family members.
The class. Powerful Tools forCaregi ving,
taught by Farhia Omar, was bom from a
study at the Oregon Health and Sciences
University, focusing on how stress on Af­
rican Americans can lead to dementia and
A Izheimer’s disease.
O m ar and lead researcher Fred M iller
en co u n tered several p articip an ts who
listed “careg iv in g ” as a m ajor en viron­
m ental stress.
The free class includes free textbooks
and teaches techniques to reduce stress,
com municate effectively, take care ofyour-
self, m ake tough decisions, set goals and
problem -solve.
“T hey need to know th e re’s a lim it to
what they can do, and they can get o ut­
side help if n ecessary ,” said O m ar.
T h is c la s s , n o t fo r p r o fe s s io n a l
caregivers, benefits people taking care o f
loved ones in their home, in nursing homes
and even out o f state. For m ore inform a­
tion about the caregiving series, call 503-
Local Writers to Celebrate
Success at Dawson Park
Petal Pushers
The Providence Rose Pedal cel­
ebrates five weeksofcycling with
events through Aug. 10. Music
and Movies by M oonlight is on
Wed., July 16 and Aug. 6. The
Portland Art Museum is free to
anyone arriving by bike from 5 to
8 p.m. Thursday, July 17.
Native American Fish
Quintana Galleries presents Wy-
Kan-Ush-Pum Gala, Celebrating
Salmon and Art at the Governor
Hotel, 6 1 1 SW Tenth Ave. Auc­
tions will feature internationally
renowned Native American art.
Enjoy a salmon dinner, live enter­
tainment and Spirit o f the Salmon
Awards. For more information,
call 503-731-1284.
photo by
M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver
Car Wash Benefit
Give your baby a bath from 10
a m . to4p.m . Saturday, July 19at
605 N.E. Ivy St. All proceeds ben­
efit the University Park Com m u­
nity Center and Richard Brown
Headstart Center.
Museum Hosts Cruz-ln
V ancouver’s Pearson Air Mu­
seum, 1115 E. Fifth St., welcomes
you to its Cruz-in, W ednesdays
from 4 to 9 p.m. through Aug. 20.
Come by to see hundreds o f vin­
tage cars, hot rods and hogs, not
to mention a barbeque, bar and
music. Formore information, call
Stallions Horsin’ Around
The World Famous Lipizzaner
Stallions ride through the Rose
Garden at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday,
July 19 for “Dancing White Stal­
lions "Tickets are $ 19.50. Formore
information, call 503-224-4400,
Rose Garden for Sale?
Renaming Blazer
venue could pay
BY J aymee R. C vti
T he P ortland O bserver
C ould P ortland’s Rose G arden A rena
fall prey to the talons o f corporate spon­
sorship, as did the Staples C enter, the
FedEx Forum and C om paq Center?
C orporate nam ing-rights o f the Rose
G arden could m ean m illions for the Port­
land Trail Blazers, according to the te am ’s
n e w ly a p p o in te d P r e s id e n t S te v e
Patterson brokered a $5.4 m illion re­
nam ing ag reem en t b etw een C o m p aq
C om puter Corp, and the A rena O perating
Co. in H ouston in 1996 and told report­
ers at the Sports Business Journal that
the Rose G arden w as a "big opportunity
to raise revenue.”
The B lazers and its Oregon Sports
A rena recently cut costs by laying o ff
88 workers. T he te a m ’s $105 million
payroll is the highest in the NBA.
A t a p ress c o n fe re n c e last w eek,
P atterso n said th at p la y er personnel
cu ts w e re n ’t o u t o f th e q u estion and
an sw e re d , “ M ake m e an o ffer" w hen
tr a d i n g
D am on
S to u d am ire , w h o w as arrested on his
th ird m a riju an a o ffe n se at a T ucson,
A riz. airp o rt e a rlie r th is m onth.
Blazers spokesm an M ike Hanson said
discussion about renam ing the Rose
G arden is “prem ature" and that no plans
to sell the nam e are in place.
Tanya Brame reads her short story at the Missis­
sippi Pizza Pub in north Portland.
A writer’s block party at
Dawson Park in north Port­
land will mark the end of a
series o f w orkshops by
Write Around Portland.
The local group provides
low-income individuals with
the opportunity to articulate
their lives and experiences
through the power o f cre­
ative writing, transforming
lives and building commu­
The party on July 26th
will follow a successful se­
ries o f Summer o f Writing
workshops in the Boise-Eliot
neighborhood, recognizing
the accomplishments o f the
participants and providing a
gathering place and activi­
ties for local children and
For the kids there will be
bookbinding, poetry tiles,
postcard making and face­
painting. Writing workshops
will serve teens and adults.
There also will be music, an
open mike, booths featuring
food, information and m er­
chandise o f local artisans
and businesses.
In addition, the works
from the participants will be
published in a Summer An­
thology and released at the
block party.