luly 16. 2003 Page A2 P olice Pyros Bragged About Crime New Traffic Safety Laws Imposed Enforcement aimed at making streets safer for pedestrians (AP) — Measures to crack down on repeat drunken drivers and to make crossing at intersections safer for pedestrians have become new state laws in Oregon with the stroke o f Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s pen. M otorists and pedestrians are adjusting to both measures, signed by Kulongoski last month. The drunken driving measure revokes, rather than suspends, the license o f a driver upon a third conviction for drunken driving. Kulongoski said repeat drunken drivers need to be kept o ff the roads as a way to cut down on DUII- related accidents, which claim nearly 200 lives a year in Oregon. Last year in Oregon, 666 people were convicted o f driving under the influence o f intoxicants for the third time in the past two years. "These people have been pro­ v id e d ev ery o p p o rtu n ity to change their behavior through evaluation and treatment and yet they continue to endanger the lives o f Oregonians,” he said. Theothernew law requires that drivers crossing intersections without signals must stop and remain stopped until pedestrians crossing the street clear the driver’s lane and the adjacent lane. Deputy Cleared of Excessive Force (AP) — No charges will be brought against a fired Southern O regon s h e r if f s d eputy w ho grabbed a woman by the hair and bent her over a car duri ng an arrest. Deputy Michael Burke was dis­ missed June 12 for allegedly using excessive force in an arrest in March. Now he is going through a union grievance procedure to try to get his job back. A Josephine County Grand Jury heard witnesses, including Burke, but declined to bring charges against the deputy. The M arch 9 arrest o f Shannon pinned her and controlled her arm, C astleberry, 33, o f G rants Pass while Auborn placed handcuffs was detailed in a report filed by on her. Burke said he forced the woman Burke and a second report by D e p u ty John A u b o rn . over the trunk o f the patrol car and Castleberry was form allycharged repeatedly ordered her to stop try­ w ith resisting arrest. T hat charge ing to kick him. He then put her in was dism issed when B urke's con­ the car. Castleberry’s lip was injured duct w as investigated, accord­ during the incident. ing to court records. "They had the proof, the pic­ According to Burke’s report, Auborn and Castleberry were strug­ tures o f my face black and blue,” gling at the w om an’s home. The Castleberry said. “ I don’t see how officer grabbed Castleberry by the they could come back without an hair, forced her to the ground. indictment.” You Owe It To Yourself! DEALERSHIPS Save Time, Save Money! DO IT NOW! 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Since the party, four addi­ these fires call Crime Stoppers at tional fires were set. Two were at 823-HELP(4357) or theFire Inves­ Wilson, one at Robert Gray M iddle tigation Team at 823-3791. Fatal Shooting in Northeast Portland On July 7, at 2:19 a m., Portland Police responded investigated a possible homicide at Emanuel Hos­ pital. Police learned that 23-year- old Andrews Ray Mikes suffered a gunshot wound. Mikes was placed on life support and later died. Detectives believe that Mikes was shot near the intersection of northeast Sandy Boulevard and northeast 44lh Avenue while he was sitting in the passenger seat o f a car. Investigators do not know if the car was moving at the time and cannot determine if the shots came from another car or suspect on foot. Investigators suspect that the homicide may be gang-related. Anyone with information about the shooting should call 503-823- 0886. California Wants Assault Suspect The investigation revealed that OnJuly 2, at approximately 11:30 p.m., Vancouver Police responded Jordan is currently wanted on a to a disturbance on the 1600 block felony parole violation out o f Sac­ o f southeast Talton Avenue. An ramento, California and is consid­ initial investigation revealed that a ered armed and extremely danger­ male suspect had assaulted his girl­ ous. Anyone having information friend.. The suspect, Marquis Allen regarding Jordan’s whereabouts is Jordan, tied before officers arrived. asked to call 9-1-1. Persons who call can remain anonymous if they choose. Jordan is described as a white m ale,5’6”, 185 lbs, with short dark hair, brown eyes, with a mustache and goatee. He has a tattoo o f a heart with a dagger through it on his chest. CRIME STOPPERS (503) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 Northeast Portland Resident Missing Portland Police, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in the case o f a missing adult male. On June 5, 44-year-old Timothy Craig Bradshaw, who lives in North­ east Portland and is employed at the Food For Less Store in Gresham, failed to show up at work and also missed a scheduled family visit. According to his family, friends, co-workers and employer, this was out o f character for Bradshaw. His vehicle,apaleblue, 1977Toyota I Timothy Bradshaw hatchback was found by Portland Police, at an undisclosed location, but no evidence suggesting Bradshaw’s whereabouts was found. Bradshaw is a white male, approxi­ mately 6” tall and weighing roughly 190 pounds, with blue eyes and red hair. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to the resolution o f this case. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP (4357).