Page B6 ïlje JÌortlanò (Observer luly 16. 2003 S ports Riverside Disqualification Called Unjust T he R iverside L ittle L eague o f northeast Portland has filed an ap ­ peal to stop a district Little League tournam ent after a decision they call unjust. R iv ersid e’s All Stars in the boys 9 - 10 age group w ere d e ­ clared ineligible M onday after d e­ feating the Parkrose A ll Stars at the D istrict I tournam ent in Scappoose. L ittle L eague o fficials d isq u ali­ fied the team o v er a p lay er’s resi­ dency requirem ents. R iverside officials believe w ith ­ out a doubt, that they should be able to continue play ing in the tour­ nam ent. They said the player w as questioned about his eligibility to play six days prio r to the playoffs, but tournam ent o fficials failed to follow through w ith the report. A fter defeating Parkrose in the to u rn a m e n t, P a rk ro se o ffic ia ls brought up the question o f his suit­ ability to participate in the tou rn a­ m ent, ultim ately leading to the d is­ qualification. A nthony Jordan, m anager for the R iverside A ll-Star team, showed the P ortland O bserv er proof, that w ithout a doubt, that the p lay er in question lives w ithin the R iverside boundaries. Riverside Little League Manager Anthony Jordan (from left), parent Dina Clark and League President Gary Bailey gather Tuesday to protest Monday's disqualifi­ cation o f a Riverside team from playoff contention. IN VESTIGATIO N AL V A CCIN E TO PREVENT HERPES Seeking women aged 18 to 30 to participate in a research study evaluating an investigational vaccine to prevent herpes. If you meet the criteria for enrollment, you will be invited to a screening visit, which will involve a free herpes blood test as well as free educational materials and counseling about herpes. Those who qualify based on blood test results will be eligible to enroll in the vaccine trial. Vaccine trial participants will be reimbursed for time and travel. For more information or to see if you qualify, call (503) 226-6678. Westov er Heights Clinic 2330 NW Flanders Suite 207 Portland, OR 97210 www.westoverheights.CQm » 1 « CITY PRODUCE 503-460-3830 photo by M ark W ash - ington /T he P ortland O bserver And SMALL WORLD CAFE 503-265-0024 Located at 722 N Summer Open 7 days a week Fresh Squeezed OJ & Great Local Produce EVERYDAY r -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US #2 Russet Potatoes Green Named to Oregon Sports Hall (A P )— Professional basketball’s form er football player A-C G reen heads a list o f six athletic B ill “ E a rth q u a k e ” g reats selected fo r the O reg o n Enyart, a record-setting Sports Hall o f Fame. fu llb ack for O reg o n G reen, a Portland native, played S ta te . T h e r e ’s a ls o in an N -B-A record o f 1,278 gam es. golfer Peter Jacobsen, The other inductees include soc­ who won the P-G-A tour cer coachC liveC harles, w ho guided six tim es and founded the U niversity ofP ortland w om en to the non-P -G -A Fred theN -C -A -A D ivision 1 cham pion­ M eyer Challenge. ship last D ecember. Plus, there's The o th er tw o in- Homerun Derby [J ARE APPROVED! I f You: Need a... Car? Van? SUV? Truck? Bad Credit? Need Credit? You Are Approved The 2003 A ll-Star hom e run derby took place M onday. A naheim A n g el’s G arret A nderson w on against the St. L o u is’ C ardinals A lbert Pujols. Job + Drive License=Car Loan Choose From 520 units Call Now: 971-570-1233 “Local C all” Living a Dream L ebron Jam es, the high school graduate and top pick in the N B A , scored 25 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists in a losing effort against th e B oston C eltics, 84-87 in a su m m er league gam e. 431 NE Jarrett Street Portland. 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