luly 16, 2003 (Elje JInrtlanò ODbseruer Page B5 CLASSIFIEDS/BIDS NOTICETO EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Citation ¿ T O \. Court No. 3 3 3 9 1 0 Superior Gresham Inflow and Infiltration ( I & I ) Control Program Implementation, CIP 3 0 0 2 0 0 °*tc o * RFQ’s due 3:00, July 3 1 ,2 0 0 3 The City of Gresham intends to com prehensively review the current inflow and infiltration (I & I) Control Program, Capital Im provem ent Project 300200. The project involves evaluating the C ity’s current I & I Control Program including data collection (collection system rainfall induced flow ), hydraulic m odel (XP-SW M M ™ ) calibration and c a p ita l im p ro v e m e n t p ro je ct id e n tific a tio n . The C ity 's anticipated budget for the project is a pp roxim a tely $ 60,000 dollars. The City o f G resham w ishes to engage the services o f a qualified equipm ent su pplier to analyze the e xistin g I & I control program and provide equipm ent installation and product services for data collection device deploym ent and m anagem ent. The C ity's 2001 W astew ater (Collection System ) M aster Plan Update provides an updated and com prehensive I & I Plan. The City o f Gresham would like to begin the project by October 2003. Supplier’s qualifications include, but are not limited to, knowledge of wastewater collection flow m onitoring technology, installation methods, and construction, operations and m aintenance techniques. The S u p p lie rs resp on din g to th is RFQ shall fu rn ish a written response setting forth the Suppliers specific experience in sim ilar projects and th eir qua lification s for providing the types of goods and services required. The written response shall be limited to: 1 A cover letter detailing your interest in this project (one page). 2. A brief statem ent th at reflects your u nderstanding o f th e project, your proposed approach to address key elem ents and your ability to provide a future RFP (tw o pages or less). 3. K ey personnel available to be assigned to the project, their specific qualifications and experience on sim ilar projects and th e proportion of their tim e available for the project (no page limit). 4. R elevant specific client history and references are sim ilar I & I program evaluation projects (no page limit). The deadline for su b m ittin g a response to th e RFQ is Ju ly 31, 2003, 3:00 pm, local tim e. The responses are to be m ailed or delivered to The C ity o f G resham , D epartm ent o f Environm ental Services, 1333 NW Eastm an Parkway, Gresham , O regon 97030, Attn: Mr. Jim M ontgom ery, P.E. Direct inquiries to Mr. M ontgom ery can be m ade at (5 0 3) 618-2437. Up to fou r o f the m ost qualified can didates will be selected to prepare and subm it com prehensive responses to a Request for Proposal. The RFQs will be evaluated by the C ity o f G resham on the follow in g basis: Statem en t o f Interest - 10%; Statem ent of Project U nderstanding/approach - 30% ; Product com patibility - 30%; Client H is to ry / R e fe re n c e ^ ^ O % . The City o f Gresham intends to vigorously pursue th e selection of a Supplier and is intending to proceed with the following schedule: Receive and begin review of RFQs - Ju ly 3 1 ,20 0 3 ; Distribute RFP to short listed consultants - August 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 ; Receive and begin review o f RFPs - S e p te m b e r 5, 2 0 0 3 ; S e le c t C o n su lta n t - S e p te m b e r 15, 2 0 0 3 ; C o n tra c t A w a rd - O c to b e r 1, 20 03 ; Com plete Project - February 13, 2004. NON D IS C R IM IN A TIO N STATEM EN T - The C ity o f G re sh a m 's program s, services, em ploym en t op portu n ities and volu nteer positions are open to all persons w ithout regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, handicap or political affiliation. Social Services: Education: Special Services Uaison needed for alternative school providing GED a n d e m p lo y m e n t tr a in in g fo r y o u th a g e s 1 6 -2 1 . P o s itio n in v o lv e s d e v e lo p in g and m a in ta in in g s p e c ia l s e rv ic e s , com m unity training, and parent services. Bachelor’s in education, c o u n s e lin g , o r r e la te d fie ld preferred. M inim um tw o years exp in em ploym ent interview ing, te a c h in g , c o u n s e lin g a n d / o r v o c a tio n a l g u id a n c e re q u ire d . P r e fe r a p p lic a n ts w ith e xp e rie n c e / s k ills w o rk in g with yo uth from d iverse e th n ic and cultural backgrounds. S ta rting sa lary is $ 2 8,5 0 0 per year, plus benefits. P lease su b m it cover letter and resume attn: Operations M a n a g e r, Y o u th E m p lo y m e n t Institute, 1704 NE 26th, Portland, OR 97212. Position closed on 7/ 18/03 at 5 :0 0 pm . W e va lu e d iv e r s it y a n d a re a n e q u a l opportunity employer. Full tim e Education/Development Specialist needed for alternative s c h o o l p r o v id in g G E D a n d e m p lo ym e n t tra in in g for youth a g e s 1 6 -2 1 . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e b a s ic s k ills , G E D in s tr u c tio n , w o rk r e a d in e s s tra in in g a n d case m gm t. Oregon te a c h in g c e rtific a te d e s ira b le . P r e fe r a p p lic a n ts w ith e xp e rie n c e / s k ills w o rk in g with yo u th from d ive rse ethn ic and cultu ral backgrounds. Starting range $26,500-$28,500 per year with full benefits. Please subm it c o v e r le tte r and re su m e a ttn : O p e r a tio n s M g r, Y o u th Em ploym ent Institute, 1704 NE 2 6 th, P o rt la n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 . Position closes on 7 /18/03 at 5 :00 pm . W e value diversity and a re a n e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity employer. WASHINGTON COUNTY CLIENT SERVICES TECHNICIAN I $ 3 ,1 9 2 -$ 3 ,8 7 9 / m o n th C loses Ju ly 25, 2003 RESIDENTIAL SERVICES MONITOR I Court of California CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON County of Stanislaus REQUEST FOR SMALL WORKS CONTRACTORS C ontractors are hereby notified th at th e C ity o f V an couver will accept applications for listing on the C ity’s sm all works roster. In The M a tte r Of Nolan G. Anderson, A M inor Person THE PEO PLE O F THE STATES OF OREGON TO: THEO D O R E BRENTON, JR., FATHER OF THE CHILD: $2,555 - $3,107 / month C loses Ju ly 25, 2003 You A re H ereby Cited to be and appear in th e Superior C ourt of Call (5 0 3) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /TTY (503) the S tate o f C alifornia, in and for 8 4 6 -4 8 9 8 fo r inform ation o r see the C oun ty o f Stanislaus, in the our w e b s ite : Courtroom to be announced, at County the C ourth ou se located at 800 a p p lic a tio n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l Eleventh Street, M odesto, County a p p lic a tio n fo r m s r e q u ir e d . of Stanislaus, California, on 9-10- W om en, m inorities, and people 2003 at 8:30 a.m., then and there with disabilities are encouraged show cause, if any you have, why Nolan G. Anderson, should not be to apply. declared free of the custody and APPLY TO: control of Theodore Brenton JR., W ashington C ounty Hum an his natural father. You Are Further Resources Division Advised th at if you appear a t the 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 above he aring and wish to have H illsboro, OR 97124 legal counsel but are unable to a ffo rd c o u n s e l, th e C o u rt w ill Summons -Family Law appoint counsel on your behalf. NOTICETO RESPONDENT: JOAN GILL You are being sued. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: JAMES GILL CASE NUMBER: 5 6 5 3 2 2 You have 30 C alen da r Days a fter th is s u m m o n s a nd P e titio n is served on you to file a Response (form 1 2 8 2 ) a t th e c o u rt and serve a copy on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your response on tim e , th e c o u rt m a y m a ke orders a ffe ctin g your m arriage, your property, and custody o f your children. You m ay be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filin g fee, ask th e clerk for a fee w aiver form . If you w ant legal advice, contact a law yer im m ediately. NOTICE: The restraining orders on th e back are e ffe ctive a g a in s t both husband and wife until the petition is dism issed, a ju d g m e n t is entered, or th e court m akes fu rther orders. These orders are e n f o r c e a b le a n y w h e re in California by any law enforcem ent officer who has received or seen a copy of them . The nam e and address of the court is: Kern C ounty M unicipal Court 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Th e n am e, a d d re s s , and te le p h o n e n um b er p e titio n e r's attorney, or petitioner w ith out an attorney, is: Darlene Haskins 2122 Foxglove CT. B akersfield, C A 93304 (661) 397-8910 Date Jun e 25, 2003 Jobs With Great Pay Regular raises and good benefits, yo u r choice o f classroom or on- th e -jo b tr a in in g in v a rie t y o f te c h n ic a l fie ld s . T u itio n fo r qualified students. M ust be H.S. grad. 1-800-914-8536. Credit Problems! Feel C on fide nt and Take C are of Your Financial Situation W ith Fast Track 1-888-689-1112 $250 to $500 a week W ill train to work a t hom e H elping the US G overnm ent File H UD/FH A m ortgage refunds No experience necessary Call 1 -8 00-778-0353 Public Employees Retirement System Internal Auditor 3 P E R S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is t e r s re tire m e n t, d is a b ility b en efits, health insura nce and deferred com pensation plans statew ide. Internal Auditor 3, Announcement #LE300494. The purpose of this p o s itio n is to in d e p e n d e n tly o r g a n iz e , le a d , a n d e x e c u te com prehensive, internal audits of the p ro g ra m m a tica lly com plex, retirement system. Salary range is $3,903 - $ 5 ,48 6 /m onth. EOE/ AA. To review the job description and the minimum qualifications, obtain the appropriate job announcement from your local Employment Department field office, the state job website at or by calling PERS Human Resources at (503) 603-7552. Revised closin g date: July 23, 2003 a t 5:00 pm. The sm all w orks roster will include firm s w ish in g to offer quotes on Public W orks projects which have an estim ated value between $0 - $ 200,000.00. Firm s on this roster m ay be contacted for quotes or on a rotating basis for projects of th is size in th eir respective business. Availability o f work is not guaranteed. Firm s m ay also request placem ent on the C ity's m a ilin g list for form al bids over $200 ,0 0 0 .0 0 estim ated cost. Applications for listing will be accepted from firm s doing business in th e follow in g areas: G eneral Contracting. Asbestos Abatem ent, B uilding dem olition, Cabinetry, Carpenter, C arpet/Floor Covering, Concrete (Curbs/ Sidew alks), Coring/D rilling, Ditch cleaning, Drywall, Electrical, Excavating, Fencing, Glass/W indow installation, HVAC, Janitorial. L a n d s c a p in g , M a so n ry, P a in tin g , P a vin g, P lu m b in g , Pu m p installation/repair, Roofing, Storage Tank Rem oval, Sew er/W ater M ain Repair/Replacem ent, Traffic Signalization, W elding, W ell Drilling, W indow Covering and Cleaning, Other The City will m ake a reasonable effort to contact all contractors qualified fo r a particular project on a rotating basis. If a firm does not respond three consecutive tim es and does not specifica lly ask to rem ain on the list of qualified contractors, the firm will be rem oved from the list. Interested contractors are requested to obtain and com plete the City o f Vancouver Sm all W orks Packet, which is available on our website at WMW.CLvancQuver, (Procurem ent Services); from C u s to m e r S ervice , located at 610 E sth er S tree t, 1st Floor, V a n c o u v e r, W a s h in g to n ; o r by p h o n e a t (3 6 0 ) 6 1 9 -1 0 3 0 . Ava ila bility o f work is not guaranteed. Applications will be accepted throughout the year, however Sm all W orks C on tra ctors m ust be pre-qualified prior to w ork being awarded. The City of Vancouver encourages participation of Minority, Women and Disabled Small W orks Contractors. ELIZABETH GOTELLI Procurem ent Services M anager NOTE: Please check our website for current roster inform ation. If your com pan y is on the roster with the correct inform ation, NO ACTION is required. PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port o f Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Employment m aterials ere available on th e S tate o l Oregon w ebsite at M ail or deliver your completed application materials to: Human Resources. Oregon State Board of Nursing 800 NE Oregon Street. Suite 465, Portland OR 97232. Closing date is 4:00 p.m. on July 23. 2003. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) « Explore our variety o f rewarding occupations .. A0MINISTRAT1VE/CLERICAL _r a , ,, z A|. /•s « Oo o ® These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS (0 D 0 C ) Principal E xecu tive/M an ag er I Director OREGON EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD Mediator PARKING FACILITY Operator 6611 IE Martii Latta Kiig Blvd Immediate full and part-time open­ Pirtillä, Oregia 97211 ings. Seeking d ep e n d a b le , w ell- OREGON STATE BOARD OF NURSING 503-2404198 groomed, positive individuals. Systems And Programming Supervisor 1 Database Administrator Salary $ 3 ,9 0 3 - $ 5 ,4 8 6 /m o n th One-Bedroom Apartments with Full Sized Kitchens and Living Areas • Planned Activities, Laundry Facility, Conference & Meeting Room, Elevator and Library * Conveniently Located to Shopping, Restaurants, Pharmacy and Medical Offices 6 $ 8 .0 0 + S ta rtin g w age O vertim e/a d va n cem e n t potential M edical & D ental, 4 0 1 K avail. D rug te st/ B a ck g ro u n d C h eck New hires m u st have acceptable do cu m e n ta tio n to confirm both id en tity and eligib ility to w ork. A p p ly 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 :3 0 PM . Tu e s & T h u rs at C ity C e n te r Parking 130 S W S ta rk, P o rtla n d This full time management position is with the State Board of Nursing in Portland. This position manages and maintains the software and data elements of the agency's licensing database, supervises IT Specialists, and manages IT projects for the agency. Minimum qualifications: 1 year of experience as a Systems Software Programmer. Programmer. Programmer Analyst, or closely related work which included developing systems to meet user needs and project management OR an equivalent combination of experience and training Preference may be given to applicants with: DBA Certification and/or expenence as a senior staff member in a database administration group that included prodding expert advice and leadership in the planning development, coordination and implementation of information systems. This expenence should include developing database standards and experience with MS SQL Server and supervising technical staff II you qualify, com plete a State of Oregon application to m and required supplem ental m aterials lor lo b Announcement 4LE300498. W W W Salary $665 $858/m onth Parttim e (approx 20 hours/per week) Announcement 40CDT3411 Salem • Construction Contracts Technician Salary $1,938 $2.776/m onth Announcement 40CDT3414 Salem • Administrative Technical Assistant Salary $1.938 $2.776/m onth Announcement 40CDT3416 Salem CUSTOMER SERVICE /ENFO RCEM ENT • M otor Carrier Enforcem ent Officer ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Project Coordlnator/Constructlon Specialist Salary $3.160 $4.525/m onth Announcement 40CDT3541 Bend • District Access M anagem ent A Engineering Coordinator Salary $3.160 - $4.525/m onth Announcement HOCDT3454 Portland • Contract Services Specialist Salary $2,865 $4.1O l/m onth Announcement 40COT3187 Salem • Quality Assurance Technician & A sst Trg Coord. Salary $2.728 - 53,911/m onth Announcement »OCDT3156A Salem • Assistant quality Assurance Coordinator Alberta Simmons Plaza for Seniors 62 years and older • Traffic Survey Interviewer Salary $2.115 - $2.925/m onth Announcement »OCDT3443 Woodburn ODOC is conducting an executive search to fill the position of Director. This challenging opportunity will require an individual with an extensive background in modem correctional practices and policy, an outstanding track record in management, and a passion for leadership. The successful candidate should have a minimum of 10 years' progressivley responsible experience in public safety that has included management and direction of large, highly diverse organizations. Salary: $76.104 $112.272 annually plus excellent benefits. Job Announcem ent IE S 291015 may be obtained through any Oregon Employment Department or call 877B88-5234 (Toll Free) or log onto our website at h ttp ://w w w Recruitment closes August 8. 2008. There is a vacancy for a full-time Mediator with the Oregon Employment Relations Board. Applicants must have 5 years' fulRime expenence in collective bargaining negotiations or the mediation of collective bargaining disputes and a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Relations. Business Administration. Law. or related fields, or 3 more years' qualifying experience. This job requires considerable travel in Oregon and evening work. You must have a valid drivers license and a good dnvmg record. Salary is $4,065 $5,681/m onth For more inform ation and application forms go to w w w You can also request Information from the Oregon ERB directly by contacting Sandra Elliott via phone: (503) 378 4471. e x t 242: fax: (503) 3 7 3 4 0 2 1 email: or mall: Employment Relations Board. 528 Cottage S t NE. Suite 400. Salem. OR 97301-3807. Closing date is July 31. 2003. Affordable Quality Retirement Living CAREER OPPORTUNITIES.. JOIN OUR TEAM! ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day The Job Announcem ent end Salary $2,865 $4,101/month Announcement »OCOT3188 Roseburg • Project Manager Negotiable Annual Salary up to $72,415 Announcement 4OCOT3573 Roseburg • Associate Roadway Designer Salary $2,865 $ 4 ,lO l/m o n th Announcement tfOCDT319O La Grande • District Permit Specialist Salary $2.728 $3.911/m ontb Announcement »OCDT3538 Klamath Falls MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Area Manager Negotiable Annual Salary up to $76.200 Announcement »OCDT35O5 Astoria PROGRAM COORDINATION • Vehicle Program Section Technician Salary $2.664 $3,698/m onth Announcement HOCOT3228 Salem PURCHASING/CONTRACTS • Purchasing & Contract M gm t Customer Liaison Salary $3,208 $4,476/month Announcement 40CDT3412 Salem • TralnerCompilance Officer Salary $3,208 $4,476/month Announcement H0CDT3413 Salem To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcement number, which provides full details, qualifications/requirements. and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired], or visit As an AA/EEO employer ODOT is com mitted to integrating the promotion and management of workforce diversity and affirmative action into every facet of our business.