______ ______________________ (Eije Jlortlanh (ßbseruer ,u^l6,2003 R eligion __________CLASSIFIEDS/BIDS A llen Temple Hosts Religious Leaders Conference addresses church renewal and survival E th el J. B a tes F or th e P o r tla n d O bv bserv er Portland’s Allen Temple Chris­ tian Methodist Episcopal Church, under the direction o f Pastor Leroy Haynes, was proud to host the Alaska Pacific Region Conference o f the Ninth Episcopal District last week. Bishop Williamson o f the 9“’ dis­ trict o f the CME Church was w el­ comed to the Rose City as a special guest o f honor during a reception at the Holiday Inn Portland Airport Conference Center. The church’s 9“1 district includes five regions; A la sk a -P a c ific , A riz o n a -N e w Mexico, Northern California, Okla­ hom a-M uskogee and Southern California. Other honored guests included Mayor Vera Katz, Portland Police Chief Mark Kroeker, Urban League o f Portland Executive V anessa Gaston and Beth Nance o f the North Portland Bible College. B ishop W illiam son, has been in the m inistry for 36 years. He w as educated at Purdue U niver­ sity, received his M aster o f D i­ vinity D egree as G arret T heologi­ cal sem inary and his Dr. O f D ivin­ ity D egree from United T heologi­ cal Sem inary and Bible C ollege. He was elected as the 52"'i Bishop o f the CM E Church at the G eneral C onference on July 3, 2002 in A tlanta, Ga. “It is the goal in the Ninth Epis­ copal District to help every local church to become stronger in min­ istry and discipleship,” Williams told conference delegates. “ We can refocus, revive and renew the local church if we make winning souls for Jesus Christ our number one prior­ ity. We in turn will train and nurture our present members as wel 1 as new members to become dedicated dis­ ciples o f Jesus Christ. It is our hope that all leaders in the ninth District will help us in our effort to reach these goals by fasting and prayer, witnessing and worshiping.” Bishop W illiamson has been extensively involved in civic, com­ munity and religiousaffairs H eisa recognized church growth special­ ist. Prior to being elected bishop, he was the pastor o f Carter Temple CM E Church in Chicago. He gained nationwide recogni­ tion when he succeeded to the presi­ dency o f Rainbow/PUSH coalition and as the founder and chief execu­ tive officer o f the “One Church, One School Community Partner­ ship” H is first co n feren ce o f the Alaska Pacific Region held in Pasco, Wash, where the faithful were privi­ leged to experience this church leader’s zeal and commitment and non-consuming love for God. He told us to love God with your whole heart, mind and soul. Love Him, Love Him, Love yourGod. Ethel J. Bates is a minister fo r the Allen Temple CME Church in Portland. ■ H M N M W H M B M M N M M M M M I ■MMnHMMNMMMMHHMMII Market Honors Muslim Leader Youth Business Center holds first youth-run farmer’s market An open air farme ,-s markets, lo­ cated at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Bryant Street, was created to serve the needs o f young gardeners fanners, arts, crafts, and food vendors. Seventy-fivepetccrrt o f vendors must make or produce what they sell. The market is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays through the summer. The market is more than just a place for young people to sell fresh produce. It provides business edu­ cation, social interaction, com m u­ nity building, hands-on training, and promotion o f a healthy life style. The program gives young people a new way o f thinking and acting, and promotion ofhealthy life style. It also gives young people a new way o f thinking and acting: being producers instead o f consumer and being able to take care o f them- ( A b Mustaafa Muhammad and Maurice Smith learn about business and community through the Na 'eem Muhammad Youth Business Center's farmer's market on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Bryant Street. "a selves and family. teaching them the basic beliefs o f The farm er’s market is part o f a being morally and spiritually up­ hands-on training project o f the right, belief in God and self, taking N a’eem Muhammad Youth Busi­ responsibility for self, having re­ ness Center, a non-profit com mu­ spect for self and others, working nity Development Corporation. together and providing for self The Youth Business Center is through ownership and education. dedicated to the memory o f Imam The Business Center is a com ­ N a'eem Muhammad, leader o f the munity response to years o f high Muslim Community CenterofPort- unemployment among adults and land until his passing in 1988. He youth and the lack o f entrepreneur­ set a fine example in his beliefs o f ial role model for youth in north and dedication, strength, love o f hu­ northeast Portland. For more information about the manity, especially young people farmer’s market, call FareedaSaahir and character. He worked diligently in the Port­ at 5 0 3 -5 2 8 -8 2 6 6 o r e-m ail land community with young people. fsaahir@ easysreet.com. i t u a r i e s Grandfather Remembered A funeral was held this week in A n tio c h M is sio n a ry B a p tist Church in Portland for John Eddie Cook, who died July 10 at age 76. Cook was bom July 15,1926, in Palestine, Ark. He served in the Army during World War II and moved to Portland in 1946. He was a nurse’s aide and worked for the Portland Veterans Medical Center for more than 32 years. In 1973, he married Chitagawaa L. Harden. Portlander Dead at 50 And th ey th at be w ise shall sh in e as th e b rig h tn ess of th e firm am en t; and th ey that tu rn m any to rig h teo u sn ess as th e stars fo r e v e r and ever. D aniel 12:3v. Get Up Pastor E ld er J.W. Friday and let u * worship the Lord together. We go a long »ray back, let'« go the last mile of the way together Service Time "Early Riser Worship Service" Sunday Morning 7:45 A.M, to 9:45 A.M, A fu n eral w as held th is w eek in K illin g sw o rth L ittle C h ap el o f th e C h im e s fo r B e rn a rd G o o seb e rry , w ho d ied Ju ly 5 at age 50. M r. G o o seb erry w as b o rn in P o rtlan d and lived in the P o rt­ land area his w h o le life. He g rad u ated from B en so n H igh School. He w as an e le c tric ia n and m em b er o f L ocal 48. S u rv iv o rs in clu d e his d a u g h ­ ter, A ngela R endon; b ro th ers, Joe and T .J.; siste rs, Jo se p h in e Cam el, Y vette O w ens, M arzetta G o o seb e rry , E laine B urge and L a v e rn e . H a m p to n ; an d tw o g ran d ch ild ren . Thursday Night Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Service Location: 6401 NE 10th Avenue (Corner of NE 10th and Highland) For Information Call: (503) 202-7560 brightstarministries@hotmail.com "Life Is W hat You Make It Only You Fake It" T h e O ffic e o f S ch o o l and Oregon Department Comm unity Partnerships has six Of Transportation v a c a n c ie s fo r C o m m u n ity Transportation Maintenance C o n ve n e rs to im plem ent and Management, Coordinator, and maintain the school aged policy Specialist framework. These individuals will POSITIONS AVAILABLE a s s is t in im p ro v in g s e rv ic e integration with other jurisdictions Don’t Miss Out! Get On ODOT’s a nd c o m m u n ity ba se d H irin g List.... In d ivid u a ls with o rg a n iz a tio n s . T h re e ye a rs roadway/highway maintenance, e x p e rie n c e in s ys te m s le ad e rsh ip , team w ork and/or development and equivalent to a co n stru ctio n skills sought for bachelor's degree is required or upcom ing openings in various e q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f locations statewide. Our highway e x p e rie n c e and e d u c a tio n . maintenance crews operate light Flexible schedules are required and heavy equipment, perform with morning or evening meeting manual labor and help maintain, a v a ila b ility , in te rv ie w s w ill repair and reconstruct roadways, tentatively be held during first two h igh w a ys, fre e w a ys, bridges, signs, and landscape. Managers weeks of August. and coordinators lead and direct M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty o ffe rs a h igh w a y m a in ten a n ce crew s, comprehensive benefit package. a p p lyin g critica l th in k in g and Salary: $24.65 $30.32 per hour excellent com m unication skills A p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls are daily. ODOT offers com petitive available at www.multcolobs.org or s a la rie s , as w ell as h ealth c a ll M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty Jo b in s u ra n c e , paid le a v e s, and Hotline at (503) 988-5035 to retirem ent contributions. Visit obtain applicant materials. The http://www.odot.state.or.us/jobs or call (503) 986-4030 (TTY 986- position closes on July 18,2003. 3854 for the hearing impaired) for Multnomah County is an equal Announcem ent #0CDT3550 - opportunity employer. Applicants Management or Announcement re p re s e n tin g th e d iv e rs ity of # 0 C D T 3 5 3 0 - S p e c ia lis t/ Multnomah County are invited to C o o rd in a to rs and PD 100-TM apply. A p p lic a tio n Form . T h e se announcem ents are open until Please contact Christine Stevens further notice and will be used to with ad proofs and costs at 503- e sta blish q ua lifie d ca nd ida te 9 8 8 -5 0 1 5 X27185 or pools to fill future vacancies. Pristine j£tE\ws@oo.multnomah.a.LB ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer, committed to building workforce Computer Repair Trainees diversity. H.S. grads age 17-34. Learn to repair state-of-the-art computers Earn Income From Home at our expense & receive exc. Your own business! Salary, benefits pkg. 1-800-914- Mall-order/lnternet 8536. ARPC GUNSH0W , A u g u s t 16th (9 -5 p m ) & 17th (9 -4 p m ), Linn C o u n ty Fa irg rou n d s, A d m is s io n $5 S Full training & support. Free Information www.123wearefree.com 888-453-3729 Family Advocate Coordinator Excitin g op p o rtu n ity to jo in a un iq u e c o lla b o ra tiv e p ro je ct focu sed on in cre a sin g fa m ily involvem ent for drug-involved youth in th e Ju ve n ile Ju stice system . The p osition will be located at the Multnomah County Juvenile Justice Complex and will w ork as part o f a netw ork of community agencies and juvenile justice staff focused on reducing d ru g u s e / c rim in a l b e h a vio r. Position includes advocacy for the p h ilo s o p h y and p ra c tic e of strength-based, family-focused, case planning and mgmt with the juvenile justice and substance abuse tx system s. R e quires re c e n t exp. d e m o n s tra tin g successful advocacy on behalf of clie nts in one or m ore of the fo llo w in g : ju v e n ile ju s tic e , adolescent substance abuse tx, and/or mental health. Experience working with consumer advocacy g ro u p s and s ta ffin g a p o licy a d v is o ry g ro u p re q u ire d . Experience and skill working with a d iv e rs e ra c ia l/ c u ltu ra ! population in d evelop in g and m a n a g in g a fa m ily a d vo ca cy program preferred. Requires personal transportation. If driving a personal vehicle must have valid driver’s license for state of residency, personal auto liability (100/300) and d riving record m e e tin g c o rp o ra te d riv in g requirem ents. Please subm it cover letter and resume to: Family Advocate Coordinator Position, c/ o Janus Youth Programs, 707 NE Couch, Portland, OR 97232. We value diversity and are an equal opportunity employer. Love the Body Shop products? Our new division is offering a ground floor income opportunity to those interested in a home based buisness. Toll Free (877) 275-0957 S U B B ID S R E Q U E S T E D O regonS tateP olice Forensics-Lab/Medical-Examiner B id P ic k a g e H I —-Demolition,-Concrtt«,-Pin-Piling,-Steel Mandatory-Pre-Bid:-July-17-10:00am Bids-Due:-July-24-2:00pm Bid Documents-Ford-Graphics-(503/227-3424)-oi WWW.bXWeI.C0IT1 Bureau of Housing & Community Development Director City of Portland, Oregon Recruitment No. 03-095 Open: Tuesday, July 1,2003 Close: Friday, August 15,2003 The City of Portland is accepting a p p lic a tio n s fo r p o s itio n of H o u sin g and C o m m u n ity Development Director’s, a high- le ve l m a n a g e m e n t p o s itio n d ire c tin g th e o rg a n iz a tio n , a d m in is tra tio n , fin a n c ia l m anagem ent, personnel, and programs of the City's Bureau of H o u sin g and C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t. T h is p o s itio n e n s u re s th a t th e B u re a u 's p ro g ra m s a nd o p e ra tio n s effectively serve the needs of multiple stakeholders in the areas of housing, economic opportunity, and community services. A n n u a l S a la ry : $ 7 8 ,1 2 5 - $91,104. Initial S alary will be based on q u a lific a tio n s and experience. The City offers a city- paid core benefits package and participates in Oregon's Public Em ployee R e tirem en t System (PERS). The City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. You may e- mail requests for applications to HR Executive@cij2ortland.or.us; call (503) 823-3515 to request an application; or apply online at http://www5.ci.pQrtland.or.us/ jobs/. Ap p lication deadline is August 15,2003. AFFORDABLE T T S ocial S ervices Community Convener LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/^Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW A NW) H hoffman - construction - company OF-OREGON Phorte:-(503)-221-8811--Bid-Fax:-(503)-221-8888 8 0 5 S W Broadway, Suite 2 1 0 0 - Portland, O R 97 2 0 6 - CCB License # 2 8 4 1 7 We are an equ al opportunity em ployer end request sub bids from all interedbdtrmsnludng disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans a n d emerging smalibusmesaenlBipmes O th e r-S u b c o n tra c tin g -O p p o rtu n itie s - In te rn e t http: w w w .h o b r n a n c o tp .c o in