(Clje “P ortiani! (Bbserucr luly 09. 2003 Page AS S ports Beaming with Victory (formerly Renaissance Market) Best quality low prices in town Twoday’s service. Any garment-$2.50 (Except leather) Laundry Shirts - $ 1.25 Table clothes - $ 10.(X) Comforter-$ 15.OO-$20.0O Regularcoat-$7.50 Medium length coat-$10.00 Congratulations to the Riverside Peninsula Little League team who will advance to state championship in Kla­ math Falls. MaxiCoat -$15.00 9 A .M . - 7:30 P.M. M onday t iir i S aturday 909 N. K illingsworth P ortland , OR 97217 (503) 289-8452 BIG CITY PRODUCE SMALL WORLD CAFE Gomez Joins Team Freedom Luis Decuba (manager), Juan Carlos Gomez (boxer), Angelo Dundee (trainer), and Sugar Ray Leonard. Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing and Team Freedom have confirmed the signing o f heavyweight contender Juan Carlos Gomez to a long term promotional agreement. G om ez will begin intensive training under legendary trainer A ngelo D undee (w ho train ed both S ugar Ray L eonard and Muhammad Ali) in the Miami area in preparation for his H BO debut on A ugust 16. Located at 722 N Summer 503-460-3830 Open 7 days a week Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice EVERYDAY Healthy Competition Three-year-old Josiah Jamison brought home numerous ribbons, taking first place in the high jump, shot put and 200 meter dash. Foot Traffic, an athletic apparel business, sponsored a track and field competition at Grant High School last week, bringing out kids aged two to 18. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Grown M ustard or Collard Greens 5 for Limit 10 per family Coupon Expires 7/14/03 431 NE Jarrett Street Portland. OR 97211 YOU ARE APPROVED! I f You: Ckwgon t W amm W wington (503) 4 9 3 -6 0 2 7 Fax (503) 493-6029 vwest@vwservices com VWESTÇOJNC We do it right! Need a... Car? Van? SUV? Truck? Bad Credit? Need Credit? General Contractor CCB# 153199 Unshakable Serena Job + Drive License=Car Loan Choose From 520 units Call Now: 971-570-1233 "Local Call" We like little jobs too! Licensed Bonded Insured BUSINESS MX You Are Approved Let us 6uild it or f i t it within your budget Serena Williams poses with the winner's plate, after defeating her siste r Venus in the Women s Singles final on the Centre Court at the All England Lawn Tennis Champi­ onships at Wimbledon. Vemell West. President d ir e c to r y OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 Paul A. Neufeldt 503-288-0033 pan@daos.org graphics FAX: STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A S u m m e r S p e c ia l $$SAVE$$SAVE$$SAVE Portland, OR 97217 1 PRO R esidential S in gle Fam ily D w ellings S pecializin g in: G u tterC lea n in g • T ree, Lawn & Shrub R em oval Fast Q u ality W ork • R easonable K ales «7 D ays A W eek C all For E stim ate: (503)358-9113 P ortland B usiness L icense #649362 HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS A ffordable Design and Business Support Graphic Design (50 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 $$SAVE$$SAVE$$SAVE 1