T, Week ¡n TheReview LAYOFF LEAVES 88 BLAZERS EMPLOYEES JOBLESS Push For Head Start Reform President Bush called M onday for im provem ents in the H ead Start program , declarin g it vital to the c o u n try ’s future that 1 m illion 3- and 4-year-olds from low -incom e fam ilies have the learn in g sk ills n ecessary for school. S upporting pro p o sals that are draw ing som e con tro ­ versy, Bush and H ouse R epub­ licans w ant to give a handful o f states the option o f taking over H ead Start program s now d i­ rected by the federal Departm ent o f H ealth and H um an Services. C ritics fear a declin in g federal role will result in a low ering o f standards. A lm ost 7 0 p e rc e n to f children enrolled in H ead Start are m inorities, including about a third w ho are black. Bush African Tour Skips Suffering Countries President Bush departed on an A frican tour w ith planned visits to n a tio n s th a t h a v e m a d e progress in dem ocratic and eco­ nom ic developm ent. F our o f the five countries the p resident in­ tends to visit - S enegal, South A frica, B otsw ana and N igeria - are led by elected governm ents. U ganda has m ade progress in reducing the A ID S infection rate. B u sh 's trip com es at a tim e o f severe hum anitarian crises in L iberia and C ongo. But he w o n ’t be stopping in those nations. Kobe May Face Charges Prosecutors m et w ith sh eriff's o ffic ia ls M onday to d iscu ss w hether to file charges against K obe B ryant, w ho is accused o f sexual ly assaulting a w om an at a hotel near Vail. The 24-year-old L os A ngeles L akers’ star su r­ rendered to authorities and was released after posting a $25,000 bond, the Eagle C ounty s h e riffs office said. B ryant’s law yer says her client is innocent. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Trail Blazers President Steve Patterson and Executive Vice President Erin Hubert discuss the 30 percent reduction Of Blazers and Oregon Arena staff. bv J avmee R. C uti /T he P ortland O bserver Portland T rail B lazers President Steve Patterson said laying o f f 30 percent o f the B lazers’ frontoffice and O regon A renaCorp. w ork force w as “not unlike w h a t’s going on all o v er corporate A m erica." Patterson and Executive V ice President Erin H ubert announced layoffs o f 88 em - ployees. A t a press co n ference Tuesday, Patterson said, “T h ere co u ld have been m ore," and confirm ed that a change in player personnel w as not out o f the question. “W e 're not going to have a $ 105 m illion roster,” Patterson said, referring to the Blaz­ e rs’ payroll. H ubert said all em ployees w ere offered jo b placem ent support and “g enerous” sev- erance and benefits packages. She said em ­ ployees w ere w arned m onths ago that jo b and w age freezes had not done enough to correct a business she described as “o v er­ staffed.” Sources say em ployees w ere inform ed o f the m eetings announcing layoff via a co m ­ pany-w ide e-m ail and several em ployees w ere told to clean out their desks by lunch­ time. “No departm ent w as im m une," said M ike H anson, spokesm an for the Blazers. He sited “efficiency" and “stream lining” as reasons for the corporate slaughter. “ B ased on our entire business m odel, w e ’re looking strategically to do business better in the future,” he said. Military Experts in Liberia WMMM A team o f U.S. military experts a rriv ed in L ib eria to a ssess w hether to deploy troops as part o f a peacekeeping force that would restore order to a nation tom by civil war. Helicopters brought the experts, wearing arm or and some carrying assault w eapons, to the U.S. Embassy compound in Liberia - a w est African nation founded in the 19th century by freed A m eri­ can slaves. Liberian President C harles Taylor, beset by rebels and indicted by a U .N.-backed w ar crim es court in Sierra Leone, said he w ould step dow n and take exile in Nigeria, but urged the United States to send peacekeep­ ers to ensure an orderly transi­ tion. Nearly one th irdo fL ib eria’s 3 million people have been forced from their homes by fighting since rebels took up arm s against T ay­ lorin 1999. Health Care for All nr « • P Damon Stoudamire Stoudamire Busted Blazer’s President comes down hard on Stoudamire with fines, suspension, rehab and rumors of a trade Caption: Health Care for All organized a rally supporting universal health care last Thursday. Participants marched from Pioneer Courthouse Square to hear speakers at Terry Shrunk Park and finally to Sen. Gordon Smith s office, delivering a petition supporting their cause. No Suspect for North Portland Shooting by Jaym ee R. C uti/The Portland O bserver T w o A frican-A m erican m en w ere found w ith gunshot w ounds on N orth L om bard Street, n ear N orth Stanford A venue at 2 a.m. Saturday. I M m I T w enty-five-year-old Jam esC urtis West, Jr. and A aron D eon D onald, 27, did not appear to have shot each other, according to police arriving at the scene. The P olice D epartm ent has n o suspects. but say the shooting w as possibly gang- related. W est and D onald w ere taken to Legacy Em anuel H ospital. W est, w hose in­ juries are m ore dire than D o n ald ’s, rem ains in critical condition. (A P) — D am on S toudam ire w as a r­ rested on m arijuana charges at a T ucson airport last w eek after allegedly trying to pass through an airport m etal d etecto r w ith alm o st 1 1/2 ounces o f the d n ig w rapped in alum inum foil. T h e te a m im m e d ia te ly s u s p e n d e d Stoudam ire and fined him $250,000, He w as charged w ith possession o f m ari­ ju an a and possession o f drug p arap h er­ nalia, both m isdem eanors. S toudam ire w as released on his ow n recognizance and is to appear in court July 25. He could face a sentence o f up to $2,500 in fines and unsupervised probation on each charge. continued on page A 9