Cunlimited It* Diversity iu \ u pi n t lunik itisen er tom Ink o ’ . ,’oo ; ^ o rtla rth (©bseruer C o m in u n ity ¿fl e n d a r Adidas Dedicates Madrona Park Upgrade Car Wash Benefit G ive yo u r baby a bath from 10 a .m .to 4 p .m . Saturday, July 19at 605N .E. Ivy St. A l I proceeds ben­ e fit the U n iversity Park and R ich­ ard B row n Headstart Centers. Have a Heart P rovidence P ortland M ed ica l Center offers free educational classes to help those liv in g w ith heart failure manage th e irc o n d i- tion. M eetings are fro m 2 to 3:30 p.m . Tuesdays July 8 through Aug. 5. HealthCenter8,4895 N.E. G lisan St. For m ore in fo rm atio n, call 503-574-6595. Museum Hosts Cruz-ln The Pearson A ir M useum w e l­ c o m e s y o u to its C r u z - in , , Wednesdays fro m 4 to 9 p.m. through A ug. 20. Com e by to see hundreds o f vintage cars, hot rods and hogs, not to m ention a barbeque,barand music. 1115E. F ifth St., Vancouver. For m ore inform ation, call 360-694-7026. Painting Promotes Peace The O regon Peacew orks and C o lu m b ia R iver F ellow sh ip fo r Peace is creating a liv in g , breath­ Local kids enjoy sports activities at the Adidas Village celebration. The shoe and sports apparel company has opened a public campus at its new North American headquarters adjacent to North Greeley Avenue. in g pa in ting o f a dove from noon through 4 p.m., Sunday, A ug. 17 Company makes public campus out of former hospital grounds at W aterfront Park. Registration fo r volunteer artists c loses a week before the event. For m ore in fo r­ m a tio n , v is i t h ttp :// Stallions Horsin’ Around The W o rld Famous Lipizzaner Adidas-Salomon has upgraded a half-acre section o f Madrona Park on North Greeley Avenue as part o f the S tallions ride through the Rose Garden at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Satur­ day, July 19 fo r “ D ancing W hite final phase o f a five-year redevelop­ ment project for its new North Ameri­ can headquarters, known as the Adidas Village. Adidas Village C hief Executive Ross McMullin dedicated the park improvement Thursday to Mayor Vera Katz, Commissioner Jim Francesconi and the Overlook neighborhood. “We hope the local community will enjoy the newly developed park today and for the years to come,” he said. In February 2002, Oregon-based Adidas America began progressively moving its U.S. headquarters into its newly developed and constructed vil­ lage, formerly the Bess Kaiser Medi­ cal Center. Two office buildings, a gym facility, soccer field, tennis court, parking ga­ rage, visitor surface lot and a public park were built on the east side o f Greeley. The final phase o f the Village rede­ velopment was completed earlier this month. Adidas now employs 1,000 people o the site. Stallions.’’ Ticketsare$l9.50. For m ore in fo rm atio n, call 503-224- 4400. Summer of Discovery Words for Summer W rite A rou nd Portland offers The first blade o f a sculpture depicting a ship's propeller is gently nudged into place near the North Prescott Street Inter­ state MAX station. The surrounding area will be landscaped with grass to look like the swirling wake o f a propeller going through water. Sum m erofW riting Roving W ork­ shops from 6 to 8 p.m. on M o n ­ day, Ju ly 7 at M ississippi Pizza Pub. For more in fo rm atio n, call 503-796-9224. Homowo Summer Camp Im m erse you r c h ild in A fric a n A rts fo r a fu n -fille d week o f H o m o w o A fric a n A rts and C u l­ tures 10* Annual S um m erC am p at the F riendly House C om m u- nityC e n te r, 1 7 3 7 N .W .2 6 1*' Ave. The camp is from July 14 through 18, fro m 9 a.m. to 1 p.m . fo rc h il- dren aged three to fiv e and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. fo r children aged six to 11. Cam p is $ 125 for three to ‘Propeller’ Binds Max to Swan Island five-year-olds and $200 fo rs ix to 11 -year olds. For m ore in fo rm a ­ tion, call 503-288-3025. photo by Ryan, Amanda, Renee and Keenan (front, from left) join their Science Summer Camp advisor Nikki Wahon outside the University Park Community Center in north Portland. The campers are learning about their surroundings through computer research, labs, field trips and presentations. Universal Health Care A march forun ive rsal health care is at noon, Thursday, Ju ly 3, from P io n e e r C o u rth o u s e Square, B ro a d w a y and R on W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver S o u th w e s t Blinded by the wonders of science, campers learn the leading technology in the field Y a m h ill, to T erry Shrunk Plaza, where speakers from Health Care fo r A ll and Physicians fo r a N a­ tion al Health Program w ill lead talks about health care reform . The m arch continues to Sen. S m ith’s office in The W orld T rade Center at 121 S.W. Salm on to present his s ta ff w ith petitions. Naturopathic Medicine Learn how healthy liv in g can begin in the garden— not the m edicine cabinet— at a naturo­ pathic m edicine series from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuesdays through July 22. Level I Yoga is from 5:30to 7 p.m. eighth graders, this means research-based com puter w o rk as w e ll as hands on labs and presentations. F o r one o f its fir s t exp erim e nts, kids tested the pH o f v a rio u s ho usehold p ro d ­ ucts, lem on ju ic e , apple ju ic e , baking soda, la u n d ry de terge nt and am m o n ia , to deter­ m in e w h e th e r the agent is a c id ic , basic o r by : J aym ee R .C l t ia n d D a M ar < ijs R edeaij neutral. The cam p aim s to boost the leaning curve fo r area kids and g ive them a head start for T he P ortland O bserver high school science classes. W ho says learning about science can 't “ W e ’ re try in g to reach the ty p ic a lly be fun and challenging at the same tim e? W elcom e to Science Sum m erCam p at the underrepresented in science and technol­ ogy, A fric a n Am ericans and Latinos," said U n iversity Park C om m unity Center, 9009 N. Foss St., presented b y the N e tw o rk o f Intel N ik k i W alton, a program developer, teacher and N IA chair. A frican-A m ericans and 7:15 to 8:45 p.m . Thursdays The lab presentations also help to ease For fou r weeks, through July 12, future through Sept. 4. in room 112 at the fear o f p u b lic speaking. scientists and engineers explore the w o n­ P C C ’ s Portland M e tro p o lita n W orkforce Training Center, 5600 N.E. 42 Ave. Cost fo r the series is $56 o r $ 16 each. For m ore in fo r­ mation, call 503-978-5143. t Campers w ill also take fie ld trips to rein­ force the ir lessons, at the Intel Oregon In fo r­ ders o f science w h ile getting exposure to the latest technology. The campers w o rk in teams to study the broad fields o f earth and health sciences, chem istry and physics. For fifth through gram, call 503-823-3631. I Artwork doubles as ecological water filtration system and funneled through a pipe under Inter­ state Avenue. The greenspace w o rks as a b io -filtra tio n system, w atering the plants and percolating into the soil, rather than being sent in to the storm water system. Several basins o f co­ lum nar basalt, designed to co lle ct w ater to A crane swung sections o f a tw o-ton steel p ro pe lle r in to place beside T r iM e t’ s support bird life , were also installed. new Interstate M A X N orth Prescott Street Station to com plete a sculpture o f a sh ip ’ s practices in clu d in g the use o f recycled m a­ prow , installed pre vio usly, to direct water I to a nearby greenspace. The eight by 16-foot sculpture refer­ ences the nearby Swan Island shipyards. The p ro p e lle r sits in the m id st o f a greenspace that is irrigated w ith ru n o ff water gathered at the statio n’ s sculpture The project embraces num erous green terials, landscape im provem ents and storm water management to protect sensitive w a­ terways. The e ffo rt not o n ly protects the environm ent, but also saved T riM e t $3 m il­ lio n in construction costs. Portland, artists Brian B orrelloand Valerie O tani designed and created the artw ork. Stage Set for Fireworks Spectacular Vancouver’s July 4th celebration largest in the west On July 4th, Com cast Cable and the VancouverN ational H isto ric Reserve w ill host V ancouver's 41 st A nn ua l 4th o f July da y.beg in nin ga t 11:45 a.m. and con clu din g w ith the fire w o rks at 10:10 p.m . The 104th U.S. A rm y Reserve Band w ill start the m usical lineup, w ith other headlin­ m ation Center and the O regon Museum o f Firew orks Spectacular, the largest fire ­ works display west o f the M ississipp i! ers to fo llo w , in c lu d in g The Jim M esi Band, Science and Industry. For m ore in fo rm a tio n about this free pro­ Attendees are encouraged to b rin g a The C'ountrypol ¡tans. The Patrick Lam b Band donation o f $4 per person. The h o lid ay fe stivitie s span the entire I w ith Angela V ia , 5 G uys Nam ed M oe, M cQ ueen, and H igh Street.