®l|c fJnrtlanò ffibseruer luly 02. 2003 Page A5 Rally Against Neighborhood Displacement Sisters say communities of color hurt by ‘revitalization’ 7 i M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver photo bv Young women from Sisters In Action for Power organize on Northeast Alberta Street to address low-income housing issues. ‘Do-Not-Call’ List Registers Millions Free service intended to block telemarketing calls (A P )— People registered more than 10 m illion phone num bers with the national do-not-call list in its first four days, finally giv­ ing vent to their frustration with telem arketers. The free service intended to block m ost telem arketing calls w as launched Friday. At the height o f the registration surge that evening, 158 phone num ­ bers w ere signed up every sec­ ond, the Federal T rade C om m is­ sion said M onday. “This is really a phenom enal response," said Eileen Harrington, the F T C ’s director o f m arketing practices. "T here is an enorm ous enthusiasm and pent-up dem and for this service.” A bout 85 percen t o f the n u m ­ b ers w ere reg istered o n lin e at w w w .d o n o tc a ll.g o v , the FTC said. On the W eb site, co n su m ­ ers p ro v id e the hom e or cell p h one n u m b ers they w ant p ro ­ te cte d and an e-m ail ad d ress to re c e iv e a c o n firm a tio n m e s­ w ere added F riday, 4 .6 m illion sage. on S atu rd ay an d 2 m illio n on People have entered another 3 S u n d a y .• m illion num bers online, but still The FTC expects people will need to com plete registration by register up to 60 m illion phone clicking on a link in the e-m ail num bers in the first year. m essage, the FTC said. P eo p le w ho sign up th is su m ­ People also registered by call- m er should see a d ec rease in te le m a rk e tin g c a lls a fte r the FTC b eg in s en fo rcin g the list on O ct. 1. T h e se rv ic e w ill block ab o u t 80 p ercen t o f the calls, the FTC said. T h e te lem ark etin g in d u stry e stim a tes the d o -n o t-call list co u ld cu t its b u sin ess in half, co stin g them up to $50 b illio n in sales each y ear, said L ouis M astria, a sp o k esm an for the D irect M ark etin g A sso ciatio n . “ Y o u ’re ta lk in g ab o u t a big h it to the eco n o m y and a big hit to o u r in d u stry ,” M astria said. ing toll-free at 1-888-382-1222, "T here m ay be so m e jo b losses.” a num ber available in states w est E x em p tio n s from the list in ­ o f the M ississippi River. To en­ clu d e ca lls from ch a ritie s and sure the system can handle the p o llsters and ca lls on b e h a lf o f volum e o f calls, the phone num ­ p o litic ia n s. A c o m p an y also ber will not operate nationw ide m ay call so m eo n e on the n o ­ until July 7. C onsum ers calling c a ll lis t if th a t p e rs o n h a s the toll-free num ber m ust call b o ught, leased o r ren ted from from the phone they w ant regis­ the co m p an y w ith in the past 18 tered. m o n th s o r has in quired ab o u t Inclu d in g u n co n firm ed re g ­ or ap p lied for so m eth in g d u r­ istra tio n s, 7 m illio n n u m b ers ing the past th ree m onths. The telemarketing industry estimates the do-not-call list could cut its business in half, costing them up to $50 billion in sales each year... More than 50 students, Colum ­ bia Villa residents and community leaders gathered at the Sisters in Action for Power office Thursday to speak out against the depletion o f public h o u sin g and public schools and the displacement o f long-time residents and workers in north and northeast Portland. Sisters in Action for Power, a youth-led organization encourag­ ing low-income girls and girls o f colorto take action in theircommu- nities, has begun a land equity cam­ paign. The effort addresses the devastating effects o f the "revital­ ization” on low-income communi­ ties and com munities o f color. “This used to be a community filled w ith busin esses, parks, daycares and community centers all ran by people o f color. Those were the good times when people o f color had a tight-knit commu­ nity," said Patti Hayes, a leader o f Sisters in Action. The group released a statement opposing the overhaul o f Colum­ bia Villa. the largest public housing facility in Portland. According to a Sisters in Action spokesperson, the HOPE VI grant awarded to the Housing Authority ofPortland will diminish the overall numberofpublic housing unitsavail- able to low-income families and sell housing to private developers. They also called the Portland School District’s selling o f school land to private businesses “merely a mask for privatization and corpo­ rate dominance." Advertise with diversity in The Portland Observer call 503.388.0033 or email: ads@portlandobserver.com W ELLS FA RG O s u m I < m OREGON r w s' e r / f » I 1 « 0 ^ A ïïrie s 2003' / LISTEN TO CONCERT ARTISTS ON YOUR COMPUTER AT WWW.OREGONLIVE.COM/ZOOTUNES/ A«?-?»"'' . LAVAY SMITH A N D HER BIG BAND W E D N E S D A Y , JULY 2 N D $9* Seductive Blues Singer ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL THURSDAY, JULY 3R D $9* Donceable Western Swing ALOHA LIVE! FEATURING WILLIE K. & A M Y H A N A IA L I'I G ILLIO M WITH SPECIAL GUEST ERNIE CRUZ JR. College Graduate Earns Hatfield Award Portland native Nate architecture. M cC oy’s M cCoy is one o f two application, essay, tran­ people that have won The scrip t and referen ces Sixth A nnual Mark O. were all very impressive H atfield A rchitectural according to the Archi­ Award. tectural Foundation o f T he aw a rd g iv e s Oregon. $3,500 to recognize a M cCoy, a Parkrose fourth year college stu­ graduate, was an honor dent who is a legal resi­ roll student. His high Nate McCoy dent o f Oregon and is school grade point aver- attending an accredited school o f agewas3. 6. McCoy isnow a4'h year SU N D A Y , JULY 6TH student at the University o f O r­ egon with a college GPA o f 3.0. His major is architecture and his minor is business administration. “Being the first in my family to go to college has truly been a blessing indisguise. Although it carries a lot o f pressure, it compels me to stay positive and to be influential in the I i ves o f my fami ly and commun ity,” McCoy said in his scholarship sub­ mittal. Hawaiian All-Star Singers and Guitarist SUBDUDES W EDNESDAY, JULY 9TH OBO ADDY THURSDAY, JULY 10TH Downtown Mission Plans New Building and Burnside. The new structure will provide both living quarters andclassrooms for residents o f the LifeChange addiction recovery program, and the m ission's administrative of­ fices. The new building, called “The LifeChange Center" will be con- nccted to an existing mission facil­ ity at 15 N.W. Third Ave. The new building will more than double the number o f individuals the mission can serve. Demolition o f the old buildings is slated for the fall and construc­ tion scheduled to begin in spring 2004. $9* O rig in a l Roots Rockers ■MMMMMMMMI Union Gospel Mission is enter­ ing a new phase in its 76-year his­ tory by undertaking a $5.4 million building expansion. Plans are on the drawing board to construct a five story building on the site o f two dilapidated and unoccupied buildings on the cor­ ner o f Northwest Third Avenue $14 $9* Ghanaian Drum Master ae [ I . y ..... GATES OPEN AT 5 PM, SH OW S START AT 7 PM Tickets for r a all concerts are ore avaiiaoie available ar at me the cjregon O regon zoo Zoo otrice office with with no no service service charge charge n t r e r s ru n concerrs Tickets for W eekend concerts are available in advance at any Safew ay Tickets West Ticket Outlet, by calling 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -8 4 9 9 or I -8 0 0 -9 9 2 -8 4 9 9 or online at www.oregonzoo org |«| $ 7 .5 0 for Seniors (65+ ) S 6 .0 0 for children • TICKETS TO THESE S H O W S ARE O NLY AVAILABLE AT THE Z O O O N THE DAY O F THE S H O W AFTER 4 P M BECOME A Z O O MEMBER. O regon Zoo Members at the "Plus" level or higher en p y free admission far (•) starred concerts, subject to maximum capacity Call 5 0 3 -2 2 0 -2 4 9 3 For membership information W e've got your picnic waiting! Several gourmet picnic dinners to choose from, call ahead at 5 0 3 5 2 5 4 2 1 5 to reserve yours FOR IN FO R M A TIO N , VISIT W W W .O R E G O N Z O O .O R G OR CALL THE INSIDE LINE EXT. 3 3 5 0 . A V O ID THE TRAFFIC: TAKE M A X TO THE Z O O ! CALL 5 0 3 - 2 3 8 - 7 4 3 3 1 1