Page m (Tl|c Jlortlanb (fibseruer O pinion 1 he Portland Observer Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer 3 E d IT O I S T A F F ____________ USPS 9 5 9 8 8 0 ___________ Established 1970 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr. Blvd., P ortland. OR 9 7 2 1 1 C i e t r i n Dii u r o i Paul Neufeldt -I N -C H i e r . P U B L IS H C K Charles H. Washington O r r i c e V is tili i Kathy Linder E a i T o » M ichael Leighton D i s t i l l i ' J I O N M I A A The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALI RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. C I ft M ark Washington PosmtAsrctt: S en d a d d res s changes to P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r PO Box 3 1 3 7 , P o rtla n d , OP 9 7 2 0 8 ___________ P e r i o d ic a l P o s ta g e p a id In P o r t la n d , OR < S u b s c r ip t io n s a r e $ 6 0 . 0 0 p e r y e a r____________ 5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 3 3 • F M .5 0 3 2 8 8 O 0 1 5 • ¿ The follow ing is an editorial o f the Portland Observer: Portland likes to project an image o f a diverse city in which people o f all colors and ethic backgrounds get along, but that’s far from the truth. The investigation and re sponse to the police shooting o f Kendra James is an example. A frican A m eric an s have b e e n le ft is o la te d a n d m arginalized by the non-black political m ajority. The absence o f racial unity dem onstrates story together before being ques tioned by investigators? Now w e’re told an unspeci fied suspension for the olficer is “severe” but the public servant keeps his job. The silence from our non black officials at City Hall and the Capitol in Salem is deafen ing. This is not the time to sit back and watch. Don't wait for another police investigation, the end o f law suits, the end o f union appeals or some other report to join the fight for a better Portland. This is a sad chapter in our c ity ’s historythat is not going aw ay. Justice will not come until the errors o f the past are righted. how the color lines that divide us still dom inate the city and the state o f Oregon. W ouldn’t it have been fan tastic if som e non-black politi- c ia n s s to o d up a n d s a id so m ething's wrong when a 2 1 - year-old woman is shot, regard less o f race, during a traffic stop. W o u ld n ’t it have been re a s s u rin g fo r th e c a u se o f p ea ce fu l c o e x ista n c e if our p u b lic s a f e ty le a d e rs e x p ressed shock o r reg ret w hen a m o rta lly in ju re d w om an is h a n d c u ffe d and left to die alo n e on th e stree t? Shouldn’t public servants o f all colors question fairness when an officer is given days to put his You Owe It To Yourself! The National Urban League ap plauds th e S u p rem e C o u r t’s d e c isio n to u p h o ld the U n iv ersity o f M ich ig an Law S c h o o l’s a d m issio n s p o lic e s, th e re b y re a f firm in g its B akke d ec isio n and sta tin g u n eq u iv o ca lly th at the g o v ern m e n t has a co m p ellin g i n t e r e s t in p ro m o tin g A d iv e rsity in e d u c a tio n and the work place. This is an historic victory for Am erica and a reaffirm ation o f the nation’s com m itm ent to equality and diver sity. The U niversity o f M ic h i g an L aw S c h o o l s h o u ld b e lau d ed fo r ta k in g on th is fig h t. T he effo rts o f a b ro ad c o a litio n o f le ad e rs in the civ il rig h ts m o v em en t, la b o r u n io n s such as th e A F L -C IO , F ortune 500 com panies, and more than two so that they can train, prom ote, dozen o f the n atio n ’s top form er and build a high caliber w orkforce m ilitary officers are also due ap capable o f m eeting the needs o f plause for their courage and co n custom ers in the global m arket viction. place. With this decision, the court has In February, the National Urban made clear that diversity and excel League filed an amicus brief sup lence are not mutually exclusive. porting affirmative action in admis sions policies at the University o f M ich ig an . The brief argued that b e c a u s e ra c ia l disparities stem ming from past Affirmative action is a critical tool discriminatory practices continue that can help universities achieve a to affect our nation’s institutions at student body that is diverse, ra all levels, affirmative action remains cially integrated, capable, and multi the most effective tool for higher talented. education institutions committed For U.S. com panies to com to educating a diverse student body pete in an increasingly global that is reflective o f the larger soci econom y, they m ust be able to ety. access a diverse pool o f talented M ark M orial is the present o f students from the best schools the N ational Urban League. This is an historic victory fo r America and a reaffirmation o f the nation s commitment to equality and diversity. Save Time, Save Money! DO IT NOW! CALL 1-877-432-5394 Bad Credit? Get Pre-Approved, We offer all of the best rates available for your situation! NOGIMMICKS Be treated with respect. FREECREDIT ANALYSIS! ^'" ^ jn r t la n b (O b sc r u c r OnWeb w w w .p o r t la n d o b s e r v e r .c o m D ecision is setback for radical right and B ush adm inistration by the wisdom o f leveling the playing given Bush’s closed-door policy. field for all Americans. We have There has not been one meeting come too far in our struggle for with NAACP, Leadership Confer equality to allow the clock to be ence onCivil Rights, Legal Defense turned back now. Fund, Rainbow/Push, or labor lead Since Brown v. Board o f Educa ers with this administration. The tion, the Supreme Court has served Bush administration has consis as an institution that protects mi tently demonstrated its hostility to nority rights. But affirmative action civil rights enforcement. is not a special interest, it isam ajor- We call on all people o f con- R ev . J esse J ackson S r . Although a clear victory, the Supreme C ourt’s decision on affir mative action should be interpreted to reaffirm the value o f advocacy and direct action. The victory is in no small mea sure a result o f the broad national mobilization and sets back the as sault by the radical right and the Bush Administration to re-segre- gate the nation. Important elements o f the deci sion include the recognition that race is a legitimate concern, that diversity is still a com pelling state interest, that affirmative action does not require proof o f prior discrim i nation, and affirmative action need not be remedial. The historic decision confirms We have come too far in our struggle for equality to allow the clock to be turned back now. ity proposition. Beyond the civil science to join us on Aug. 23rd for rig h ts co m m u n ity , c o rp o ra te a march on W ashington to con America and the mi I itary realize that tinue to bring about the promise o f Am erica’s strength is its diversity. equal opportunity and inclusion. The Supreme Court has moved to We must register and vote as if our protect a conservative remedy: af national security depends upon it, firmative action for the m ajority— because it does.” women and people o f color. Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. is the Unfortunately, we realize that it fo u n d er and president o f the Rain may be left to future adm inistra bow Coalition and long-time civil tions to right this egregious wrong. rights activist. Race-Neutral Options Best The court’s decision on affirmative action reaffirm competition o f college and graduate school admis sion. But there are many effective, race-neutral op Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Congressman from Portland institutions ofhigher education must engage in a good faith assessment o f workable race-neutral, non-dis- «*—« - - t*— a > j j J ' jj y o & y ~3 Voluma «XXII Numb«! 74 index Sp o rt» F o tt t t Pott« p/Vanrotivpr campuses. graduate school start from the same place— too many students in this country have been left behind by Top S to ri« * schools that have failed to prepare them to meet the Top S to rtrs M r tr o criminatory ways to achieve diversity on our nation’s We agree that not all applicants to college and Ç o rib w ô <Jf)h»©ruer Adam« High Await« Wrecking Ball The PoroaraJ Schoo) CnMnci has pnxlaim ad that ffw« w l to « naw Wtutakw M u tt* School io raplac« ttw empr, and tomwi Adems High School at 5700 N E 39th Av* Of couch the now balding w l look -<wy dtflorenl and m t bong new housing willi it — something that makas netahy easing netghhors a nine netvous tions available to promote broader access and diver sity in higher education today. As the court acknowledged, race-neutral policies fJnrtbui» (Dboerurr can and are working across the nation. This spring, the reach more people with banner ada call 503 286 0033 K«»pinf « Cíete Bye On Crime within our public institutions. Ron Paige, U. S. Secretary of Education Julian Bond, NAACP Board Chairman detailing these programs and brought together many o f our nation’s distinguished higher education lead commua to make «inda» ers for a conference to discuss effective race-neutral Sgraytrg Mah et Profrett in Met«ufto Fight ways to achieve diversity. Consistent with the court’s Taha a ngh of rabaf Multnomah County health o fe ia ta am rapnmng «ucc««« m »ha tight to nd you» backyard of opinions, the department will continue todo its part by From border to bordar bom c o a ti to caaat examining and highlighting effective race-neutral ap ham am «oma ol tha top «tona« mah mg naw» aero«» tha lindad Stato» and bom 91 proaches to ensure broad access to and diversity .......... t p w w J Rulings Mixed Blessing at Best The Supreme C ourt’s rulings on affirmative ac tion are a mixed blessing, at best. The supporters o f justice and equity should be sobered by the narrow margins in both cases. We should recall how we celebrated the Bakke decision as a victory 25 years ago. despite its obvious retreat from the goal o f insuring fairness in American life. For now, let us reaffirm our commitment to affir mative action as a remedy for past and present-day discrimination, and celebrate the Supreme Court's endorsement o f diversity. department’s Office forCivil Rights released a report D tt p f tt program c u lt and budget «tonfa»« returning Nortbeaat Pobr.« Prormet Commanda» 8»«ca Pmofc to p o tx n e tha community ha c a M hom» A Victory for All The decision by the Supreme Court upholding affirmative action is a victory for all Americans. As our nation continues to struggle with the vestiges o f systemic bigotry, we should not under estimate the critical importance o f affirmative action efforts for minorities and women. We are not talking about quotas; we are talking about efforts to address the egregious inequities o f the past and to make sure that our institutions reflect the communities that they serve. The government has a compelling interest in promoting diversity in education. I commend the Supreme Court for recognizing this in its decision. the president’s and my position that diversity in our public institutions is an important value and that As it quickly becomes more and more an electronic world, The Portland Observer endeav ors to meet the needs o f our readers and advertisers by going online. With the capabil ity o f the Internet, the Portland Ob server now reaches a broader audience, and thus sets your business in front o f a new generation. I Wisdom in Leveling the Playing Field D E A L E R S H IP S Good Credit? Get Pre-Approved, We offer all of the best rates available whether through Credit Union Direct, Manufacturers, or any of our other lenders! Call For Your Best Deal! The Portland O bserver-O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1XK5. and The National Advertising Repre sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. Sounding Off on Affirmative Action Isolated and Marginalized Kendra Jam es’ death shows race is an issue iuiy02,2003