July 02. 2003 (Elje Jìortlauh (Observer Page A3 Good in the Neighborhood “ - PCC Cascade dean resigns for college post M tk& 'M PortlandCom m unity C ollege’s C ascade C am pus in north Port­ land found itself dow n a leader when E xecutive Dean M ildred O llee accepted the position o f president o f Seattle Central C om ­ m unity College. O llee’s experience leading an urban institution and her com ­ PCC C a sca d e C am pus Execu­ m itm ent to diversity w ere cited tive D ean M ildred Ollee as attributes that landed her the The expansion w as not w ith­ position. out its controversy. The A lbina O llee is actually returning to C hristian Life Center, an A frican S e a ttle C e n tr a l, w h e re sh e A m erican congregation adjacent w orked as a counselor and even­ to the cam pus, w as forced to tually vice president o f student relocate. services from 1987 to 1995. O llee w ill begin h er d u tie s as She becam e dean at the Cas­ S eattle C entral president in S ep­ cade cam pus in 1995 and over­ tem b er, rep lacin g the c o lle g e ’s saw the planning and execution C h an cello r-E lect and P resident o f a cam pus expansion project C h arles M itchell, w ho w ill re ­ boosting cam pus enrollm ent to turn to his p o sitio n as c h a n c e l­ 18,000 annually. lor. £•* tun 'W it. 5 t ja r - FRiH/ira Retired Salem Educator to Lead PCC OF THE « College board names interim president CHILDH e n ___ __________ T l . - e ■ . ... „.... ... photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The group Friends o f th e Children with h ea d q u a rters servin g th e north a n d n o r th e a s t com m unity, enjoy S a tu rd a y 's "Good in the eighborhood parade on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The R o se F estival celebration o f n o rth a n d n o r th e a s t neighborhoods w as m o v e d this ye a r to King S ch o o l Park. Minority Entrepreneurs Expand New operation opens at 188th and Burnside enue and Burnside Street. The new facility will host five small businesses, a Housing Au­ thority o f Portland office, a multi­ use conference room available for rent and the OAME branch office. The Oregon Association o f Mi­ A grandopeningw illbeginat 10 nority Entrepreneurs has begun a.m. on Thursday, July 10, with operations of the OA M E Rock wood brief statements by Sam Brooks, Business Center, located in the OAME president and chairman o f Rockwood community at 188,h Av­ the board, and Gresham Mayor Charles Becker. Financial support for the center was made possible by Fred Meyer Stores, Albina Bank, and theCity o f Gresham. It offer support for start­ up and active businesses that in­ clude business management assis­ tance, technical assistance, mar­ keting, access to capital, adm inis­ trative support, and networking activities. * * Community Leader Leaves for Seattle The OAME staff is multi-lin­ gual, multi-cultural, and multi-eth­ nic. Formore information, call 503- 249-7744 or visit the web site at www.oame.org. OAME is a non­ profit organization with the mis­ sion to promote and develop en­ trepreneurship and economic de­ velopment for ethnic minorities in the state o f Oregon. * T he Portland Com m unity C ol­ lege B oard o f D irectors nam ed Dr. G erard ’’Je rry ’’ B erger in ­ terim president o f Portland C o m ­ m unity C ollege. B erg er serv ed as presid en t o fC h e m e k e ta C o m m u n ity C o l­ lege in Salem from 1993 until his re tire m e n t in 2 001. H e also serv ed the school in a v ariety o f p o sitio n s in clu d in g dean o f stu ­ d ents, dean o f co lleg e services, d irec to r o f co u n selin g and vice president. “ Dr. B erg er has m any years o f ex p erien ce m an ag in g a large c o m m u n ity co lleg e and is a h ig h ly resp e cte d ed u c atio n al le a d e r. T h e B o a rd is v e ry pleased that so m eo n e o fh is stat­ ure and ex p e rien c e is w illin g to help guide PC C through the next Jerry Berger y ear as w e search for a p erm a­ nent p resident,’’ said PCC Board C h a ir D oreen M argolin. B erger is active in state and local com m unity and civic organi- zations. Gov. Kulongoski recently nom inated him to serve on the State B oard o f Education. H is w ife V icki B erger isS ta te R ep resen tativ e from D istrict 20 in Salem . - Celebrate July 4th! Rancher's Reserve Boneless Beef Chuck Steak Attention SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Introducing a great new service for our neighborhood senior atizens FREE grocery shopping shuttle service to your nearby Ainsworth A M I X Blvd Safeway Food A D rug T W IC E a M onth! O n or around the 4th and 15th of each m onth This Service is FREE to D a rk S w eet Cherries Valu Pack. Marinate and grill. O r Chuck Roast. SAVE up to $1.31 lb. Picked at their peak of flavor! SAVE up to $2.52 lb lb. Safeway Club Price lb. Safeway Club Price 24-Pack Arrowhead Water Wavy Lay's or Lay's Potato Chips seniors age 6 0 and over hwjeimen r.rendtMw« iwf «feuj MU MOilf WVTTID w SM* * «v hme to o * ro * oo* i*» cial * A Z rH A N trO A T A n O N TACH I Z Y SfA VtC T scHtouit n m a t y o u * m l k alvo s a m w a y you c o M n m batails 0 M M » W CMMKNCf 9f MffiOfl Fm M n v In fo i m o tio n CnU SOI 5 / 2 O 8 t2 Visit Safeways Web site at www.safeway.com 11.5 to 12-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2.99 on 2 5-liter bottles. SAVE up to $3.50 Available at Safeway: BUY ONE GET ONE V O riginal PROS EFFECTIVE JULY 2003 It Sun 1 Mon | Tue | Wed ] » w C IU 6 4Y M » < » l ’o h iim . hips Safeway Club Price Now the savings are in the Card! ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY!