PugeA2 (Lije Jlartlanò (ßbseruer luly 02. 2003 P olice Woman Gets 60 Years for Windshield Death DUI Driver Charged in Bicyclist Deaths (AP) A former nurse’s aide was convicted o f murder Thursday for hitting a homeless man w ith her car and driving home with his mangled body lodged in the w ind­ shield. Jurors in Tort Worth, Texas de­ liberated less than two hours in the case o f Chante Jawan Mallard, 27. The next day, the jury sentenced her to 60 years in prison. M allard’s legal team never dis­ puted that she killed tiregory Biggs, 37, in the predawn hours o f Oct. 26, 2001, after a night of drinking, smok­ ing pot and taking Ecstasy. But they said the death was an accident - not murder. Prosecutors said she should pay the price for taking a m an’s life and trying to hide it. T he d e fe n se said it w as Mallard’s friend, CleteDeneal Jack- son, who talked her into dumping Biggs' body and concealing the crime. Biggs’ mutilated body was found the next day in a park. * Chante Mallard hit a homeless man with her car and left him stuck in the wind­ shield and dying as she drove home. She was convicted o f murder and sen­ tenced to 60 years in prison by a Texas jury. (AP Photo) Prosecutors said Mallard could have stopped for help at a nearby fire or police station or all-night store - or even called her brother, who is a Tort Worth firefighter with medical training. They said M allard, a certified nursing assistant who had worked in retirem ent homes, d idn’t check B ig g s’ pulse or try to stop the b le e d in g as he g ro an e d and gasped. In her statement to police. Mal­ lard said she cried and repeatedly apologized to Biggs as he moaned after she lowered her garage door. She said she was too scared to call for help. During the three-day trial. Dr. N izam Peerwani, the Tarrant County medical examiner who performed the autopsy, testified that Biggs probably lived two hours after be­ ing hit and could have survived with medical treatment. Biggs, a bricklayer who had been living in a Tort Worth homeless shelter after losing his truck and home nearly two years earlier, bled to death and had his lower left leg nearly am putated by the crash, Peerwani said. Biggs’ injuries were aggravated when Mai lard stopped briefly after hitting him, trying in vain to smash out more o f the windshield and remove his bloody body, and when she continued her journey home, Peerwani said. “ 1 w o u ld say he w as very hardworking,"said Brandon Biggs, 20. "He was very friendly, although he didn't have many friends.” southeast Portland shortly after midnight. The bicyclists who died were thrown and dragged by the van before it stopped, said Sgt. Brian Schinautz, the Portland po­ lice spokesman. The dead were identified as Christopher Satushek, 27, o f Port­ land and Angela L. Leazenby, 26, who recently moved here from Cali­ fornia. A third person— Caroline Julia Buchalter, 23, o f Portland — is ex­ pected to recover from critical inju­ Lindsey Llaneza ries. (A P )— A van struck a group o f Llaneza faces charges ofassault, four b icy clists on S outheast manslaughter, felony hit and run Belmont Street last Wednesday, and driving under the influence, killing two and seriously injuring Schmautzsaid. a third. He was arrested for drunken driv­ The van driver, Lindsey Llaneza, ing on March 3 and released with 49, o f Portland faces numerous orders to take part in a diversion charges after it was determined he program. But court records show was likely drunk, police said. Llaneza did not attend the treat­ The van hit the bicyclists in ment as required. Giant Leap Forward for Gay Rights Bad Lawyer Used in Death Penalty Case (A P)— The Supreme Court John Lawrence (left) and struck down a Texas law ban­ Tryon Garner, are shown ning gay sex Thursday, rul­ arriving a t the state ing that the law was an un­ courthouse in Houston to constitutional violation o f face charges o f homo­ privacy. sexual conduct under The 6-3 ruling reverses Texas' sodomy law in this course from a ruling 17 years file photo. The Supreme ago that states could punish Court struck down a ban homosexuals for what such on gay sex last week, laws historically called devi­ ruling that the law was an ant sex. unconstitutional violation o f Laws forbidding hom o­ privacy. (AP Photo) sexual sex, once universal, now are rare. Those on the books thony M. Kennedy wrote. found the two men having sex. are rarely enforced but underpin The case began when a neigh­ Ruth Harlow, one o f Lawrence’s other kinds o f discrimination, law­ bor with a grudge faked a distress lawyers, called the ruling historic. yers for two Texas men had argued call to police, telling them that a man “This is a giant leap forward to a to the court. was "going crazy" in Lawrence’s day where we are no longer branded The men “are entitled to respect apartment. Police went to the apart­ as criminals," for their private lives,” Justice An­ ment, pushed open the door and she said. A Maryland man will receivea new sentencing hearing after the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday ruled 7-2 that the performance o f his defense counsel did not meet minimum standards as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment o f the U.S. Constitution. Kevin Wiggins, a black man, was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder o f Florence Lacs, a white woman. W iggins’ defense counsel utterly failed to present to the jury mitigating circumstances surrounding Wiggins’ background - details that included horrific abuse he suffered as a child as well as possible mental retardation. Abuse included being beaten with belts and straps, bitten, denied food, burned and a history o f sexual molestation. Critics say Racial Profiling Ban has No Teeth (AP) — National advocacy groups for minorities are criticiz­ ing a new federal policy that bans racial profiling, saying it's not tough enough to end the practice. The guidelines, issued by the Justice Department last month, prohibit federal law enforcement o ffic e rs from using race or ethnicity in routine activities such as traffic stops. But they allow of­ ficers to consider those factors in preventing threats to national se­ curity - an exception attacked by several groups. “They’ve left open a number o f loopholes,” said Hussein Ibish, a spokesman for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. “This directive has no teeth. It says. ‘Racial profiling, no, no, no.’ It doesn't actually provide any means to stop it.” Justice Department spokesman Mark Corallo defended the guide­ lines. He said attorneys "studied the issue very carefully in order to craft a policy that they think is morally right, legally right, practically right and constitutionally sound.” CRIME STOPPERS (503) 823-HELP 111S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 Clues Sought in Beating Death Portland police and Crime Stoppers name was “Nathaniel,” the crowd quickly are asking for your help in locating wit­ dispersed, leaving officers with few ac­ nesses to a fight between two men that tual witnesses. resulted in death. The other man involved is described On Thursday, May 29 at 11:50 p.m.. as a 28 to 35-year-old black man, 5 feet 10 Central Precinct Officers weredispatched inches tall and weighing 155 to 165 to a fight on the 1300 block o f West pounds. At the time, he was wearing a Burnside. Upon arrival officers found47- silver jacket, long silver basketball style year-old Joseph Michael Paulson, un­ shorts, silver baseball style hat and black conscious on the sidewalk. tennis shoes with short white socks. He Paulson was transported by ambu­ left the area with twootherblack males in lance to a local hospital, where he died an unknown American made vehicle with Joseph Paulson from injuries associated with the alterca­ Oregon plates beginning with VAT. tion. Paulson had been living in transitional housing Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to in downtown Portland. $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, While the fight drew a crowd, and 9-1-1 received that leads to the resolution o f this case. Call Crime several calls, including one from someone who said his Stoppers at 503-823-4357. Roosevelt Added to School Arson Spree A shes and w hat looked like a gas can were discovered inside R oosevelt High School in north Portland M onday after a fire alarm sounded just after 2 a.m. A uthorities said it appears the school w as the target o f an attem pted arson. W hen firefighters arrived they saw three boys fleeing the school on bicycles. Police dogs w ere brought in for a search, but no suspects w ere found. The fire com es on the heels o f three other school arson fires in southw est Portland. F irefighters w ere called to Jackson M iddle School at about 1:30 a.m. June 22 w here a fire burned a co u n selo r’s office on the first floor and sm oke dam aged a second floor classroom . Tire officials also are looking into a string o f fires at W ilson High School where arsonists also targeted a counselor’s office. Gray Middle School was the scene o f arson two weeks ago, said officials. O fficials have not said w hether they think the school fires are related. D am age has totaled about $200,000. Crim e Stoppers is offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest o f suspects in the cases. Authorities have also set up added school patrols. Teen Wanted for Murder, Kidnapping Portland Police, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers, are asking for your help in locating and apprehending 17-year-old C arl Richard A lsup HI. A lsup is w anted for m urder, assault, kidnapping and coercion. The charges are in connection with the m urder o f 22-ycar-old Jes­ sica Kate W illiam s, w hose body was found May 28, at the east-end o f the Steel Bridge. A lsup, w ho goes by the street I 4 Carl Alsup nam e “ D .K .,” is a 17-year-old w hite m ale. A lsup isbetw een 5 ’7” and 5 ’9 ” tall and w eighs betw een 160 and 170 pounds. W hen last seen he had close- cropped blonde hair. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $1,000 for inform a­ tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case. You need not give your name. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-H ELP (4357). 1