Page B6 ^Jortlanò (Observer July 02. 2003 S ports Little League Success Rewarded Sports Calendar No Surprise In NBA Draft O n W ednesday, June 26 the 2003 N BA D raft took place. The C leveland C avaliers had the num ber one pick and to no surprise, it w as the 6 foot 8 inch, 245 pound, 18-year-old— Lebron Jam es. The Portland Trailblazers had the 23rd pick w ith Travis O utlaw from S tarkville High School in M ississippi. Bonds Steals History i O n June 23rt, Barry B onds stole his SOO“1 career base, becom ing the founding m em ber o f the 500-500club; the M ajor L eague’s first player w ith 500 hom eruns and 500 stolen bases. A fter his 500"1 stolen base, he scored the w inning run in the bottom o f the 1 1 * inning against the Los A ngeles [ D odgers in a 3-2 victory. Cameroon Player Dies C am ero o n ’s M arc-V ivien Foe, a m idfielder on the national team collapsed w hile playing in the C onfederation’s cup against the C olom bian national team. The 28 year old w as pronounced dead 45 m inutes after collapsing on the field. The w ifeofM arc-V ivien I Foe revealed that he shouldn’t have been playing because he had been suffering from dysen­ tery tw o o r three days earl ier. D ys­ entery is a disease involving the inflam m ation o f the lining o f the large intestines. Player Feared Murdered B a y lo r U n iv e r s ity ’s P a tric k D ennehy has been m issing since photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver J u n e l l " 1. A u th o r itie s h a v e Peninsula Little Leaguers Charles Brown II, Christopher Lewis, Taylor Barnett and Briana Rollins s e a r c h e d th e w o o d s a ro u n d display their certificates and trophies during the league's Closing Day ceremony at Peninsula Park. W aco, T exas w here they think All of the league's teams from north and northeast Portland celebrated the end of the season with D ennehy and his form er team mate a picnic on June 21. C arlton D otson w ere firing guns. His SUV w as found in V irginia B each and police h asn ’t nam ed any suspects yet. They w ere first treating this as a ‘m issing per­ W h at’s better on the Fourth o f firew o rk s e x tra v a g a n z a as the m ately 15 m inutes after the game. so n s’ case but turned to a hom i­ July than a basebal 1 gam e, a hot dog team p lay s h o st to th e E dm o n to n “W ew erethrilledw henw efound ' cide. D ennehy’s fam ily reported and a great firew orks show to cel­ T rap p ers at PG E Park Ju ly 4. T he out w e w ould be playing at hom e on the 6 foot, 10 inch, 230 pound ju n ­ ebrate the n atio n ’s birthday with g a m e k ic k s o f f a s i x - g a m e July 4 ," said M ark Schuster, presi- J ior forw ard m issing on June 19*. fam ily and friends? h o m estan d th at ru n s th ro u g h July dent and general m anager o f the B u d w eiser and th e P o rtlan d 9 and has a sp ecial start tim e o f Beavers. “It’s going to be a great B eav ers are te am in g up th is y ear 6:05p.m . evening o f baseball and Fourth o f to p re se n t a sp ecial p o st-g am e The fireworks will begin approxi­ July fun.’’ Beavers to Celebrate 4th with Fireworks 2621 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 Company Identity • • Outdoor Events Ad Design • Web Design SBats and cAccessomes Limit 10 per family Coupon Expires 7/14/03 tAMle <-Af. cKitpadlck - ff/towA Outfit FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 Residential Single Family Dwellings Specializing in'. 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