Committed to Cultural Diversity www.portlandobscrverXom M B M M M W m W o r k i n g V a c a t io n Cyclylng Alliance BBQ k M lune 2$. 2(MB The Bicycle Transportation Alii-1 ance is holding a fundraising barbeque at New Seasons M ar­ ket- C oncordia, to support a healthy comm unity by making | biking safer and more convenient. Ride over between 11 a.m. and 5 I p.m. Saturday and Sunday for a gourmet twist on barbeque. $5. [ 5320 N. E. 33 A ve. For more infor­ mation, call 503-288-2323. Good In the ‘Hood C elebrate your neighborhood I and all that’s good this weekend with “Good in the ‘Hood” festi­ val with multicultural music, food and entertainment all weekend long. The open house kickoff | party is from 6:30 to 10:15 p.m. Thursday at the Kennedy School, I 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave., featuring Grooveyard, Molly Malone Irish Dancers, M cM enamins M arch­ ing Band and more. The parade is at 11 a.m. Saturday on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard with live music to follow from noon through 7:45 p.m. at King Park, 4800 block o f Northeast 6'*' Av-1 enue and Humboldt. Rite of Passage Sunday Les Femmes Annual Debutante I Ball will present 13 young ladies | to the comm unity at 7 p.m. Sun­ day at the Marriott Hotel, 1400 | S. W. Naito Pkwy. For more infor­ mation, call 503-281 -6635. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Nicole W ilkes o f B e n so n High S ch o o l w orks with m e n to r Fred J o n e s a t th e mini-MBA s u m m e r c a m p a t th e U niversity o f Portland. Air Museum Cruz-ln The Pearson Air Museum wel­ comes you to its Cruz-in, each I W ednesday from 4 to 9 p.m. through Aug. 20. Come by to see hundreds o f vintage cars, hot rods and hogs, not to mention a barbeque, bar and music. 1115 E. Fifth St., Vancouver. For more | information, call 360-694-7026. Artists Work on Peace Dove The O regon Peacew orks and I Colum bia River Fellowship for Peace is creating a living, breath­ ing painting o f a dove from noon through 4 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 17 at W aterfront Park. Artists can volunteer by registering a week before the event. For more infor­ m a tio n , v is it h ttp :// Stallions Horse Around The W orld Famous Lipizzaner I Stallions ride through the Rose Garden at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Satur­ day, July 19 for “ Dancing White StaIlions.” Ticketsare$l 9.50. For more information, call 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -1 4400. Art Therapy at Reflections Reflectionscoffeeshop,448N.E. I K illingsw orthSt.ishelpingtode- stigmatize mental illness by host­ ing an art therapy exhibit from the women ofProject Network. Work will be displayed through Satur-1 day. Free. Homowo Summer Camp Immerse your child in African Arts for a fun-filled week o f Homowo African Arts and C ul­ tures IO* Annual Sum m erC am p j at the Friendly House Commu- nityC enter, 1737N.W. 26'*'Ave. T hecam pisfrom July I4through 18, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for chil­ dren aged three to five and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. forchildren aged six to I l.C am pis$ l2 5 fo rth rceto five-year-olds and $200 for six to | 11-year olds. For moreinform a- 503-288-3025. Jefferson High Reunion Feel good at the Thomas Jefferson I High School Class o f 1987 reunion on Aug. 22 and23. Formore infbmia- tion,e-maillhcgruy>a6(£!.csiumor | call503-283-4901. Area high school students study business in their spare time by J avmee R. C uti T he P ortland O bserver Power suits, power lunches, power point presen­ tations and hard negotiations are tools mastered by most entrepreneurs before making their first million. For 40 students tak ing the M ini - M B A Summer Camp at the University o f Portland campus, grad school is way too late to learn how to knot a tie and plan a business strategy. While so many students are sleeping late and resting the mind during sum mer vacation, the group o f high schoolers is attending an intensive two- week long camp designed to leave them with confi­ dence, networking skillsand the experience o f w rit­ ing a real business plan. Those connections have proven prosperous for St. Johns Bridge to Close for 49-Days T h e St. Jo h n s B rid g e in north Portland w ill close com ­ pletely for up to 49 days to replace the deck at the w est end o f the bridge beginning at 8 p.m. on T hursday, July 10. A f te r th e fu ll c lo s u r e , bridge work will continue with d a y tim e b rid g e tr a ffic r e ­ s tric te d to o n e lane in each d ire c tio n w ith b rid g e c lo ­ su res n ig h tly from 8 p.m . to 5 a.m. T h e tw o -a n d -a -h a lf-y e a r, $33-m illion bridge reh ab ilita­ tio n p ro je c t in c lu d e s c o m ­ p le te rem o v al and re p la c e ­ m ent o f the c o n c re te b rid g e deck and sid ew alk s, u p g rad es o f th e b rid g e d ra in a g e and lig h tin g sy stem s. The p ro ject sh o u ld be co m ­ p leted in late 2005. Fred Jones, a University o f O regon student who scored a free trip to W ashington, D.C., not to men­ tion an outstanding resume builder when he was named the national 2003 Mentor o f the Year because ofhis work with Mini-MBA Summ erCamp. Jones attended the program in 20 0 1, and returned as a mentor the following summer. “ I believe the high schoolers feel more connected to people closer to their age,” Jones said. He plans to own a business someday, for the “freedom to have your own creative ideas." Program leaders say the curriculum students are studying prepares them to do just that, down to the nitty-gritties o f market research, employee insur­ ance and the paperwork that comes with owning a business. This graduate level program came free o f charge to students this summer, thanks to a grant from Rewarding Youth Achievement and the U.S. Depart­ ment o f Labor. Besides learning which fork to use at the power lunch, students dove headfirst in an interactive negotiations seminar, taught by Dave Ellis, associ­ ate dean o f Lewis and Clark College law school. The group also expects guest speakers from various successful businesses such as J.P. M oss, president o f Portland Sw im w ear, Roy Jay, presi­ dent o f the A frican A m erican C ham ber o f C om ­ m erce, M ichael H olton, head coach o f the Port­ land U niversity’s m en’s basketball team and Sen. Ron W yden, D-Ore. Business professionals often dread proposing their dream to financial backers, and this program is no different. The final project will be to present a business idea to city officials, with hopes o f opening a completely student-run convenience store in the University Park Community Center. Cam ille Kent, a 15-year-old Grant High School student, is taking the program because she would like to start a non-profit organization directed toward young people and political issues. She said, “This is a great opportunity. The best part for me has been the negotiations because I’m not a talkative person." Battle on to Save Head Start Local activist lobbies Congress on reauthorization by J aymee R. C uti T he P ortland O bsery er Portland comm unity activist Ron Herndon has taken to the halls ofC’ongress to save Head Start. The federal program for economically disad­ vantaged pre-school age kids is up for reautho­ rization this year. Herndon fears a Bush admin­ istration proposal to give control o f Head Start to the states will adversely affect minority children by diverting money to other uses. Almost 70 percent o f children enrolled are minorities, with the majority being Hispanic and about a third who are black. “Head Start makes a mockery o f the myth that poor people d o n ’t care about their kids, w o n 't get involved in their ch ild 's education and can 't made decisions about programs that help their children," said Herndon. • As o f last week, parents and Head Start sup­ porters have sent 55,(XX) letters to Congress, urging them to oppose the president's plan. “W e've got to keep pushing and pushing, over and over again, because our future is literally depending on it,” said Elijah Cummings, D-Md.. the chairman o f the Black Congres- Ron H erndon sional Caucus. Head Start, bom during the civil rights era. provides academic, social and nutritional help to roughly a million children a year. Cummings and other black caucus members contend the Republican-led plan to shift con­ trol to some states will weaken standards, cut parental involvement and divert money from the program. A proposed House bill aims to increase learn­ ing standards for pre-kindergarteners, require more teachers to have college training and im­ prove performance monitoring o f centers. It also offers an experiment by giving up to eight states the freedom to manage their federal Head Start money so they could better cw rdinate the pro­ gram with other preschool efforts. Democratic and other House mem bers, par­ ents and program leaders oppose any reduc­ tion in the federal role. They also balk at a provision that would allow religiously oriented groups to refuse to hire Head Start w orkers o f different faiths if it would interfere with the organization’s work. For more information about the Head Start struggle, visit w w w .i I