(Elje ÿiirtlanh ODbserUer Page A8 lune 25. 2003 Guard Members Killed in Car Crash (AP) — Portland police say the II, ofGresham, and 26-year-old Ser­ Police say speed was probably a two men killed when their car rolled geant Gordon Gross, ofW ashougal, factor in the accident. Witnesses over and crashed in the Columbia Wash., were identified Tuesday. say the car was going about 90 River Slough at Colewood G olf The accident happened Mon­ miles per hour before Criscenti lost Course are soldiers with the O r­ day afternoon. control. egon National Guard. Thirty-five-year-old Staff I Sergeant Dominis Criscenti j KIDNEY CARS ARE “LIFESAVERS” To Advertise in Call 1-800-488-CARS to donate your unwanted car, truck or boat. Get free towing, a possible tax deduction and the good feeling of helping save lives affected by kidney disease. Portland call 963 -5 3 6 4 www.kldrwyorwa.org National Kidney Foundation™ of Oregon & (Observer call 503.288.0033 Powerful Allies Against Homelessness mission is lead underwriter for the ficiency in Portland’s downtown proposed 180-unit building at core," said Mark Long o f Sch wabe, N orthw est Eighth A venue and Williamson and Wyatt, the law firm West Burnside Street. representing Central City Concern. Central Ci ty Concem, a nonprofit The first two floors o f the build­ social services agency, will operate ing would be occupied by the CCC’s the building as general partner and Portland Alternative Health Cen­ manager. Project costs are estimated ter, a state licensed outpatient drug Central City Concern has plans at $ 18.4 million to demolish a one- and alcohol treatment program. The to build a 12-story housing com ­ story' industrial building on the site remaining floors would include 120 plex for low-income residents that and construct the new building. single room occupancy and 60 stu­ would also contain a health and “This project represents signifi­ dio apartments. Construction will outpatient treatment center. cant new construction o f housing begin this year and is expected to The Portland Development Com- for people transitioning to self-suf- finish in late 2004. Central City Concern wins support for housing high-rise KVH Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program of the African American Health Coalition. Inc Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Wellness W ithin REACH: Mind, Body, and Soul Activity Calendar All classes are free of charge! M on Mitt Dishman 77 NE b u ll Tues W ed T h u rs Fri Slrenglb Training Strength Training 8 9am and 2 3pa B rm !Ulan. Norrn Strength framing Slrenglb Training Strength Tramtng 8 9am and 2 3pm Btnon 911« Norn» The Oregon Zoo has been bring national music acts to its terraced lawn for the past 24 years and was the first zoo in the country to host a concert series. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $ 12 at Safeway TicketsW est Ticket Centers, online at TicketsW est.com or by calling 503-224-8499. C m M ì m W NAWwfcwdt, I« and Th« O m 4 In Th« MvtghborHood Planning C o m m lttM Washington Mutual 2 0 0 3 Good In the N e ig h b o r h o o d Multicultural Music and Food Festival Salvato» Army 5 3 2 5 N W fc m . Thursday, June 2 6 Kickoff Party 2 0 03 McMenamins Kennedy School Sponsor» Salsa Water Aerobia Taa Chi Wal« Aerobia 630 7:30pm Ha« la mi CnrtadAAHC 630 730pm Uhs Cortad AABC Nttee's 3535NE15A. 543413-1854 503413-1850 V«a Toga Bini» (imdilinning 7:.30-8:30pa OHonrbe 730830pm 930-1030« 0 Knorke Nicker »on Pesasi Pari. Walking Gram 8 Walking Creep d Walking Group 700 N P a rtid 640-7:00pm Nidunon 6.40-740 pm Nicberion 12:30pm Nnlerw« S d n tm u d DeSverasct 5736 N A ft« low Impact Law Impact Community fray« Aerobia Aerobus Walk 7.15 8:15««» 7:15-8:15pm 940 10:00« norm Norn» Hr M e ry Areme Christin d a rc i (Gy») 126NEAftcrta Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics 530-620pm 530 6:20pm 630-730pm and630-730pm and630-7:J0pm Nah« noi Nichel h » TV fpv location - K ing P ark 4 8 0 0 B lock O f N E 6 th & H umboldt African Dance 8 9 « and 2 3pm 10:00 llOOara Brown Ad,Io Chicago Step 6:00740pm Kendrick Zoo Concerts Kick O ff Sunday O regon Zoo concertgoers can jam with the elephants as John Scofield John Scofield kicks off the much kicks o ff the anticipated Wells Fargo Sum­ Wells Fargo mer Concert Series on the zoo ’ s Summer concert law, Sunday, June 29. Concert Series Scofield, a renowned jazz on the Oregon guitarist, has toured extensively Zoo's concert with M iles Davis and wil I play a lawn Sunday. music set characteristic o f his engaging live shows. S at third, of (Inst 4635 NE 9th Ave. Track 42UI Affino werth Hninw. Aerobia Aerobics Aeroòi« A«obt« Aerobi« 640-73X1« Tier« 640 7:00pm Kdk. 6:00700am Fura 6007:00pm teil« 6:00 7 4 0 « Piece Wt. Managemenl Wl. Management liinditinning Conditioning 940 1040« Has« 900 1000am Haun 5 7 3 6 NE 33rd Ave "M ust be 21 or older to participate. P lease check with AAHC before showing up to the first class 503-413-1850 P lease receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class SAFEWAY #meet inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears r a o«tK. S a tu rd a y , AAHC June 2 8 S u n d a y. June 29 African American Health Coalition, Inc. 2800 N. Vancouver Ave . Suite 100 • Portland. OR 97227 • Phone. 503-413-1850 E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland.org • Web www.aahc-portland org KING PARK 4 8 0 0 Block of (The (Oregonian NE 6th A Humboldt 5 0 3 282 1288 Thursday 6:30 - 10:15 | p m Open House Kickoff Party NW N o t u r o l Featuring G ro o v e y a rd - M o lly M a lo n e Irish D a n c e rs M c M e n a m in s M a rc h in g B a n d - S p o k e n W o rd Artists Saturday 11 :OO am - The Good In the Hood Parade ,, Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard ,.» „ , . , , , , " M A R Q ylS # PACIFIC PO W ER Making it happen Saturday 12:00 - 10:00 pm & Sunday 12:00 • 7:45 pm Featuring - O c e a n 5 0 3 - T h e T h a ra M e m o r y S u p e r B a n d - P a tric k L a m b B a n d A c a rin g d if fe r e n c e yr»u c a n f e e l N o r m a n S y lv e a ie r B a n d • T h e L in d a H o m b u c k le B a n d The Summer a Hottest Music T h e P o w e ll 4 R o b e rta P ro je c t * M o r e Plus Sn Multicultural Acts T R IM M E T KidSpoce ethnic Marketplace • Information Vlltoga • Ethntc Food • Boor and Win« Qarden Bring Your Lawn Chain A Blankets A En|oy the Food. 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