(Che Jinrtiaub (Obserüer lune 25. 2003 PageA7 J iin e ie e n ih C e le b r a te s F r e e d o m Tiffany Munford (left) and Cheryl Roberts celebrate Juneteenth with a stop at the 7 Foota' International Hot Dogs stand. The Juneteenth carnival site gives Joyce Etheridge a place to display her beauty products. Etheridge is an independent sales representative for Avon. Dance steppers from “ Youth Making an Impact“ bring a positive contribution to the Portland Juneteenth parade, carnival and other events. Anika Elliott is the lucky winner o f $100 from a Juneteenth raffle at Portland's annual celebration to memorialize the end o f American slavery. Rev. Mark Hardy delights a crowd with his vocals and keyboards during the Juneteenth celebration Saturday. Other events for the annual observance included a parade, ice cream social, barbecue and carnival. m oros m M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Local gospel singers Dorothy Davis (from left), Nancy Smith, Pearl Thomas, Pat Howard and Billie McKenzie gather for a performance at the Juneteenth celebration on the southern grounds o f the Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center. The women are members o f the Portland-Vancouver Chapter o f the Gospel Music Workshop o f America. i )