PageA6____________________________________________ (Elje |¡Jor t lanò (Observer Affirmative Action Stands continued B ush's home state o f Texas and elsewhere. Opponents o f affirmative action had hoped the Suprem e Court would use this opportunity to ban most consideration o f race in any affirmative action in other arenas over the past decade. O ’C onnor said the value o f di­ verse classroom s extends far be­ yond the campus. Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth consideration to blacks, Hispanics and to applicants from other groups the school says have historically suffered from discrimination. The program has produced m i­ nority enrollm ent o f between 12 percent and 20 percent over the past decade. There is no fixed tar­ get, the school said. “T his court has long recog­ nized that 'ed u catio n is the very foundation o f good citizenship, ’” O ’C o n n o r w rote, quoting from an o th e r lan d m ark ru lin g , the B row n v. B oard o f E ducation d ecision that integrated public -NAACPPresIdentKwelsIMfume Jfe schools. “ F or this reason, the diffusion government decisions. The court Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer o f know ledge and opportunity is far more conservative than in joined her endorsement o f a pro­ thro u g h p ublic in stitu tio n s o f 1978, when it last ruled on affirm a­ gram in place at the University o f higher ed ucation m ust be acces­ tive action in higher education ad­ M ichigan's law school. sible to all individuals regardless missions, and the justices have put The law school uses an inexact o f race o r eth n icity ,” O ’Connor heavy conditions on government admissions formula that gives extra w rote. from Front bonus out o f a possible 1 SO. The cases put the Bush adminis­ tration in an awkward spot. The White House had sided with white applicants rejected at the Michigan schools without endorsing an out­ right end to affirmative action. “ T h ere are in n o v ativ e and proven ways for colleges and uni­ versities to reflect our diversity without using racial quotas," Presi­ dent Bush said after M onday’s ruling. “The court has made clear that colleges and universities must engage in a serious, good faith consideration o f workable race- neutral alternatives.” In the end, the high court made o n ly b are m e n tio n o f the ad m in istratio n ’s argum ent that race-neutral alternatives to affirma­ tive action are already working in T The court has in essence provided the nation with a road map on how to construct affirmative action programs in higher education that are constitutionally acceptable. F uture in B roadcasting E xplored A L ew is and C lark colleg e graduate has earn ed a m inority internship at O regon Public B roadcasting to pursue a career in broadcasting. Jesse B eason w as nam ed O P B ’s 2003 Jon R. T uttle intern. O P B e n d o w ed th e Jo n R. T u ttle M in o rity In te rn ­ sh ip 10 y e a rs ag o to en c o u ra g e fu tu re g e n e ra tio n s o f c o m p a ssio n a te b ro a d c a ste rs a n d jo u rn a lis ts . The in te rn sh ip e n a b le s an o u ts ta n d in g m in o rity s tu ­ d en t to sp e n d th e su m m er stu d y in g te le c o m m u n i­ c a tio n s and b ro a d c a st jo u rn a lis m in a h an d s-o n en v iro n m en t. The internship is in m em ory o f Jon T uttle, one o f lune25. 2003 Moose Moves On continued the county a “safe and secure place to live” but that it was time “to move on and explore other paths in life.” His book, “Three W eeks in O c­ tober,” is scheduled for release in October, one year after the sniper attacks. In March, the county ethics comm ission ordered him to drop the project and barred him from serving as a consultant on a movie about the sniper case, saying a county employee may not profit on the side from his official duties. The commission also said the book could undermine the pros­ ecution in the sniper case by cater­ ing to “the public’s thirst for all o f those ‘inside’ details.” The defen­ dants’ attorneys also object to the book, saying it could taint pos- siblejurors. Moose appealed in state court and also filed a federal lawsuit c laiming his free speech rights were being violated. C ounty E xecutive D ouglas O reg o n ’s m ost respected b roadcast jo u rn alists, w ho d ie d in 1991 after a b rie f b attle w ith leukem ia. Tuttle w as a lead producer for O P B ’s docum entary unit. Prior to O PB, T uttle w orked for K GW -TV . “ He w as one o f the best w riters for television I’ve ever seen,” said Lew Frederick, form er C hannel 8 reporter and T uttle colleague. “ He had a sense o f how to look at the essence o f an issue and bring it out." B eason, a L ittleton, Colo, native, graduated from Lew is and C lark this past M ay w ith a degree in com ­ munications. He will work in a num ber o f areas, includ­ ing OPB Radio, the W orld H istory project and national and international production. Jesse Beason from Front Duncan, w ho backed the police c h ie f s desire to write the book, said that Moose told him he felt that he had to make a choice between rem aining as ch ief and completing the book. “ He felt this was the best for everyone involved,” Duncan said. “ It w ould let him do the book and rem ove the cloud over it. M oose’s departm ent was the headquarters for federal, state and local investigators tracking the sniper, and he becam e a daily fix­ ture on national television during the investigation, giving news con­ ferences several times a day. For many, he was a reassuring figure, especially when he let down his tough exterior to shed a tear for a 13- year-o Id boy shot and w ounded at school. A u th o r itie s a r r e s te d J o h n A llen M uham m ad and teenager Lee Boyd M alvo in the sniper attacks. The tw o have been linked to 20 shootings, 13 fatal, in V ir­ ginia, M aryland, G eorgia, A la­ bam a, L ouisiana and the D istrict ofC olum bia. if even bright things get you down. Church Chosen for Kendra James Forum continued fro m Front W hen the officer was acquitted o f any wrongdoing by a grand jury last month, a group o f community members assembled at rallies and meetings to change the laws sur­ rounding the deadly force policies used by police. The group, including Rev. Roy Tate o f the Albina Ministerial Alli­ ance, found allies in the Oregon Legislature. Senators M argaret Carter, D-Portland and A vel Gordly, D-Portland, have found fault in the shooting and are working on re­ vamping police use o f deadly force laws. Jam es’s death has also been on the agenda o f the African Ameri­ can Advisory Council which was formed years ago to bring topics o f its choosing to the police chief. Both senators say they hope to attend the forum if they are not needed in Salem for Legislative hearings that day. Tate, Multnomah County Dis­ trict A ttorney Mike Schrunk and Police ChiefM ark Kroeker also plan to attend. selection and assignment o f offic­ ers. The review team plans to meet for the first time after the com m u­ nity forum. Northeast N eighborhood Coali­ tion Director John Canda, who was if Some citizens from the African- American community believe that policy changes may have prevented Kendra James from being shot, so the chief assembled a group to gather input from the community - Sgt. Brian Schmautz, spokesman for the police bureau Assistant C hief Lynnae Berg has assembled a Community Police Organizational Review team to con­ sider bureau training, policies and a spokesperson for the James fam ­ ily immediately followingthe shoot­ ing, is a member o f the review team. “Some citizens from the African- American comm unity believe that policy changes may have pre­ vented Kendra Jam es from being shot, so the chief assembled a group to gather input from the com m u­ nity,” said Sgt. Brian Schmautz, spokesman for the police bureau. A prayer vigil called “Still An­ other Cry for Justice” is set for 7 p.m., Saturday, June 28 at the Skidmore Street overpass east o f North Interstate Avenue, the loca­ tion o f the shooting. The vigil is sponsored by an ad- hoc comm ittee for C itizen’s Re­ gress, com posed o f the Urban League, NAACP, the Latino Net­ work and others. “The purpose is a continuation o f prayer in preparation for the fo­ rum and the conclusion o f the inter­ nal investigation by the police and for the civic action that is taking place by the James family,” said Dr. Leroy Haynes, an event organizer. join our depression H a v e you o r s o m e o n e you care a b o u t b e e n e x p e rie n cin g s o m e o r all o f the A ll o ffice visits a n d m ed ical e v a lu a ­ follo w in g s y m p to m s f o r at least a few m o n th s? p ro v id e d to qualified p a rtic ip a n ts • • • • T o g e t m o re in fo rm a tio n a b o u t taking H o p e le ssn e ss S adness L oss o f in te re s t in daily activities D ifficulty c o n c e n tra tin g I f so, p a rtic ip a n ts b e tw e en the ages o f 18 t o 6 4 m ay qualify fo r a research s tu d y o f an in v estigational d ru g fo r th e tre a tm e n t o f D E P R E S S IO N . 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