Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 25, 2003, Page 5, Image 5

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    (Elje flnrtlanò (Db«erucr___________________________ PageAs
Miami DJs Play Prank on Castro
DJs called unethical
by Venezuelan
(AP) — Two radio show hosts
who duped Venezuelan President
Hugo Chavez into believing he was
speaking by phone with Cuban Presi­
dent Fidel Castro now claim to have
simi larly tricked C astro.
A recording provided by the Cu­
ban-American radio announcers has
a man they say is Castro responding
for about four minutes Tuesday to
snippets o f a tape recording o f
Chavez, a Castro friend.
He catches on to the prank after he
is called an assassin and the conver­
sation disintegrates into him de­
nouncing the caller with a stream o f
The call was played on M iam i’s
W XDJ-FM onJune 17 with disc jock­
eys Joe Ferrero and Enrique Santos,
the same announcers w ho called
Chavez in a crank phone call in Janu­
Cuba President Fidel Castro smoking his trademark cigar.
“This was a big, big fish that we
were trying to get," Ferrero said.
“Castro really has his people well-
trained to avoid these kind o f situa­
tions, but we were able to persuade all
these people.”
Venezuelan Embassy spokesman
Andres Izarra said he hadn’t heard
the recording and couldn’t confirm
whether the DJs actually got through
to Castro.
Regardless, “it’s another prank by
these people who are very irrespon­
sible and unethical,” he said. “We
totally reject these types o f jokes.”
Cuba Takes Anti-European Action
Corpus Christi Holiday Celebrated
A devil dancer holds his mask while listening to Mass outside a Venezuela church in San
Francisco de Yare, about 28 miles south o f Caracas, Thursday. It was the start o f an
annual ritual in which the descendants o f African slaves commemorate Corpus Christi, a
Roman Catholic holiday celebrating the transformation o f the body and blood o f Christ into
bread and wine. (AP photo)
mographic is even more heavily minority
than the rest o f the population.”
A spokesman for the company, which
targets college students with its upscale
casual clothing, declined to comment.
Anthony Ocampo, a Filipino-American
(AP) — Clothing retailer Abercrombie who recently graduated from Stanford
& Fitch hires a disproportionately white University, said he applied for a job at a
store in Glendale, Calif,
sales force, puts minori­
where h e’d previously
ties in less-visible jobs and
worked. After speaking
cultivates a virtually all-
with a manager, a sales­
white image in its cata­
person told him, “W e’re
logues and elsewhere, a
sorry, but we can’t rehirc
lawsuit charges.
you because there’s al­
The federal law suit
ready too many Filipinos
filed by nine Hispanic and
w o rk in g h e re ,” said
Asian plaintiffs, alleges
Ocampo, 21.
that A bercrom bie dis­
Johan Montoya, an­
criminates against blacks,
other plaintiff, alleges a
Hispanics and Asians by
-Thomas Saenz, vice president of
Canoga Park, Calif, store
enforcing a nationwide
litigation at the Mexican American
refused to hire him be­
corporate policy o f pre­ Legal Defense and Educational
cause he is Hispanic, even
ferring white employees Fund
though he had retail ex­
for sales positions, desir­
able job assignments and favorable work
The company has been accused o f ra­
insensitivity in the past. Last spring, it
“If you look at the material they put out,
T-shirts from stores after Asian-
they are cultivating an al 1-white look,” said
Thomas Saenz, vice president o f litigation American groups complained about depic­
at the Mexican American Legal Defense tions o f two slant-eyed men in conical hats
and Educational F und, one o f the attorneys and the slogan “Wong Brothers Laundry
for the plaintiffs. “ It is difficult to under­ Service — Two Wongs Can Make it
stand why, given that their target age de­ White.”
tries said that the center would be
(A P )— FidelCastro’scom munist
created to promote the best values o f
governm ent new anti-Europe cam ­
Spanish culture based on respect for
paign has begun by taking control o f
sovereignty, territorial integrity and
the Spanish Em bassy’s cultural cen­
nonintervention in C uba’s internal
ter - a showcase o f Iberian tradition
Havana says was used to nurture the
Cuban officials say it has main­
tained a program o f activities unre­
The action came two days after
lated to its original function, in open
Castro led hundreds o f thousands o f
challenge ofC uban laws and institu­
people on marches outside the Span­
ish and Italian embassies in the capi­ that it would review its relations with tions.
“Under Cuban administration, the
tal to protest European alignment the island after a crackdown on the
with U.S. policies supporting pro­ opposition and the firing-squad ex­ center will be completely dedicated
ecutions o f three men who tried to to promote the best values o f the
democracy dissidents.
Spanish culture in our country,” a
Havana was responding to the hijack a ferry to South Florida.
An accord signed by both coun- statement from the government said.
European U nion's announcem ent
Cuban officials say
[Spain] has
maintained a program
o f activities unrelated
to its original
Plaintiffs say they
were denied jobs
based on race
f I f you look at
the material
they put out,
they are
cultivating an
all-white look.
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