Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 25, 2003, Page 3, Image 3

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Pay A3
Fred Meyer Gives Expansion Green Light
An artist's rendering shows the design for a new two-story Fred Meyer store to replace the existing store at North Interstate Avenue and Lombard Street. Company officials say construction will begin
in January with completion before the December2004 holidays.
Interstate store
will be replaced
with two-story
C om pany o ffic ia ls say the exist­
ing store w ill close in January fo l­
lo w in g the year-end h o lid a ys and
re-open in a new and expanded
b u ild in g before the year-end h o li­
days o f 2004.
Rob Boley, Fred M eyer vice presi­
dent o f pu b lic relations, said cus­
by M ichael
L eighton
T he P ortland O bserver
? It s tough to close the store in the
interim, but the reward fo r waiting will
be worth it in terms o f a dramatic and
beautiful new store
tomers are going to ha ve to make due
A fte r m onths o f speculation,
Fred M eyer has decided it w ill m ove
during the estimated 10-month demo­
p o ra ry site d u rin g the construction
litio n and construction period.
im provem entss to Interstate A v ­
the second le v e l. E le v a to rs and
enue w here a new lig h t ra il mass
esca la tors w ill m o v e shoppers
transportation lin k is scheduled to
b e tw e en flo o rs .
open n e xt year.
B o le y said Fred M e y e r has com ­
to the Fred M eye r W o o d V illa g e
The tw o -s to ry design is s im ila r
m itted m ore than S 18 m illio n to the
store, but it w ill have a new er in te ­
project. The new b u ild in g w ill pro­
rio r design, B o le y said.
v id e 150,000 square feet o f retail
The re ta ile r is s till w o rk in g on
space on tw o levels, th a t’ s 30,000
perm its to vacate M ontana Street
w here it borders the Fred M eye r
Fred M eyer, a Portland in stitu ­
m ore square feet than the store
tio n since 1923, first opened an out­
c u rre n tly pro vid e s w ith tw o sepa­
p ro p e rty to g ive the expanded store
let at Interstate and Lom bard in 1953.
rate b u ild in g s.
and adjacent p a rkin g lo t a larger
“ W e co u ld not fig u re o u t a w a y
“ I t ’ s tough to close the store in
ahead w ith plans to replace a de­
to keep the store open and do the
the in te rim , but the rew ard fo r w a it­
In recent years, lo ca l g o ve rn ­
T he p la n s c a ll fo r fo o d , hom e
cades-old store at N o rth Interstate
p ro je ct,” B o le y said.
in g w ill be w o rth it in terms o f a
m ent o ffic ia ls have urged the co m ­
im p ro v e m e n t, g a rden, e le c tro n ­
B o ye r said p re lim in a ry approval
d ram atic and b e a u tifu l new store,”
pany to upgrade the Interstate store
ics and a p h a rm a c y on the fir s t
fo r the street plans are “ lo o k in g
B o le y said.
to co m p lim e n t the m a jo r street
le v e l and a p p are l and shoes on
g o o d .”
A venue and L o m b a rd Street w ith a
H o w e ve r, the re ta ile r does plan
brand new shopping center.
to operate its pharm acy fro m a tem -
Food Fuels Summer Fun
The Blazers Boys and G irls C lu b
is one o f 50 parks and co m m u n ity
Danielle Nicol,
10, enjoys a
free lunch at
the Blazers
Boys and Girls
centers throughout the c ity that
serves breakfasts and lunches du r­
in g the sum m ertim e, to kid s in lo w -
incom e neighborhoods.
The federal Sum m er Food Pro­
gram is M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty ’ s to o l
fo o tp rin t.
Lents Asks for Input At Open House
The P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t
n e xt to the freew ay. T he open
Freeway Land sites have been iden­
C o m m issio n has scheduled tw o
houses w ill be h e ld at M arsh a ll
tifie d as h a vin g the best po ten tia l in
c o m m u n ity open houses in the
H ig h School, 3905 S.E. 91 st A ve .,
L e n ts fo r redevelopm ent. Lents
Lents co m m u n ity to re v ie w p ro ­
fro m 3 to 8 p.m . T hursday, June 26
c o m m u n ity members and PDC' sta ff
posals for redevelopment o f do w n ­
and 1 to 5 p.m . Saturday, June 28.
w ill be on hand to answer ques­
to w n Lents and a parcel o f land
B oth the Lents T o w n Center and
tio n s.
fo r com bating hunger this summer.
R on
W ashington /
T he P ortland
O bserver
photo by
Portland P ublic Schools is the b ig ­
gest local sponsor to th is program ,
funded through the U S D A .
“ W hen cafeterias close, Sum ­
T R I© M E T
m er Food meals are often m y stu­
Air Care
dents’ o n ly o p tio n ,” said K a th y
Jaffe, p rin c ip a l at c h ie f Joseph E l­
w h o get free and reduced price
em entary School.
m eals d u rin g the school year.
p ro g r a m
is one o f the few sites that also
M eals at the Blazers B oys and
c u r r e n t ly
to 1 p.m. fo r lunch. The BlazersC lub
p rovides snacks, fro m 3 to 4 p.m.
G irls C lu b on N ortheast M a rtin
For more inform ation about Sum­
Sum m er Foods sites serve fe w e r
L u th e r K in g Jr. Boulevard are fro m
m er Food locations, c a ll 1-800-
than 25 percent o f O regon students
9 to 10 a.m. fo r breakfast and noon
Food Stamp Use In Portland Rises Sharply
F or the firs t tim e in the h isto ry o f
o f fo o d stamp recipients com pared
the federal food stamp program ,
to those liv in g b e lo w the federal
source fo r fa m ilie s and in d iv id u ­
O regon has m ore people rece iving
p o ve rty level. The data is based on
a ls ,” said Ram ona F o le y , O reg o n
food-stam p benefits than liv in g in
the 2000 Census.
p ro g ra m th a t p ro m o te s a fo o d re ­
We can all
breathe easier
D e p a rtm e n t o f H u m a n S ervice s
poverty. B y this measure, O regon
“ T h is re fle c ts O re g o n ’ s suc­
also has the n a tio n ’ s highest ratio
cess in re m o v in g b a rrie rs to a
a ssistant d ire c to r f o r c h ild re n ,
a d u lts and fa m ilie s .
Thanks to TriMet riders, we already
breathe 4.2 tons less smog-producing
Looking (or
^ e x c e lle n t
W hat P art-tim e job w ill pay you
pollution every day!
up to $ 8 0 0 .0 0 p e r m o n th fo r
only two days w orth of w ork?
Here's what you can do this summer
when pollution levels climb and cause
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Conserve electricity.
Avoid using aerosols, oil-based
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Plan your trip at trimet.org
T R I© M E T
See where it takes you.
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5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 0 4 0
8 0 0 .3 9 2 .1 8 0 1
w w w .o r p o r t.a n g .a f.m il
to w o r k
to p i ay
| to liv e