Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 25, 2003, Page 14, Image 14

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(Tlje JJnrtlanh (ßbseruer
lune 25. 2003
S ports
Lennox Lewis
jabbed and
hooked his way
to a bloody
victory over Vitali
Klitschko at
Lennox Wins a Close One
O n Saturday, June 21 in Los A ngeles L ennox L ew is fought Vitali
K litschko. K litschko w as leading on all three scorecards until L ew is
w as handed a sixth round technical knockout due to bloody cu ts near
K litsch k o 's left eye.
A Perfect Pair
Baseball w ithout hotdogs is like peanut b utter w ithout jelly . The
Portland B eavers give fans the w hole ballpark experience w ith SI hot
dogs on W ednesday nights at the PG E Park.
Portland Secures Three Doubleheaders
P hoto by R on W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
PG E Park is about to becom e the first-ever v enue to host m atches in
consecutive FIFA W orld C ups. T he stadium w as selected to host the
first round o f the w o m e n ’s cham pionship gam es on Sept. 28 and
quarterfinals on Oct. 2. T he O regon Sports A uthority will install natural
grass and tem porary seating, increasing capacity to 30,000.
Portland Youth Golf Association molds young enthusiasts into tomorrow's stars at golf clinics this summer.
Summer Clinics Expose Kids to Golf
B y D a M arcus R edeal
T he P ortland O bserver
T h e U n ited W ay o fC o lu m b ia -
W illam ette tea m ed up w ith the
P o rtlan d Y o uth G o lf A sso c ia tio n
for free g o lf lesso n s th at w e re
held at H eron L ak es G o lfC o u rs e
in n o rth P o rtla n d o n Ju n e 12"1, a great opportunity for kids to have
I 7 '\ a n d 19"’.
fun, be w ith different cultures and
T he effo rt w as aim ed at m aking pursue a college education.
the g am e o f g o lf enjoyable and ac ­
T he association is a m entoring
cessible to kids o f all econom ic and p rogram for youth ages 8 to 18.
ethnic backgrounds.
A new series o f discounted g o lf
The PY G A believes ju n io r go lfis c linics are planned at Heron Lakes
L ebrón Jam es, C arm elo A nthony and Nick C ollison
w ho will shine
as the N B A ’s top rookie next year? W atch the 2003 N BA Draft
T hursday, June 26 at 4pm on ESPN.
ffl’* P nr tlattò (0bsemer*
W orldof A u tos
Black Baseball Pioneer Dies at 79
The 2003 Suzuki XL-7
(A P)— H allofFam er Larry Doby,
the first black player in the A m eri­
can L eague, died June 18 after a
long illness. H e w as believed to be
D o b y d ie d at h is h o m e in
M ontclair, N.J., said his son, Larry
D oby Jr.
D oby w as a seven-tim e A ll-Star
in a 13-year career, alm ost all o f it
spent in the outfield for the C leve­
land Indians. He helped lead the
Indians to their last W orld Series
title in 1948.
O n July 5, 1947, ju st 1 1 w eeks
a f te r J a c k ie R o b in s o n b ro k e
baseball'scolor barrier, D obyjoined
the Indians.
T h o u g h h e w o u ld g o o n to hit
.283 w ith 253 hom e ru n s a n d 969
R B Is in a big lea g u e c a re e r that
laste d th ro u g h 1959, his lo ck e r
The Next Rising Stars
on Ju ly 7 ,1 4 ,2 1 and 28. T he cost is
$40 w hile other g o lf clinics usually
are $75 to $ 10 0 per day.
P ric e ..... $ 2 3 8 3 9 .0 0
like about this vehicle w as the roughness o f the ride
and the fact that the bass o f the stereo w as felt in the
Transmission.. 4-speed automatic
low er back.
The one feature that I liked w as the rear door
The Suzuki XL-7 hasclean uncluttered look packed sw ings out instead o f up w hich is a great feature
w ith full-size features at a com pact price. T he X L -7 because it can be difficult trying to pull the heavy
gains a fresh interior w ith som e key upgrades for this rear d oor dow n to close. H aving the rear cargo door
year. Suzuki states that they have m atched other sw ing open m ay cause som e d ifficulty if a car pulls
p restigious S U V ’s feature for feature yet at a m ore to close to the rear o f the vehicle. Suzuki has been
affordable price. T he prices range from $20,000 to building S U V ’s in the A m erican m arket for quite
$26,000 d e pending on trim level and options. It’s som e tim e w ith the edition o f the third row seat it
built on a longer w heelbase and features a m ore provides an option to the m inivan. I enjoyed m y tim e
pow erful V 6 engine. T he third row seat is standard driving the vehicle because it w as loaded w ith all the
equipm ent leaving plenty o f room for seven p assen ­ features at a great p rice w ith the room needed for al I
gers to fit c om fortably. T he tw o item s that I did not the e x tra ’s that seem to need a ride.
Cleveland Indians outfielder Larry Doby was the first black player
in the American League. (AP photo)
ro o m re c e p tio n th at first d a y in
the m ajors w as chilly. S om e tea m ­
m ate s w o u ld not even sh a k e his
“V ery tough,” D oby o nce re­
called. " I'd never faced any circum ­
stances like that. T eam m ates w ere
lined up and som e w ould greet you
and som e w ouldn't. Y ou could deal
w ith it, but it w as hard.”
d i r e c to r y
Paul A. Neufeldt
pan@ daos.org
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