Page B2 Clje ^ìortlanh (ßbseruer lune 25. 2003 Focus Carey’s Intimate Theater Tour (A P ) Mariah Carey will begin her first-ever theater tour in Las Vegas on July 26. "I am passionate about doing som e­ thing more intimate for my fans," Carey said in a statement Monday. “ I'm used to doing arena tours and for me this is a whole new experience. This is about my music and my fans." The “C harm braeelet" tour, in support o f her latest album, will end Sept. 23 in Manchester, N.H. The tour also will make stops in most other major US cities. Panda Exhibit Coming to Portland Mariah Carey A multi-media presentation on the giant panda and current con­ servation efforts is coining to the Oregon Zoo on Thursday, June 26at6:30p.m . The event is sponsored by the F o u n d a tio n fo r G lo b al Biodiversity Education for C hil­ dren. 11 ighlights o f the evening will include digital still photographs and video o f pandas, one o f the w orld's most intriguing animals and the rare natural habitat in which it lives. Images will transport the audi­ ence into the lush mountain for­ ests o f C hina's Sichaun Province, provide glimpses into the private birthing cham ber o f a mother panda and the nursery w here keepers tenderly work to insure every panda baby has a chance at survival. T ick etsareavailableattheO r- eg o n Zoo, o n lin e at -V. or through The O regon Z oo is sh o w in g a m ulti m e d ia p re se n ta tio n on th e TicketsW est. e n d a n g e re d g ia n t p a n d a though digital still p h o to g ra p h s a n d video. ip Rebecca Kilgore S ummer R erun W ednesdays 8:00-9:00 pm Join globe-trotting jazz vocalist Rebecca Kilgore, in her weekly radio series featuring conversations with musicians working in today's jazz world. Each installment brings you an interview with a noted jazz musician as her guest, taped on location anywhere from Portland to Switzerland, plus excerpts from the guest's representative recordings Return o f Oprah s Book Club “It's the book that brought back said it will be called, as it had been the Book Club," W infrey said Fri­ before.Oprah’sBookClub. Winfrey day in a statement about her up­ is expected to make from three to com ing selection. She had sus­ five choices a year. The books likely pended her picks in April 2(X)2, later will be written by both living and saying she didn't have enough time dead authors. “The selections will be great A books that have stood the test o f (A P )— Get ready for the return tim e," said W infrey spokeswoman o f a publishing phenomenon. Not Lisa Halliday. the new Harry Potter, but Oprah The revival o f W infrey’s club, W infrey’s book club. com ing just three days before the The talk-show host announced June21 release o f ‘Harry Potter and her long-awaited pick on her show - Winfrey spokeswoman Lisa the O rder o f the Phoenix,” should last W ed n e sd a y , n e a rly fo u r Halliday prove more good news for the strug- months arterrevealing that she was to keep up monthly selections. gling publishing industry. H er bringing back her club and focus­ Fans will have plenty o f time to choices, which m ost recently in­ ing on “classic” authors such as read her comeback choice; the fol­ cluded Rohinton M istry’s “A Fine W illiam F au lk n er and E rnest low-up program will air in the fall. B a la n c e ” and A n n -M a rie Hemingway. Winfrey had tentatively planned M cDonald’s “Fall on Your Knees,” Her first pick is John Steinbeck's to name her club Traveling With virtually guarantee hundreds o f "East o f Eden.” the Classics. But a spokeswoman thousands o f sales. Talk show host revives the classics, starting with Steinbeck “E a st o f E den " by John Stein b eck. The selections will he great hooks that have stood the test o f time. Arresting Performances Arrested Development and Siren’s Echo perform Thursday, June 27 at the Roseland Theatre on 8 N. W. 6 Ave. For more information, call 503-224-2038. Errata, Cobra and Shoplifting Disjecta welcomes Erase Errata with King Cobra and Shoplifting on Monday, July 14 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $8. Allages. 116N.E. Russell St. Formoreinformation, call 503-335-6979. June Jam with The Original Cats The Urban League o f Portland invites you to its June Jam, featuring The Original Cats from 6:30to8:30p.m . Friday, June 27 at the Multicultural Senior Service Center at 5325 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Admission is $3. Form ore information, call 503-988- 5470extension 24545. Cool Nutz Northwest Tour The Cool N utz tour cruises through Port land W ednes­ day, June 25 with Bone Thugs N Harmony, DJ Chill and more. Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W. Burnside St. For more information, cal 1503-841 -0995. IFCC June Artists Visual artists, Bonnie M eltzer and Becca Bernstein are this m onth's Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center artists. M eltzer's work focuses on native icons o f the Northwest. Bernstein’s work is a series o f textural paintings centering on the relationship between mothers and daughters. Both artists' exhibits run through Friday, June 27 with a late reception Thurs­ day. at 7:30 p.m. The IFCC is located at 5340 N. Interstate. No admission is charged, but donations appreciated. For more information, call 503-823-2072, 503-823-2071 o r o n lin e: w w w .if c c - a r t s .o r e . ® Two PCC Community Classes; "Ceramics: All Levels” Portland Community College offers high-fire stoneware clay classes this summer. The first class takes place Mondays through Aug. 18. The second class takes place W ednesdays through August 20. Both classes meet at the following time and location: 6:30 p.m. to9:30p.m . in Room 130oftheT errell Hall B uilding at P C C ’s C ascade C am pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. Each class co sts$ l3 L 5 0 . Form ore information,call 503-978-5143 Calligraphy Class for All Levels Sweeping-brush strokes and easy-to-leam shaping make up Portland Community College’s italic calligra­ phy class. The class welcomes the new and those looking to fine tune their Renaissance hand at italic. Class runs Thursdays, and ends Aug. 7. Class ses­ sions run from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Room 304 o f the Student Center Building at PCC’s Cascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth. The cost is$99. Form ore infor­ mation, call 503-978-5143. Drawing for Drawing Enthusiasts Capture the human form by learning special drawing techniques from Instructor, Marko Polo -featuring live models. The draw ing class meets Saturdays through August 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 a.m. in Room 203 o f the Terrell Hall Building at Portland Community College’sCascadeCam pus, 705 N. Killingsworh. The class costs $105. For more information, call 503-978- 5143. Reparations Thursdays David Park’s new band. The Reparations, will play every Thursday at 9 p.m. with DJ Chill and special guest performers and DJs at The Red Sea, 318 S.W. Third Ave. Admission for those 2 1 and older is $5. (E lje Ç o r t l a n i » ( © b s e r u e r niv£te_ytni and a g u est tu a sp e c ia l a d v a n ce s c r e e n in g putii t it i i I nn I s I L I AM W ed n esd ay, Jun e 25T 7:00™ Stop by to pick up a complimentary pass for two: •while «applies la«t> Mrs. Cs Wigs <$ Hair Care Center (503) 281-6525 707 N.E. Fremont St., Portland, OR 97212 limn two passes per person Each pass admits two No purchaw necessary When supplies asl Employees at OraamWnrKs E w e s the EhrSand Otaerner and thee if M e d agencies art not etxstte S'nbad O p e n s N a tio n w id e |