(The Jlnrtlanb (fibseruer Page B2 $$SAVE$< SAVE«SAVE PRO SUMMI $$SAVE$$SAVE5 SAVE Rebecca Kilgore W ednesdays 8:00-9:00 pm Focus 3E C IA Residential Single Family Dwellings A/rec/a/i'zing in: Gultert leaning * I ree, I.awn& Shrub Rcmosal Fast Quality Work • «7 Days A Week Call For Estimate: (503)358-9113 Portland Business License #649362 S ummer R erun lune 18. 2003 Join globe-trotting jazz vocalist Rebecca Kilgore, in her weekly radio series featuring conversations with musicians working In today's jazz world. Each installment brings you an interview with a f noted jazz musician as her guest, taped on location anywhere from Portland to Switzerland, plus excerpts from the guest's representative recordings Documentary Pays Homage to R&B Legends 2001 a ta g e 8 4 ,sh o rtly a fte rth e film was com pleted, creates several side- splitting m om ents w ith his chatter on his W D1A radio show . W hile T hom as infuses the film w ith acertain lightheartedness, it is M oore w ho provides its em otional center. A s part o f the duo Sam & D ave, he had a string o f hits in the 1960s. B ut by the early ’ 70s, he was ‘Only the Strong Survive’ takes name from signature song (A P ) W hen Jerry Butler team ed w ith the fam ed produc­ tion duo K enneth G am ble and Leon H u ff to w rite ‘O nly the Strong Surv ive' in 1969, they were in sp ire d by a rtis ts w h o had proven their staying power. M ore than 30 years later, B ut­ ler is featured in a docum entary that takes its nam e from his sig­ nature song and pays hom age to his legendary co n tem p o raries w ho have kept going long after the hits stopped. Film m akers D. A. Pennebaker and C hris H egedus and jo u rn al­ ist R oger F riedm an set out in the sum m er o f 1999 to shine the spot­ light on these R& B stars w ho largely had faded from mainstream view . The stories o f Rufus T ho­ m as, Carla T hom as, Isaac Hayes, R& B s t a r R u fu s T h o m a s d ie d a t a g e 8 4 in D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 1 , s h o r tly a fte r “O nly th e S tro n g S u rv iv e " w a s c o m p le te d . Its being able to go through all the things — positive or negative, right or wrong — and come out and do what you do best. M ary W ilson, Sam M oore. TheC'hi- Lites, A nn Peebles and B utler are som etim es poignant, often funny - 60s R&B star Sam Moore, on why he chose to be a part of the Only the Jb and inevitably uplifting. The ft Im is Strong Survive' documentary playing in New Y ork, Los A ngeles and other cities. strung out on drugs. W ith the help still perform s frequently in addition For m ost, the recognition is long o f w ife Joyce M oore, h e ’s been to carrying out his governm ental overdue, but C arla T hom as says clean for 20 years and has resur­ duties. He says docum entaries like that it gives them a second chance rected his career. For the past de­ this one and last y e a r’s S ta n d in g in to return to the lim elight. T he film cade, th e y ’ve been fighting the the Shadow s o f M otow n show there focuses largely on the M em phis record industry for fully funded will alw ays be love for R& B. sound but also touches on D etroit pensions for artists. Still, his dis­ H ayes says the d ocum entary is and C hicago soul and is dedicated cussion o f his drug years illustrates im portant because it helps preserve to her father, R ufus T hom as. The how far a star can fall. a m usical legacy that is often o b ­ w it and ageless enthusiasm o f the “ I w anted people to know that scured by the attention paid these o th er K ing o f M em phis is felt th a t’s w hat it’s all about — surviv­ days to hip-hop. Y ounger artists thro u g h o u t. ing," says M oore, w hose pow erful should know , he says, on w hose T hom as, w ho died in D ecem ber ‘W hen Som ething Is W rong W ith shoulders they stand. June Jam with The Original Cats I M l L IA IS H IM The U rban L eague o f Portland invites you to its June Jam , featuring The O riginal C ats from 6 :30 to 8:30 p.m . Friday, June 27 at the Multicultural Senior ServiceCenterat 5325 N.E. Martin L uther King, Jr. Blvd. A dm ission is S3. For m ore information, cal 1503-988-5470 extention 24545. Cool Nutz Northwest Tour The C ool N utz tour cruises through Portland W ednes­ day, June 25 w ith B one T hugs N H arm ony, DJ Chill and m ore. Crystal Ballroom , 1332 W. Burnside St. For m oreinform ation.call 503-841 -0995. IFCC June Artists V isual artists, B onnie M eltzer and Becca Bernstein are this m o n th ’s Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter artists. M eltzer’s w ork focuses on native icons o f the N orthw est. B e rn stein 's w ork is a series o f textural paintings c entering on the relationship betw een m others and daughters. B oth a rtists’ exhibits run through June 27 with a late reception T hursday, June 26 at 7:30 p.m . The IFCC is located at 5340 N. Inter­ state G allery hours are T uesday through Friday, 11 a.m. through 6 p.m ., S aturdays 12 p.m . thro u g h 4 p .m . No adm ission is charged, but donations appreciated. For more information, call 503-823-2072,503-823-2071 or online: v c o m p u te rs African Film Festival a d v e n tu r e S pan ish g o lf ennis c 1,1 ^Jortlattb (jDbsetucr call 503.388.0033 or email: adsidport landobserver.com stonew are for al I levels o f e x ­ p erience -w ith fun in m ind. The first c la ss takes place M ondays b e ­ ginning Ju n e 23 through A ugust 18. T he second class takes place W ednesdays beginning June 25 through A ugust 20. B oth classes m eet at the follow ing tim e and location: 6:30 p.m . to 9:30 p.m . in R oom l3 0 o f th e T e r r e ll H all B uilding at P C C ’s C a s­ cade C am pus, 705 N. K illingsw orth St. Each class costs $131.50. C A L L IG R A P H Y : S w eeping-brush strokes and easy -to -leam shaping m ake up Portland C om m unity C o lle g e 's italic calligraphy class. The class w elcom es the new and those looking to fine tune their R enaissance hand at italic. C lass runs T h u rs­ days, June 26 and ends A ug.t 7. C lass sessions run from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Room 304 o f the Student C enter B u ild in g at P C C ’s C a sc a d e C a m p u s , 705 N. Kil lingsw orth. T he cost is $99. F or m ore inform ation, call 503-978-5143. Drawing for Drawing Enthusiasts C apture the hum an form by learning draw ing tech­ niques from Instructor, M arko P o lo —using live m od­ els. D raw ing class m eets Saturdays June 28 through Aug. 9 from 9:30 a.m . to 12 a.m . in R oom 203 o f the Terrell Hall B uildingat P ortlandC om m unityC ollege’s C ascade C am pus, 705 N. K illingsw orh. The class costs $105. For m ore inform ation, call 503-978-5143. Multicultural Arts Camps T hroughout the m onth o f June, T he Film C enter presents films from the African Film Festival. “Bronx- Barbes” and “ T he F ather" com prise the final day o f film s T hursday, June 19 beginning 7:30 p.m . at the G uild T heatre, 829 S.W . 9lh A ve. A dm ission tickets cost $6.50. M em ber, student and senior tickets cost $5.50. T he first film , “ B ronx-B arbes" follow s tw o accidental-m urdering adolescent b o y s' adventures through an A frican shantytow n w here A frican gangs im itate N ew York B ronx gangs. The m otion picture was film ed on the Ivory C oast. T he ev en in g ’s second film "T he F ather" is a film about an artist sheltering friends in E thiopia during the 1974 D erg period. All locations w ere film ed in E thiopia. T he Interstate F irehouse C ultural C en ter offers three sum m er-art cam ps, each w ith different them es: A fri­ can arts, L atino arts and A sian arts. D ays are split betw een visual arts and perform ing arts. O ne cam p runs each w eek, and the first cam p, A frican arts, begins T uesday, July 8. T he L atino arts cam p begins T uesday, July 15 and T he A sian arts cam p begins T uesday, July 22. T uesdays, W ednesdays and T h u rs­ days com prise the cam p w eek. C am p days are 9 a.m . through 4 p.m . T he cost for children o f IFC C m em bers is $90 per w eek per student. T he cost for children o f non-IFC C m em bers is $100 per w eek p e r student - som e scholarships available. Y outh in third grade or above are appropriate and supplies are included in the cam p prices. Form ore inform ation, call 503-823-2001. Two PCC Community Classes: “Ceramics: All Levels" & “Calligraphy Class All Levels” Reparations Thursdays C E R A M IC S : Portland ( 'om munity Col lege offers high- fire stonew are clay classes this sum m er. T he identical classes feature techniques for creating creative-clay Advertise with diversity in M y B a b y ’ is o n e o f th e f ilm ’sh ig h - lights. “ It’s being able to go through all the things — p ositive o r nega­ tive, right or w ro n g — and com e out and d o w hat y o u d o best.” H is story c ontrasts w ith that o f B utler, a C ook C ounty co m m is­ sioner in C hicago since 1985. The Icem an says he had his share o f c are er peaks and valleys, but he D avid P a rk ’s new band. T he R eparations, will play every T hursday at 9 p.m . w ith DJ C hill and special guest perform ers and D Js at T he Red Sea, 318 S.W . T hird A ve. A dm ission fo r those 21 and o ld er is $5.