®l|e ÿortlanb (Dbseruer Page A6 lune 18. 2003 Celebrated Pianist to Perform Promoting Wellness With Exercise World-renowned pianist Andre Watts (left) will perform in Portland at the Chamber Music Northwest's 3 3° Summer Festival on Monday, June 23 and Tuesday June 24. Seats for Monday ’s performance are sold out, but tickets are still available for the Tuesday concert. For more information, call 503294-6400. ¿a MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE 1 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services [ CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area) • 2 A reas o r m ore. Sm all Hall Free, P re-S pray T raffic A reas • S ta irs..........................$1.50 each UPHOLSTERY CLEANING African Americans tackle cardiovascular disease Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 L oveseat $49 from three sm all classes to over a dozen classes in eight different locations. Cardiovascular disease is the numberone killerof African Ameri­ cans in Oregon. In fact, blacks are twice as likely as whites to die from a stroke and alm ost one and a halt With a goal to be the healthiest African American community in the nation, the African American Health Coalition knew they’d have to do more than talk to combat cardio­ vascular disease. The coalition first identified the reasons so many local residents didn’t watch their waistlines. They found that people d o n ’t work out because they don’t think they can afford a gym, d o n ’t feel there’s ac­ cess to exercise locations close to home and want to exercise around folks w ho look like them and face the sam e health obstacles they have. From there, W ellness Within Reach: Mind, Body and Soul took shape. T his free exercise program for A frican A m ericans in north and northeast Portland kicked o ff less than a year ago and has grow n r I CARPET COUPON I I 1 Cleaning Area I Pre-Spray Traffic Area I (Hall not included) I k. P' I UPHOLSTERY COUPON" I I I Sofa (under 6 ft.) J ( A l l I O R A PPO IN TM EN TS -P eggy Busby 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 times as likely to die from a heart attack. High blood pressure is one o f the leading causes o f cardiovascu­ lar disease. The major risk factors are obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes. W ellness Within Reach plans to add additional classes to its sched- ule o f aerobics, yoga, walking, the class helps me push myself weight management, strength train­ to be better and go further. I feel ing, African dance, water aerobics more alive and my hip doesn’t and tai chi. hurt like it used to. I am retired "Joining this weight management and have a fixed income so the and conditioning class is what I free classes are a blessing.” needed to get organized and on a For more information about schedule,” said Peggy Busby, 64. the program and aclass sched­ “They depend on me to be here and ule, call 503-413-1850. KIDNEY CARS ARE “LIFESAVERS” Call 1-800-488-CARS to donate your unwanted car, truck or boat. Get free towing, a possible tax deduction and the good feeling o f helping save lives affected by kidney disease. Portland call 9 6 3 -5 3 6 4 National Kidney Foundation™ ... Portland’s Virtual City Hall City services are a click away at Portland 0nline.com. The new Internet site was launched last week, and promises users the same friendli­ ness as the city itself. of Oregon & • 2) Tears Experience Weight Lifting & Body Building call 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3 or email: adsiportlandobservereom Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program of the African American Health Coalition. Inc Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) WeQness W ithin REACH: M ind, Body, and Soul Activity Calendar T u es Wed T hurs Fri Sbraitìi Traimi« Strength Traimi« Stremili Trainine Strength Tramn, 8 9am arid 2 3pm 9 1 lam 8 9am » d 2 3pm 9 11» 8 9 » and 2,3pm 10:00 11:00am Brawn Norria Blown Noma Brown Adda Chica«» Step Kendnch Salvation Army 5325NWÜUM. Two day’s service, Any garment - $2.50 (Except leather) Table clothes - $ 10.00 Comforter -$ 15.00-S20.00 Regularcoat-$7.50 Medium length coat -$ 10.00 Maxi C oat-$15.00 Water Aerobus v n Waler Aerobes 630-730pm Cortad AAHC 6 :3 0 -730pm Cortad AAHC IL iix U im I 503413-1650 Lrba Saba Natan's 3535NE15A PensdaPaii. 700NPortfe 9 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. M onday thru S aturday 909 N. K illingsworth P ortland , OR 97217 (503) 289-8452 (5) Personal Training sessions: $25 ea. or... Friends and Family Training Sessions $30 Featuring Indoor Cycle & Circuit Training (Maximum three persons per group session) | For more information or an appointment, call: African Dance 6:007:00pm Best quality low prices in town Laundry Shirts - $ 1.25 Sat Stremili Trauiqt (formerly Renaissance Market) ^beniAe. ÿolwAon • Group Aerobic Instructor, A.FA A " Pin i land Observer Matt Dishman 77 NE bod We cordially extend an... • Certified Persona, Trainer A.C.E. in Mon "Helping you pursue your health and fitness goals" • M.P.H. (Physical A c tiv ity and Risk Reduction (c u rre n tly e nro lle d ) Ydvertise with diversity Washington All classes are free of charge! af-eafUt PuSiAttiii, • B.A. H ealth & Fitness Management I J 1 I $119 00 I ■ ! Loveseat & Chair www.kidneyorwa.org The C ity o f Portland has rolled out "P ortland O nline” last w eek, m o d ify in g the c ity ’s ex istin g w ebsite by orienting navigation tow ard city services rath er than the organizational structure o f the city. The Internet site pro v id es a focused, central location fo rg e t­ ting services and information from the city. “ W hen I w as sw o rn in as M ayor, som e o f o u r b u reau s d i d n ’t e v e n h a v e e -m a il o r Internet access and m any d id n ’t have w ebsites,” said M ayor V era Katz. “W ith the evolution o f tech­ nology and the launch o f P ort­ land O nline, we are nearing my g o a lo fh av in g a2 4 -h o u rC ity Hall at the p u b lic ’s fin g ertip s.” O ver the past several m onths, the B ureau o f T echnology Ser­ vices and city w ebm asters have developed a database th a t’s easy to use. “The public should not have to hunt around to learn about govern­ ment or find answers to their ques­ tions,” said Tim Grewe, the city's chiefadministrative officer. The city is also introducing a subscription service that will send emails on the issues area residents are most interested in. To sign up, simply log on to www.Portland Online.com and click on subscribe at the top o f the home page. I I $35“ ! I Free exercise classes are offered to local residents under the direction of the African American Health Coalition. The class helps me push myself to be better and go further. I feel more alive and my hip doesn’t hurt like it used to. Sectional $99 & up Throw pillow s $5 each furnia» ucflvennce 5736NAfea 5034131850 fe Vnea Buds Conditioning 7.308:30pm 7:30-X30pm 9301030» ORumekr 0 Rumie N k I htmo W fe C n a p # Walk ing Group it Walking Group 63X) 700pm 6:00-7:00 pm 12:30pm Nukenoa Nulianao Niekervm Los. Impact Low Impact Aerobics Aerobes Walk 7:15 -8:15p. 7:15 -8:15pm 93*) 1 0 .00» Narra Community Prayer kb Norrio Lam... . Malory Avne Orafe CM (Cm) 126NEAkrta darci g( Orni <05 IE Mb An Wbfer Track Ufewarti Aerobes Aerobes Aerobes 5 3 0 -6 :2 0 » 5.30 6:20pm 6.30-7.30pm imi 630-7 30pm and 6:30 730pm Nidmrmm Nuheraon Nu brum Acrohit'.s Aerobes Aerobes Aerobes Aerobes 63)0-7:00» 6:00 700pm 6 00 7:00pm Id« 6:00-7.00» ha« 6:00-7:00» Karra Kodkr Karra Wl Maaatement HUlBJHW^HimtLL*-^UI. Wt. Manatrairal fonditHHiimt Comktmnm« 9:00 10:00» Hdhdil 9 3 *1 1 03X1» Hawn "M ust be 21 or older to participate Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class 503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class Wmeet inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears African American Health Coalition, Inc. 5 0 3 -5 /3 -9 7 /5 2800 N Vancouver Ave . Suite 100 • Portland OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850 E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web www aabc-portland org or Email: HealthPursuits@excite.com i