Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 2003, Page 5, Image 5

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    (Tiff ÿ o r tla n h (O bserver________
lune 18. 2003
V e n e z u e la n P r o t e s t C a lls O u t T r o o p s
street and m ingled with thick clouds
o f w hite tear gas.
O ne pol ice officer w as w ounded
by gunfire from an unknow n source
and tw o others w ere hurt by rocks,
said Pedro A ristim uno, the c ity 's
health secretary. The tear gas forced
the evacuation o f 25 children from
( A P )— V enezuela troops fought a nearby hospital, he added.
pitched street battles Friday w ith
Ignoring governm ent w arnings
s u p p o r te r s o f P re sid e n t H u g o that violence could erupt, o p p o si­
C havez w ho tried to disrupt an tion parties called the ral ly as part o f
opposition rally in an im poverished a series o f events in C aracas slum s
area o f C aracas considered a g o v ­ to prove C h a v e z 's traditional su p ­
ern m en t stronghold. At least three port am ong the p oor has evap o ­
p eople w ere injured.
T roops in arm ored vehicles a r­
Interior M inister L ucas R incon
rived at the scene while "C havistas,” pleaded w ith m arch o rganizers to
as the p re sid e n t's supporters are take the protest to an area w here
k n o w n , fo u g h t b ack , th ro w in g there w ould be less potential for
bottles, rocks and firecrackers at violence.
security forces.
“ W e a le rt th e p o p u la tio n to
H u n d re d s o f n a tio n a l g u a rd th e se c u rity risk s th a t th is act
tro o p s a n d p o lic e in rio t g e ar c a rrie s ,” R in co n sa id in an a d ­
launched tea r g as grenades to d is­ d re ss to the n a tio n late T h u rs­
perse m ore than 100 rowdy go v ern ­ day. “ T h is is n ’t ab o u t im p e d in g a
m ent backers. C olum ns o f black p o litica l act. I t's ab o u t ta k in g it to
sm oke rose from tires burning in the a less risk y o n e .”
Im poverished
supporters o f
president clash
w ith opponents
lawmakers Nicolas
Maduro (from left),
Francisco Solorzano
and Cilia Flores,
surrounded by
supporters, leave
the National Con­
gress building in
Caracas, Venezuela.
(AP photo)
Dropout Rate More Likely for Immigrants
Banned in Mexico
(A P ) — P resident V icente Fox discrim ination in the public sec­
signed a law in M exico C ity last tor, but a fter several m onths o f
M onday, b anning all form s o f d is­ debate it w as vastly expanded and
crim ination, a groundbreaking m ea­ approved by both houses o f C o n ­
sure in a nation struggling to o v e r­ gress in April.
co m e racism and other form s o f
Interior M inister Santiago C reel
said the m easure w as as im portant
“T his signature m akes this a h is­ as M exican law s that established
toric date for o u r country,” Fox freedom o f religion in 1800 and
said. " I t’s historic because it e stab ­ w o m e n ’s suffrage in 1953.
lishes that nobody should be e x ­
The law does not spell o ut how
cluded from th eir social w ell-being violators w ill be punished. That
because o f th eir ethnic origin, g e n ­ will likely be decided by a new
der, age o r religion.”
body prom ised by Fox, the N a ­
The m easure that passed last tional C om m ission forthe Preven­
M onday first sought only to ban tion o f D iscrim ination.
(AP) — Hispanics in their
late teens bom outside the United
States are more than twice as
likely to drop out o f high school
as U.S.-born Latinos, accord­
ing to an analysis o f census data
released Thursday.
Nearly 34 percent o f His­
panic immigrants age 16 to 19
did not graduate or were not
enrolled in high school in 2000,
the Pew Hispanic Center found.
The rate was unchanged from
Among U.S.-born Latinos of
the same age group, 14 percent
were dropouts in 2000, down
from 15 percent a decade ear­
A lack o f proficiency in En­
said Edgar O audencio H idalgo is
accused o f sexually abusing a boy
when he served asapriest near Naples
in 1997. Italian authorities also be­
lieve he abused other m inors.
In a statem ent, M ex ico ’s attor­
responses," said the report’s
author, Richard Fry,
Dropout rates are typically
given for all Latinos, regardless
o f where they were bom, so
discerning between immigrants
and those bom in United States
offers a more accurate picture
o f the problem, said the center’s
director, Roberto Suro.
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Priest Extradited for Alleged Abuse
( A P ) - M exican authorities have
ex tradited a R om an C atholic priest
to Italy, w here he faces charges o f
sexually abusing an 11-year-old
boy and other m inors.
An extradition order against him
glish and a need to work to send
money back to family members
in their native countries were
key reasons cited by research­
ers for the difference.
When you pick apart the
num bers, you see that the His­
panic dropout problem has
several different com ponents
that call for different policy
ney g e n era l’s office said federal
agents arrested H idalgo at a church
in Iz ta p ala p a.o u tsid e M e x ico C ity ,
in A ugust and began preparing
extradition proceedings against him
several m onths later.
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