Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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(F ljp ■ j p o r t l a n ò 0 ) b s e r ü e r
lune i8 .2003
P olice
Slain Woman Broke Rules of the Street
Friends say
Jessica was
because she
talked to police
(A P )— T here are tw o un b reak ­
able rules on the street that the
hom eless say can cost you y o u r li fe
— d o n ’t snitch and d o n ’t lie.
Jessica W illiam s w as killed b e­
cau se she broke both rules, a cc o rd ­
ing to a friend w ho claim s he also
w arned police about h e r “ street
fam ily” o f hom eless teenagers and
y o u n g adults.
“T he m om ent she said som e­
thing to the police, they w ere going
to nail her right then and there,"
said J e ff C am eron, 19, as h e stood
Police Review
Board Seeks
W illiam s w as not hom eless but
o u ts id e the c o u rtro o m
had been stabbed and
w here tw o o f the three
w orked dow ntow n and had b e ­
m ain suspects in the slay­
C am eron said m em ­ friended young people w ho w ere in
ing appeared on a g g ra ­
bers o f the street family and out o f hom eless shelters. E ven­
vated m u rd er charges.
kicked W illiams, hit her tually, she began spending tim e
“Jessica w as labeled as
with a belt, burned the w ith a street fam ily that had d ev el­
a lia r a n d a s n i t c h , ”
palm s o f her hands with oped a reputation for violence.
C am eron said. "T hey were
W illiam s, how ever, w as a gentle
lighters and burned her
goin g to finish the job.
face with cigarettes be­ giant at 6 feet 4 and 230 pounds,
W hy not ju st kill her."
fore oneofthe family lead­ according to fam ily and friends.
Her sister, 18-year-oldN oelW il-
Danielle M arie C ox and
ers ordered her killed.
Carl Alsup (left) is wanted for the murder o f
Jim m y A aro n S te w a rt,
Cam eron said the per­ I iam s, described her as "a big teddy
Jessica Williams (right).
both 18, are accused o f
son w ho gave the order bear, the sw eetest, m ost kind p e r­
k illing W illiam s, 22, a tall young found out it w asn’t true, C am eron to kill W illiam s still has not been s o n .”
w om an w ho allegedly had the m en­ said.
H er friend, A m anda N elsen, 21,
arrested. But shortly after the court
tal capacity o f a 12-year-old be­
T en other young people, rang­ appearances ofC ox and Stewart, po­ w ho lived on the street for four
cause she suffered from fetal alco ­ ing in age from 16 to 27, also face lice announced that a M ultnomah years before finally finishing her
hol syndrom e.
charges in the death o f W illiam s, C ounty grandjury had indicteda 17- high school degree and enrolling in
C am eron claim s W illiam s w as w hose body was found M ay 23 year-old boy, Carl Richard Alsup, co lle g e this fall, said W illiam s
"w ould n ever hurt anybody — she
killed because she told police that after a railroad engineer spotted it with aggravated murder.
another m em b e ro fh e r street family near the only dow ntow n bridge that
A lsup rem ained at large M on­ w as alw ays so nice to everybody.”
had tried to m ake her into a prosti­ carries both rail and vehicle traffic day, described only as a w hite m ale
N elsen said that the street fam ily
tute. S om e m em bers o f the fam ily across the W illam ette River.
w ith blond o r brow n hair going by had a saying for m em bers w ho b e ­
beat up the young m an before they
A n autopsy show ed W illiam s the street nam e "D .K .”
trayed it — “ snitches get stitches.”
T he Independent Police R eview
D iv is io n o f th e P o rtla n d C ity
A u d ito r’s O ffice is seeking volu n ­
teers to se rv e o n th e C itiz e n R eview
A p p lic a tio n s a re a v a ila b le at
L o o k in g ^
^ e x c e lle n t
part tlm ejQ B ?
w \yw ,ci,Po r tla n d e r ,t^ /a u d iiQf/i.pr.
C all IPR D eputy D irector M ichael
Hess with questionsat 503-823-4126.
T heauditor’sofficesaidqualifica-
tions w ould include the dem ographic
and ethnic diversity o f Portland.
What Part-time job will pay you
up to $800.00 per month for
only two days worth of work?
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In the Following Fields:
Attempted Kidnapper Caught
(AP)— A Vancouver man
is in ja il after a woman
watched the stranger enter her
home — and try to grab her
infant daughter.
Police say 30-year-old Jer­
emy Wall is being held on
charges of attempted kidnap­
ping, burglary and malicious
The mother, who police
would not identify, told detec­
tives she was working in her
back door.
Vancouver Police Sergeant
Mark Rigali says the mother
quickly ran inside to find Wall
in her baby daughter’s bed­
room, reaching into the crib.
The woman screamed and
the stranger fled into the sur­
rounding neighborhood.
Jeremy Wall
She called police and offic­
front yard on Kansas Street. ers chased him on foot through
She was stunned to watch the several nearby yards before
man enter her home through a capturing him.
Texas Dozen Freed Pending Appeals
( A P) — H ours after he and 11 others w ere released
Forty-six people, 39 o f them black, w ere arrested
from prison on questionable drug convictions, Freddie
in July 1999 and accused o f possessing cocaine
B rookins Jr. enjoyed the sim ple pleasure o f holding his
follow ing an 18-m onth undercover operation. U n­
w ife ’s hand at an indoor picnic.
dercover agent Tom C olem an, w ho is w hite, said he
“ It feels so good out here,” B rookins said as he stood
bought drugs from the defendants, but he w orked
w ith his w ife, Terri, about a block from the Sw isher
alone and used no audio or video surveillance. No
C ounty Courthouse, w here a T exas ju d g e released al 112
drugs or m oney w ere found during the arrests.
on bond M onday pending a ruling by the T exas C ourt
M o n d ay ’s prison release com es w hile the ap­
o fC rim in al A ppeals. “ It’s w eird. It’s been so long. I’m
peals court considers a ju d g e ’s recom m endation
so excited I c a n ’t even eat.”
that all the convictions be overturned. A special
The defendants had been sent to prison on the
Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility
testim ony o f a now -discredited undercover agent in a
f i t \ , i l iu n .il f.n .n d
T he Port o f Portland learned
last w eek that the D epartm ent o f
H om eland Security has aw arded
$510,000 in federal grant m oney
for security im provem ents at the
P ort’s T erm inal 6-O reg o n ’s only
container term inal for loading and
unloading ocean-going vessels.
T he m oney w ill be used for
entry and exit gate upgrades, for
m o n ito rin g a n d s u rv e illa n c e
equipm ent and installation o f
new sensor alarm s on perim eter
“ O u r T e r m in a l 6 , w h ic h
handles m ore than 400 container,
autom obile and breakbulk ships
per year, is sm all in com parison to
ports like Los A ngeles and Se­
attle, but it’s arguably the high­
est profile m arine facility in O r­
egon and on the C olum bia River,”
said Bill W yatt, Port o f Portland
executive director.
Convictions based on discredited undercover agent
• Avionics
• General purpose mechanic & vehicle operations
• Computer maintenance & switching
• Information & inventory management
• Aircraft structural maintenance
• Engineering
• Water and waste plumbing specialist
• Security Police
l i n i Inin I n l i n e
Port Awarded
Security Grant
5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 0 4 0
8 0 0 .3 9 2 .1 8 0 1
w w w .orport.ang.af.m il
prosecutor has said he w ill dism iss all charges ifth e
co u rt o rders new trials.
case that divided this tow n o f 5,000 people and led to
“ W e d o n ' t ha ve victory unti 1 they are rid o f these
investigations by the U.S. Justice D epartm ent and the
conv ictio n s," said E laine Jones, president o f the
T exas A ttorney G e n era l’s office.
N A A C P L egal D efense Fund.
(5 0 3 ) 823 HELP
111S.W. 2nd Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97204
Clues Sought in Beating Death
Go from
"I went to the mall"
to "I got the mall."
Buy a $5 Mega Millions ticket.
Win a $25,000 shopping spree.
Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesday* and Fridays and proceeds stay in Washington
Portland police and C rim e
W hi le the fight drew a crow d,
Stoppers are asking for your help
and 9-1-1 received several calls,
in locating w itnesses to a fight
including one from som eone
betw een tw o m en that resulted in
w ho
“ N athaniel," the c row d quickly
O n Thursday, M ay 29 at 11:50
w as
few actual w itnesses.
T he o ther m an involved is
1300 block o f W est Burnside.
described as a 28 to 35-year-old
U pon arrival officers found 47-
y e a r-o ld
Jo sep h
M ic h a e l
black m an, 5 feet 10 inches tall
Joseph Paulson
P aulson, u n c o n sc io u s on the
and w eighing 155 to 165 pounds.
A t the tim e, he w as w earing a
silverjacket, longsilver basketball style shorts,
Paulson w as transported by am bulance to
silv er baseball style hat and black tennis shoes
a local hospital, w here he died from injuries
w ith short w hite socks. H e left the area with
associated w ith the altercation. Paulson had
tw o o ther black m ales in an unknow n A m eri­
been living in transitional housing in d o w n ­
can m ade vehicle w ith O regon plates begin­
tow n Portland.
ning w ith VAT.
( 'rime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to S1,000fo r information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, that leads to the resolution o f this case. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-4357.
Men Sent to Prison in Cross Burning
b u rn in g a c ro ss in the y a rd o f a w h ite w om an
w h o se b lac k frie n d s v isite d her a t hom e.
M ic h ae l A llen W h ite . 21, a n d B e n ja m in
M ich ael S lo a n , 20, p le a d e d g u ilty to federal
c h arg e s o f c o n sp ira c y a n d in tim id a tio n . T hey
w ere se n te n c e d T h u rsd a y .
nam e
w ere dispatched to a fight on the
(A P )— T w o w h ite m en h a v e b e en s e n ­
O v ti all «xidt t»l Mnqa M illion* me 1 43 Overall pi 'motKKMl n d tfi of w inning the $25,000 Shopping Spree depend on the number of entries
Mm! be 1* in purchase or redeem Be i pmatt pleytM Know yow bmit. Problem Gernfthnq Halphnn. l -800 M? B133
h is
dispersed, leaving officers with
p.m .. C entral Precinct O fficers
te n c e d to 8 '/ j and 1116 y e a rs in p riso n for
Buy whatever you want.
s a id
A c o -d e fe n d a n t, L ee W ay n e B ray , 20, w as
se n te n c e d last m o n th to six y e ars in priso n .
H e said th e c ro ss-b u rn in g w as a d ru n k e n
p ran k .
A u th o ritie s sa id th e m en b u rn e d th e c ro ss
at the H u n tsv ille , A la. h o m e o f R h o n d a K ay
L yle last su m m er a n d sm a sh e d w in d o w s and
a g lass d o o r w ith a sh o v el.
L yle a n d her tw o c h ild re n m o v ed out the
n e x t day.
A u th o ritie s sa id W h ite b ra g g e d to p eo p le
a b o u t the c rim e.