lune II. 2003 (Ebe JJortlauò (Dbserue Page B3 Focus Fans Push Oprah to Pursue Politics Joe Morton, left, as Walter Diggles, Jon Voight as Sheriff Billy Rowles, Kate Trotter as Jamie Rowles and Louis Gossett Jr. as R.C. Horn appear in a scene from Showtime's “Jasper, Texas." The film premieres Sunday at 8 p.m., to commemorate the fifth anniversary o f the murder o f James Byrd, Jr., who was chained to the back o f a pickup truck and dragged to his death. (AP Photo) Film Examines Dragging Death Oprah Winfrey speaks to a sold-out crowd o f2.600 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Saturday. May 31, as part o f her four-city “Live Your Best Life Tour" seminar. (AP Photo) Talk show host has other ideas Oprah for president? A fan was handing out orange bumper stickers promoting the idea, but don’t hold your breath. The idea doesn 't interest Oprah Winffey - top daytime TV talk-show host, magazine publisher, movie star, honored literacy booster and all-round mover and shaker. “People say, ‘Never say never,’" Winfrey said with a broad smile, her big heart-shaped diamond earrings sparkling. But when it comes to politics, "I can say, never.” W infrey was in Seattle last Sat­ urday for the second stop in her “ Live Your Best Life Tour” spon­ sored by O, The Oprah Magazine. The four-city tour features a two- hour presentation by W infrey, of­ fering insights and anecdotes from herown life, followed by three hours o f more personal contact. Tickets were S185 - the pricetag also covers lunch and a gift bag - and there were reports o f four-fig­ ure re-sales on e-Bay. O f the 2,700 ticketholders, al­ most all were women. "W e want to learn how to live our best life,” said Teresa Gove, a 38-year-old insurance claims repre­ sentative who flew up from Califor­ nia for the event. "W e love Oprah," said Dianne Enkerud, 60, a medical transcrip- tionist from Tumwater. "She has a real gift. She knows how to moti­ vate people - women in particular." H y d ro lo g y e n g in e e r D oug Beyerlein, 52, o f Mill Creek is hop­ ing to see that gift expanded - per­ haps into the national political arena. He came up with the bumper stickers, which he and his wife, Joan, handed out to all and sundry. "I just don’t like what our cur­ rent administration is doing, both d o m estically and o v e rs e a s,” Beyerlein said. "I feel we need to change our priorities." He said he has confidence in W infrey’s motivation and values, as articulated on her show and in her magazine. “ I don’t care what party she runs fo r.... I’d be happy to vote for her regardless," Beyerlein said. And if she’s not interested in run­ ning, he hopes that the very idea "will get people talking, bring up issues that need to be discussed.” Winfrey shakes her head. She w ouldn’t discuss the current ad­ ministration - "I d o n ’t talk poli­ tics” - and has no interest in be­ coming a candidate. Her next goal, she says, is to become an am bassador for the w orld’s children, especially or­ phans. Movie looks to find the story behind the gruesome events (A P) — A legion o f Black Pan­ thers has come to march. An army o f Klansmen is on its way. And 8,000 townspeople are struggling to squelch the racial furor that di­ vides them as three w hite men head to trial for the violent killing o f a black man. This was the scene in the sum ­ mer o f 1998 in Jasper, Texas. It’s also the powder-keg moment re­ enacted in the Showtimedocudrama “Jasper, Texas," about a com m u­ nity rocked and rent by tragedy yet showing amazing grace. The film premieres at 8 p.m. Sun­ day, a day after the fifth anniver­ sary ofthe m urderof James Byrd Jr., who was chained to the back o f a pickup truck and dragged to his death. “The challenge was to find the story, because real events don't necessarily represent the human story," says writer and executive producer Jonathan Estrin. "What they battle their personal demons I’m after is the emotional truth." and outside agitators while attempt­ After several years o f research ing to maintain control o f theircom- and interviews with Jasper resi­ munity. dents, Estrin uses the Byrd murder “Jasper is A m erica... it’s really - including a subtle recreation o f no different than many other parts the dragging and archival footage o f America," says Estrin. “If this Jasper is America s really no different than many other parts o f America. - Jonathan Estrin, writer and executive producerfor Jasper, Texas,’ a Showtime film that examines the 1998 dragging death of African X l AmericanJamesByrd.Jr. o f an outraged nation - as the back­ had happened in Los Angeles or drop for this portrait o f a town di­ New York there probably would vided. have been riots orci vil unrest. What The story centers on Sheri ff B illy surprised me, in many w ays, is that Rowles (Jon Voight) and R.C. Hom these people cam e up against ex­ (Louis Gossett Jr.), Jasper's newly traordinary circumstances and sim­ appointed and first black mayor, as ply tried to do the right thing.” if even bright things get you down. M H M M Lawyer Argues Ross’s Breath Tests Illegal (AP) — DianaRoss’ limitinArizonaisO.08 attorney in a drunken percent. dm ingcuscis.iA nig.i to out breath test results and « ■ W HW singer made Io Arizona police Stephen I ’.mi B .in i.iiU h. is tile d ,i m o iio n ,ti guingthat polieecon M M B night dueteda w uh V. "raises the has pleaded innocent to the charge. — DianaRoss P olicesaidshehadablood-alco- hoi level o f 0.20 percent. The legal search and sejzure •• A fte r ghe w as given a breath test, arrested and informed o f her rights, officers told Ross that more breath tests were needed. Barnard said there was an ele­ ment o f coercion because Ross was given the choice o f taking more tests and being allowed to go home or being taken to a hospital, a police station or to jail, where she would be subject to the tests after police received a warrant. Prosecutors said the argument is misplaced. Linder Arizona law, anyone arrested for drunken driv­ ing automatical ly consents to blood alcohol content testing. PIZZA A G O GO We Deliver! A go going to North Portland, Swan Island, The Pearl, NW, and Downtown... When you want it HOT + You gotta have it NOW! join our Aretha Arson Probe May Get State Help Queen of Soul lost her $1.6 million mansion to fire to produce a consen­ case until the state sus on what, if any, review. charges could be is­ Franklin, dubbed sued, prosecutors said. the Queen o f Soul, Prosecutors said "le­ lost her S I .6 million gal and factual com ­ Bloomfield Township (A P) — Authorities investigat­ plexities" in the ease mansion in the Oct. 25 ing an Oct. 25 arson that destroyed prompted them to re­ blaze, w hich authori­ A retha Franklin’s Illinois mansion quest an independent ties ruled as arson. plan to ask the state A ttorney review and analysis by Franklin was sub­ G eneral’s office for help. Attorney General Mike Aretha Franklin poenaed and met with A meeting o f police and fire offi­ C ox’soffice. investigators in Feb­ cials and the O akland C ounty County officials said they would ruary. The 6 1-year-old singer was Prosecutor'sO ffice last week failed offer no additional comment on the out ofthe state at the time o f the fire. 5 0 3 *3 3 5 *0 3 0 0 3240 N. Williams Ave @ Cook Street depression research study Have you or someone you care about been experiencing some or all o f the following symptoms for at least a few months? AU office visits and medical évalua fions related to this study will be provided to qualified participants at no charge. • • • • To get more information about taking part in this study call: I lopelessness Sadness Loss o f interest in daily activities Difficulty concentrating It so. participants between the ages of 18 to 64 may qualify for a research study o f an investigational drug for the treatment of DEPRESSION 5(13-276-6224 The ( )rcgon Center tor Clinical Investigations O CCI, Inc. H. & B. Too I Tony Rock to Host Oxygen Channel Game Show Tony Rock, second from left on the bottom, is seen with other cast members o f the new UPN sitcom, “All o f Us," which premiers this fall. The younger brother o f comedian Chris Rock says there is some sibling rivalry but he s staying busy - and successful - as the host o f an Oxygen network game show that premiers June 16. (AP) — Tony Rock may be an easy name to say and remember, but the com edian's manager still sug­ gested he change it professionally. T h at's because he thought it would be easier for the comic to establish him self without dealing with the pressure o f being Chris R ock's younger brother. Rock dis­ missed the talk. “ I was always called littleChris’ growing up," said the 33-year-old Rock, who hosts a new game show , “Can You Tell," premiering June 16 on the Oxygen network. The family connection "is a double-ed g ed sw o rd ,” he said Tuesday. But Rock is keeping busy; aside from the Oxygen show, h e's in the cast o fth e new UPN sitcom, "All o f Us," beginning this fall He says there’s some sibling ri­ valry. When Chris, 37, showed upto try out new material at a comedy club where Tony was working recently, Tony followed him onstage with all h is best jokes - and got bigger laughs. NOW OPEN Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol Oregon Family Business for over 50 years Lie. #306