Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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lune II. 2003
50 Cent Steals the Show at Mega Hip-Hop Concert
Other artists
like Lil’Kim
were booed off
the stage
When 50 C ent’s album
debuted to record-breaking sales
earlier this year, the rapper joked
that mentor Eminem - rap's reigning
sales king - was getting a little wor­
ried about his own status.
‘"H e told me, ‘Be easy money,
yo u 're up on my heels,'" laughed
50 Cent, whose debut album, "Get
Rich or Die T ryin’," is the year's
best-selling disc with almost 5 mil­
lion copies sold. “ I’ve got his mojo
right now.”
That couldn’t have been more
clear last Tuesday night, at argu­
ably the largest rap concert o f the
year. The I Oth anniversary o f Sum­
m er Jam, sponsored by New York
fans to Giants Stadium.
Despite a bi II that featured some
o f the biggest names in hip-hop.
Lil' Kim (left) p e rfo rm s during
th e 1 0 th anniversary celebra­
tion o f radio sta tio n WQHT's
s u m m e r ja m a t G iants S ta d iu m
in E a st R utherford, N J . on
Tuesday. During h er p erfo r­
m a n c e th e crow d o f Fifty C ent
Fans s h o u te d . ‘Bring o n 5 0 !"
The s u m m e r ja m , w hich drew a
crow d o f 6 0 ,0 0 0 , a ls o fea tu red
hip-hop rappers The C lipse,
F abolous, N as, B u sta R h ym es,
Nelly, S e a n Paul a n d E m inem
(AP Photo)
Nelly, Busta Rhymes, P. Diddy, Nas
and Lil' Kim, it was clear that 50
Cent was the star o f the show,
whipping the rain-soaked crowd
into a frenzy as he paraded around
stage in a bulletproof vest, with a
posse o f almost 50 in tow.
And when 50Cent’sperformance
was over, so, for many o f the crowd,
was the concert - despite the fact that
Emir.em was performing onstage.
While there were still thousands o f
fans bopping their heads as the Oscar-
winner performed hits like "Without
Me," a stream o f people headed to-
ward the exits.
“The show is over, the whole
audience is gone," said Chris Fox -
with a bit o f exaggeration - as he
walked tow ard the exit.
“50 C ent is just o ff the hook,”
said Natasha Johnson. “( I ’m leav­
ing) because I don't think 50 is
coming back.”
In an interview with The Associ­
ated Press earlier this year, rapper
Fat Joe said one o f the main reasons
50 Cent has become so popular
much is because h e’s a fresh face
on a fam iliar rap scene.
IFCC June Artists
Visual artists, Bonnie M eltzerand
Becca Bernstein are this m onth’s Inter­
state F irehouse C ultural C en ter artists.
M eltzer’s work focuses on native icons o f the North­
west. Bernstein's work is a series o f textural paintings
centering on the relationship between mothers and
daughters. Simultaneously, both artists’ exhibits be­
gin June 5 with an opening from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Theexhibits run through June 27 with a late reception
June 26 at 7:30 p.m. The IFCC is located at 5340 N
Interstate. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday,
11 a.m. through 6 p.m., Saturdays 12 p.m. through 4
p.m. No admission is charged, but donations appre­
ciated. Form ore information, call 503-823-2072,503-
823-2071 or online: www.ifcc-arts.org. gallervtoifcc-
: «¡S
c m n x . ' W * r l
I9 , t iiii^ -
^ D V T j frpnrqrn
21 & OVER
Open Call
Talent Search
A u d itio n
N o w F o r P r in t.
T e le v is io n & M o v ie s
Auditions for children and teens ag e s 5 - 25.
are currently being h eld at John R obert Powers In
5 0 C ent
“We all reach our peak, and hip-
hop is youthful m usic," he said. "I
think the reason why 50 Cent has
blown up as big as is his is because
it’s about time. People needed some­
one new.”
But his gangsta lifestyle and raw
charisma are also a major part o f his
popularity. Few on the bill at Summer
Jam were able to get the crowd ex­
cited for any extended period o f time;
Some in the audience shouted "Bring
on 50!” when Lil Kim - silicone breasts
almost popping out ofher flimsy top
- gave her lackluster performance.
Fashion Show:
“From Hallways to
Runways”, June 14
The Art Institute o f Portland presents “From
Hallways to Runways” Saturday, June 14lh at the Smith
Memorial Grand Ballroom, 1825 SW Broadway. Doors
open at 6 p.m., and the show starts 7 p.m. The fashion
show presents Art Institute students o f Apparel
D esign's work to the public. General admission tickets
are $20, student tickets -with valid student identifica­
tion- are $ 15 and patron tickets are $30 and front row
seating is available. Proceeds benefit local-indepen-
dent designers. Tickets are available by phone at 503-
228-6528or I -888-228-6528.
African Film Festival's Listings for June 19
T hroughout the m onth o f June, T he Film C enter
presents film s from the A frican Film Festival.
Joel Preston Smith: “Portraits
“ B ronx-B arbes" and “The Father” com plete the
of Daily Life in Iraq” Lecture, June 11
final day o f film s T hursday, June 19 beginning 7:30
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N Inter­ p.m. at the G uild T heatre, 829 SW 9,h A ve. A dm is­
state Ave., presents "Portraits o f Daily Life in Iraq" sion tickets cost $6.50. M em ber, student and senior
Wednesday, June 11 in the IFCC theatre at 7:30 p.m. tickets cost $5.50. T he first film , "B ro n x -B arb es”
Smith discusses experiences in Iraq as a free-lance follow s tw o accidental-m urdering adolescent boys’
journalist for two months. Smith documented the lives adventures through an A frican shantytow n w here
o f Iraqis living under the threat o f war. General adm is­ A frican gangs im itate N ew York B ronx gangs. The
sion pricing is $10, student and senior pricing is $5. m otion picture w as film ed on the Ivory C oast. The
Ticket purchases are available by calling 503-823- ev e n in g ’s second film “The F ather” is a film about
an artist sheltering friends in E thiopia during the
1974 D erg period. A ll locations w ere film ed in
African Film Festival’s Listings for June 12
Throughout the month o f June, The Film Center
presents films from the African Film Festival. “ 100 PCC Community Class“Ceramics: All Levels”
Days" and “M angwana” comprise the second day o f Portland Com m unity C ollege offers high-fire stone­
films Thursday, June 12 beginning 7 p.m. at the w are clay classes this sum m er. The identical classes
Whitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park. General adm is­ feature techniques for creating creative-clay stone­
sion tickets cost $6.50. Member, student and senior w are for all levels o f experience -w ith fun in mind.
tickets cost $5.50. The first film, “ I (X) Days" centers on The first class takes place M ondays beginning
a young-Tutsi girl’s family struggle to survive the June 23 through A ugust 18. The second class takes
Rwandan genocide. The film uses a church for the place W ednesdays beginning June 25 through
story’s main setting -a church, which w itnessed a A ugust 20. B oth classes m eet at the follow ing tim e
genocide massacre. The evening’s second film and location: 6:3 0 p .m . to 9 :3 0 p .m . in R oom I 3 0 o f
"M angwa” is a film about a car crash and a chance theT errell Hall Building at P C C ’s C ascade Campus,
encounter. The filming took place in Zim babwe and 705 N K illingsw orth St. Each class costs $131.50.
the UK.
For more inform ation, call 503-978-5143
Children’s African Dance Troupe:
“Kúkátónón”, June 13
PCC Community-Calligraphy Class
for Ail Levels
The dance troop promises a celebration o f energy,
Friday, June 13 at 7 p.m., with leaps and spins to
Djembe drums. Support o f the event contributes to
sustaining the after-school dance troop through the
2003 and 2004 school year. The dance takes place at
the SEI Auditorium, 3920 N Kerby Ave. Tickets for
adults cost $ 12.50 and tickets for children under 12
cost $6.50. Call before the event for ticket information
to 503-916-6282. Tickets are also available at the door.
S w eeping-brush strokes and easy-to-learn shap­
ing m ake up Portland C om m unity C o lle g e ’s italic
calligraphy class. The class w elcom es the new and
those looking to fine tune their R enaissance hand
at italic. C lass runs T hursdays, June 26 and ends
A ugust 7. C lass sessions run from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
in Room 304 o f the Student Center Building at PC C ’s
C ascade C am pus, 705 N K illingsw orth. The cost is
$99. For more inform ation, call 503-978-5143.
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