(Ehe ^ ìo rth u ib (O hseruer lune II. 2003 Page AS Groundbreaking Therapy School's Out: Forever Portland General Electric em­ ployees donated more than $ 106,000 to kick o ff a campaign for the Oregon Bum Center’s Therapeutic Garden at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in north Port­ land. The garden will feature trees, flo w ers, shaded areas and benches for patients who may have limitations to sunlight ex­ posure. Oregon Bum Center vision­ aries want the garden to offer patients additional opportunities for psychological, emotional and physical healing. PGE President Peggy Fowler and Dr. Nathan Kemalyan, the Oregon Bum Center’s medical director, led the groundbreaking event last week. continued from Front the school year at the same time,” said Amy Griffith, a 4“’ and S'” grade teacher relocating to Vemon Elementary School. Griffith said that she finds clos­ ing another school in the same neighborhood to be suspicious. “This is such a small school. I don’t see how they’re saving so much money by closing us. It seems like they're targeting the poverty o f the area,” she said. D istrict o fficials report that closing M eek, w hich served a low incom e to w orking class neighborhood, is saving the d is­ trict approximately $300,000 in the next school year. Much o f M eek's sta ff and equipm ent, as well as library books, will move to Vemon E le m e n ta ry at 2 0 4 4 N E K illingsw orth St. Brenda Jackson, M eek’s librar­ ian o f 25 years, says she is the only employee currently at Meek that doesn’t know where she will be reassigned. In the meantime, she's packing up about 200 boxes o f books to send to Vemon, hoping she and her students will find some stability in their new schools. Review Takes More Time tion, M cCollister’s comm anding officer is submitting a report to a toattend include Larry, Rev. Roy police com m and review board, Tate o f the AM A, Multnomah w eighing the o ffic e r’s actions County District Attorney Mike against the bureau’s policy and S chrunk, P olice C h ie f Mark procedures manual. Next, the board will draw a con­ Kroeker and state senators Avel clusion based on the report, and Gordly and Margaret Carter. The session would be led by a make a recommendation to the po­ facilitator and a panel o f comm u­ lice chief. _____________ According to nity leaders with Larry,theNAACP the public a l­ is continuing an lowed to ques­ independent in­ tio n o ffic ia ls vestigation on the withthecriminal cultureofthe Port­ justice system. land Police Bureau “We want to that was in the be able to ask works even before questions and James’ death. get some can­ did answers so — Robert Larry, president of the " W e ’re not just focusing on we can move on PortlandchapteroftheNAACP o ne p a rtic u la r and get som e -------------------- changes in policy and in what police incident, it’s larger than took place," said Tate, a key orga­ that,” Larry said. “We want to find out what type o f job the Portland nizer o f the forum. A police bureau spokesman Police Bureau is doing.” The James fami ly has hired attor­ said the departm ent w ants to publicly disclose the results o f ney Kenneth W alker to pursue a wrongful death civil lawsuit against their investigation at the forum. As part o f the police investiga­ the city. continued Oregon Burn Center Medical Director Dr. Nathan Kemalyan begins the excavation process for the Therapeutic Garden aboard a PGE blackhoe. from Front i Support Grows for Community Nonprofits The company has given more than $900,000 to local nonprofit groups, including this year's grants totaling $50,000, since the factory store opened in northeast Portland 19 years ago. “This is a special community and w e’re proud to be a resident," (E ditor’s note: See related p h o ­ said DeStefano. “ We also want to give back, to help inspire the kind o f tograph on fro n t page.) Nike USA Operations President e n tr e p re n e u rs h ip , eco n o m ic Gary DeStefano and Multnomah growth, and access to youth physi­ County Commissioner Serena Cruz cal activity that the organizations participated in a celebration Thurs­ here today have helped create.” day at the Portland Factory Store Each year, the Portland Factory on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boule­ Store Grant Program honors non­ vard to reflect on the N ike’s sup­ profit, community-based organiza­ tions that focus on youth sports. port for community causes. Nike Factory Store expands local grant program recreational and physical activities, nizations in the comm unity," said education and mentoring opportu­ CommissionerCruz. "I look forward nities, and economic development to seeing the continued benefit that opportunities focusing on minori­ this year's grantees wi II bring to the fa m ilie s, c h ild re n and ties, women and youth. This y ear’s grant recipients are businesspeople w ho choose to A lb e rtin a K err C e n te rs , B ig make their home and livelihood B rothers Big Sisters o f M etro­ here.” p o litan P ortland, B oise E lliot Last year, N ike renew ed its School, Camp Caldera, Inner City com m itm ent to donate $50,000 a Steppers, O AM E Y outh E ntre­ y ear through 2007. The store has preneurship Program , Portland been located at 2650 N.E. M artin Y outh G o lf A ssociation, A.C. Luther King Jr. Blvd. since D e­ G reen B asketball Day C am p, U r­ cember 1999. ban L eag u eo fP o rtlan d .an d T en - d er L oving Care. “ I am encouraged and inspired by N ike’scollaboration with orga­ We 're not just focusing on one particular police incident. I t’s larger than that. JO B S S t u d e n t s S o a r a t M a t h , S c ie n c e F a i r F our studen ts from O ck ley G reen M iddle School in north Portland sw ept the glid er com pe­ tition pt the Math E ngineering Science Achievem ent program on the U niversity o f Portland cam ­ pus. O ckley Green Principal Joseph M alone said sixth graders Ner B astida and A bner Bastia placed first, seventh grader Robert Price w on sec o n d p lace and sixth g rader R enulesh Pal picked up the third place aw ard. O ckley G reen M iddle School s ta ff is confident that the first place w inners w ill return w ith a trophy when they com pete in the N ational MESA com petition this sum m er in A lbuquerque, New Mexico. Interstate Kaiser Celebrates 25th Year People o f all ages are invited to celebrate the 25,h anniversary o f K aiser P erm an en te’s Interstate East M edical O ffice serving north and northeast Portland. The festivities are on T hurs­ day, June 26 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free parking is available at the available to discuss safe garden­ K aiser Perm anente parking struc­ ing. O ther activ ities will include health-related books and videos ture at 3500 N. Interstate. B esides refreshm ents and free for sale. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call prizes, activities will include free blood pressure checks, a history K aiser P erm an en te at 5 0 3 -8 1 3- disp lay , and m aster gardeners 4820. TriMet Discounts Youth Passes TriM et makes it easy for kids 18 or under to get around the region this summer by offering discounted youth passes by the month or a single three-month pass. Summ er Youth Passes let you ride w herever you want, whenever you want, for $ 16 a m onth. That ’ s less than half the normal monthly Summer Buses Serve Rivergate TriM et is adding weekday and Saturday buses to serve the Rivergate industrial area o f north Portland for the busy sum mer work season. On weekdays, an early morn­ ing bus will leave Southwest Salmon and Fifth Avenue at 4:38 a.m. MAX riders from Gresham can transfer to the bus at Northeast Grand and Wasco at4:48a.m . Jubitz at 5 a.m. before con­ tinuing to Rivergate. youth fare. Plus the passes are good for discounts at M cD onald's and Oaks Park. “Offering youth passes on both a monthly and summer-long basis gives families more choices," said Fred Hansen, TriM et general man­ ager. “They can opt for the conve­ nience o f buying one pass for the whole summer, or the flexibility of buying one each month." P a s s e s c an b e p u rc h a s e d online at trim et.o rg , at the C u s­ tom er A ssistance O ffice at Pio­ neer C ourthouse Square and at T ri- M e t o u tl e ts , in c lu d in g F re d M e y e r, S a fe w a y , m o s t A lb ertso n ’s stores. Temporary, Seasonal, and Summer Aide and Technician Jobs in the areas of: . Forestry Range Biology . Fire . Fishery . Wildlife Management . Recreation . Surveying . 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