_____________ 2Ilje ÎJjîortlanô (Obseruer lune II. 2003 Page A3 Incentives Aimed at Smoggy Cars Senator Hassled by Store Security i Fred Meyer denies that stop was race-related Fred Meyer has a long tradition o f retail service to Oregonians. The calls I have received and my own recent experience suggest to me that the company s security policies and practices are unworthy o f this tradition. b \ J avmee R .C uti T he P ortland O bserver For A frican A m ericans, being hassled by security gu ard s and stopped by police more often than C aucasians seem s like a sad fact o f life in A m erica. B ut one g ro ­ cery store chain is ap ologizing profusely for profiling the wrong black w om an — Sen. M argaret C arter, D -Portland. Since a store clerk stopped C arter after shopping at a South Salem Fred M eyer last w eek, the senator said she received m any calls, letters and e-m ails from people w ho have had the sam e experience at Fred M eyer stores. -Sen.MargaretCarter Sen. Margaret Carter C arter purchased m eat at the store for a barbeque hosted by Sen. Jackie W inters, R- Salem. An alarm apparently triggered the se­ curity stop as she w as leaving the store. C arter said she w as stopped and produced her receipt for the groceries, while tw o or three other w hite cu sto m ers co n tin u ed to leave the store. Rob Boley, spokesperson for the superm arket chain, disagreed for m any years as well as training with C arter’s account, saying that for supervisory personnel in the a store investigation uncovered sto re.” "co n clu siv e p ro o f” that no other Boley said Fred M eyer has had custom ers w ere leaving the store ci vil rights and racial discrim ina­ at the sam e tim e. He w ould not tion claim s filed against them , explain what that p ro o f was. but none have resulted in ju d g ­ “ In a d d itio n to o u r m ents against the com pany. longstanding anti-discrim ination But rqccnt law suits against p olicies,” Boley said, "w e ’ve had M acy’s, [Jillard’san d J.C Penney a section on diversity in the w ork­ are shining light on the age-old place in our em ployee handbook practice o f harassing custom ers Oregon Civil Rights Law Celebrated A special comm emoration will celebrate the 50* anniversary o f an Oregon law that barred restaurants, hotels, parks and otherpublie ameni­ ties from discriminating against ra­ cial and ethnic minorities. Senators Avel Gordly, Margaret Carter and Jackie Winters are spon­ soring the noon event at the state capitol in Salem on Friday. June 13. OnWeb You Owe It To Yourself! w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m D E A L E R S H IP S Save Time, Save Money! DO IT NOW! CALL 1-877-432-5394 J The O regon D epartm ent o f E n v iro n m en tal Q u ality has team ed up with TriM et to offer an alternative to drivers whose cars fail the sta te ’s em ission test. Through the m onth o f A u­ gust, area residents can do­ nate theirenvironm entally-un- friendly car for either a free T ri­ M et annual bus pass, valued at $615, a gift certificate worth $500 to The Bike G allery or a $500 credit to the F lexcar car­ sharing program . O fficials said about, one- third o fth e 2,200 vehicles DEQ tests daily, fail the em ission test. For m ore inform ation about the new “C H O IC ES” program, ^ J n r t l a n h ( D b s c r tw r FormerGov. Mark O. Hatfield, who It was at this moment that Or­ as a State Representative helped egon declared its intent to embrace enact the Public Accommodations and protect the civil rights o f all o f Law, will be the featured speaker. its people- and particularly Afri­ On April 2 8 ,1953, following the can-Americans, who had fought leadership o f Hatfield, Verdell and for the law since 1919. Otto Rutherford, and distinguished A large photograph taken inside members o f the NAACP, the O r­ the 1953 House o f Representatives egon Legislative Assembly enacted at the law ’s passage, will be dis­ the Public Accommodations Law. played at Friday 'scommcmoration. Bad Credit? Get Pre-Approved, We offer all of the best rates available for your situation! NOGIMMICKS Be treated with respect. FREECREDIT ANALYSIS! Good Credit? Get Pre-Approved, We offer all of the best rates available whether through Credit Union Direct, Manufacturers, or any of our other lenders! Call For Your Best Deal! who were "shopping while black." D enny’s, a restaurant chain ac­ cused o f m aking A frican-A m eri­ cans prepay for their m eals, paid $54 m illion to settle a class-action law suit in 1994 and A dam ’s Mark Hotel settled allegations that its D aytona Beach hotel d iscrim i­ nated against A frican-A m erican guests for $1.1 m illion in 2 0 0 1. “ Fred M eyer has a long tradi­ tion o f retail service to O rego­ nians,” C arter said. “The calls I have received and my ow n recent experience suggest to m e that the co m p an y ’s security policies and practices are unw orthy o f this tra­ dition." C arter is seeking a m eeting with the president o f Fred M eyer to re c o m m e n d a re v ie w in the co m p an y ’s search and security policies and personnel training. As it quickly becomes more and more an electronic world. The Portland Observer endeav­ ors to meet the needs o f our readers and advertisers by going online. With the capabil­ ity o f the Internet, the Portland Ob­ server now reaches a broader audience, and thus sets your business in front o f a new generation. ÌElje f o r i l a nò (Observer index lop S to ll« Adam « H igh A w a it* W racking B all The Portland School Distnct has proclaimed that there w il be a new Whitaker Middle School to »epucc- the empty and ion net Adams High School at 5700 N E 39th Av» Of •. o u rw the new building win look ve*y different and w ii bnng new lousing with d — something that makes nearby easting neighbors a M a nervous Potk-o/Vonrauver K«Reiu«i Ot>i*rv«4«rr Gonoral (Div JJo rtla n ò Oftbaenirr ™o'e people * rth Pannar ada call 503 28« 0033 Hooping a C lo t* Cyo On Crime 0*sp 4« P*ogf»m cut* end budget lhortt*«» rotummg N«rthoo«t Poke» Precinct Commor.dor Brute Pruni it potitwo Ih * eommufMty ho caffi home - ill commue to m ele »ImJet * S p ra y in g M o k e « P ro g re s s In M o s q u ito F ig h t T ele a ugh o G e lr* Mutr.oroeb County beetb A tie ls ere reporting tocceec m Ibe ftqM to nd ,0u, backyard at n'®*49'loes D c v rrn / R tV Itn From border to border, from t o u t to co w l here ere some of ,Op *1on* * n'* k 'n9 "♦**- *■">' , the Unde* St it»» end from around th e —ond Giving our best A Reduced tut 1 AÜÄ- 'v n mM?i‘»'«H