Page A2 ______ (Life fJortkuiò (Observer lune II. 2003 P olice Woman Dies from Spider Bite (A P ) The C lark C ounty m edical e xam iner’soffice reports the death o fa 25- year-old V ancouver w om an is likely re­ lated to a spider bite. G retchen E nsign w as hospitalized on M ay 20th and died on M ay 29th. E nsign died o f com plications from the bite o f what her m other J u lie , described as "ju st a reg u lar house spider.” Julie E nsign said she and her daughter w ere sensitive to spider bites. D eaths from spider bites are rare. 99 percent o f insect-related deaths are due to bees and w asps. Suspect Caught with 500 Credit Cards (A P ) Police found m ore than 500 stolen credit cards and check- ! T hey think they w ere taken from Sw e et W a te rs Ja m H o u se on books inside the home of a bur- glary suspect in Southeast Port- j I Southeast Morrison Street — a restaurant that was recently bur- M> '"*» IB * land. O fficers a rrested 31-y ear-o ld glarized. I n v e s t ig a t o r s b e li e v e th a t T asha N ilsen a fte r finding the evi- N elson and oth ers used the stolen denee in her hom e. f j, credit card inform ation to order T hey got a search w arrant and J ’ ' ' large am ounts o f p roperty through found stacks o free e ip ts and checks the Internet, that had been stolen from a nearby f Investigators are trying to track restau ran t. Tasha Nilsen dow n custom ers w h o m ay have O fficers disco v ered m ore than 500 stolen used a credit card at the restau ran t betw een credit card num bers, checks and checkbooks. M a rc h 2001 andJuly2O O 2. Reward Offered in SE Bank Robbery Go from 'I went to the mall to "I got the mall." M Sketches from the FBI show two men and a woman wanted for robbing a southeast Portland bank. Buy a $5 Mega Millions ticket Win a $25,000 shopping spree, Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesdays and Fridays and proceeds stay in Washington The O regon FBI is o ffering up to $5,000 rew ard for inform ation leading to the arrest o f those responsible for the A pril 9 robbery at the B ank o f the W est, 8135 S.E. D ivision. T hree people entered the bank at about 9:50 a.m . O ne person ju m p e d up onto the co u n ter and shouted that the bank w as being robbed. At least one person had a handgun. T here w ere approxim ately lO p eo p le,includingtw ocustom - ers, in the bank at the tim e o f the robbery. N o shots w ere fired and no one w as hurt. T he suspects are all A frican A m erican w ith m edium c om plexions, in their late 2 0 ’s to early 3 0 ’s, w ith average height and w eight. O ne o f the robbers w as a w om an, and she w as w earing a knit hat. All w ork dark clothing. The robbers w ere seen leaving the bank in w hat turned out to be a stolen car. Portland Police O fficers responding to the scene w ere able to im m ediately d eterm in e that the c ar had been taken from an ap artm ent com plex a few m iles aw ay e arlier in the m orning. T he car w as found abandoned a short tim e a fte r the robbery at SE 76th and Lincoln. A nyone w ith inform ation about the robbery or suspects is asked tocall the FBI at 503-224-4181. Buy whatever you want. Overall odds ot Mega Millions are 1:43 Overall promotional odds of winning the $25,000 She M ust be 18 to purchase or redeem Be a swart player. Know your limit Problertt iprea depend on the number of entries ig Helpline. 1 800-547 6133. Tigard Burglary Suspect Wanted T igard Police, in cooperation w ith C rim e S toppers, is asking for yo u r help in locating and a ppre­ hending a Portland m an on charges o f burglary and m enacing, Luke A lexisJordan isa c c u se d o f a M ay 14 residential burglary on Southw est A nn Street w here a m an confronted a fem ale victim. In addi­ tion, authorities w ant to question him in connection with an attem pted prescription forgery that sam e day at W alg reen ’s on S outhw est Pa­ cific Highway. Jordan is a 27-y ear-o ld w hite m ale, w ith a d a te o fb irth o fJ a n . 14, 1976. H e is five feet 10 inches tall a n d w e ig h s 175 p o u n d s w ith blonde hair and blue eyes. Luke Alexis Jordan Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any un­ solved felony crime, and you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-4357. Medical Marijuana Leader Faces Prison (A P ) — T he founder o f a S alem resource c en ter for m edical m arijuana p atients w as c o n ­ victed on d rug charges M onday by a M arion C ounty judge. R obert G ray w as co n v icted o f possession, distribution and m anufactureofm arijuana. Gray, the founder o f the M edical C annabis R esource C enter, elected to have Judge Joseph O choa h e ar the case instead o f a ju ry . G ray w ill likely be sentenced to nearly 3 1/2 years in jail, O choa said. S entencing w as sch ed ­ uled fo r A ug. 13. Last M arch, police found 37 m arijuana plants at G ra y 's distribution center and o ver one pound o f dried m ariju an a at his hom e. O re g o n ’s m edical m ariju an a law allow s cardholding patients or designated caregivers to grow as m any as seven plants o r p ossess up to seven ounces o f dried m arijuana. G ray had contended he w as careg iv er to five people b esides him self, th u s w as entitled to possess the larger am ount. Portland Airport Screeners Fired At home with Family. Turning work into play. Connecting on a different level just by changing scenery. Hanging out 'til dark. Outdoor bliss. Home! Over three generations of homeowners have trusted American Family Insurance for the sound advice and committed service that helps them live life to the fullest. Give us a call or visit today. Discover the peace of mind of knowing Family's always at home protecting what matters most to you. American Family Insurance. Check your local telephone directory for the agent nearest you â *"*'**’ MW« www «Mim «sm AD 00041« AMERICAN FAMILY ComoAny and « SufaMtar-M IN S U R A N C E All your protection under one root T he T ransportation Security A dm inistration has fired 25 federal screeners at P ortland Inter­ national A irport since late last year. The dism issals follow ed a variety o f offenses, from failing background checks to m aking up a security breach that forced the c losure o f tw o co n co u rse s. A nother screener now faces term ination and potential crim inal charges after he w as arrested in late M ay and accused o f taking $ 1,300 dollars in cash from a passenger’s purse at a checkpoint. The T r a n s p o r t a ti o n S e c u r it y A d m in istra tio n ’s w oes at the airp o rt reflect criticism the agency received nationw ide. B ack­ ground checks have not been com pleted on m ore than h a lf o f its 52,000 screeners. A cross the country, the agency has fired one thousand 200 screeners for failing b a ckground checks. Man Dies Restrained in Jail Chair (A P )— A m an arrested on charges o f cri m i nal m isch ie f and d isorderly c onduct died after he stopped breathing w hile he w as restrained in a chair at the M arion C ounty Jail in Salem , officials said. John Joseph C ourchesne, 39, stopped breath­ ing shortly a fter 11:10 p.m . M ay 3 1 as d eputies began booking him into the ja il. S h e riff Raul Ram irez said Friday. A t the tim e. C o u rch esn e w as restrained in a c h air that is used to hold unruly inm ates. Param edics revived him and he im m ediately w as taken to Salem H ospital, w here he died about 4:40 p.m . S unday. R am irez said. The sh e riff called the w eeklong delay in re­ leasing new s o f C o u rc h e sn e 's death “ an o v e r­ sig h t" for w hich he accepted responsibility. “ T h e re 's no hidden ag en d a," R am irez said. "W e should have gotten the inform ation out earlier.” An autopsy cond u cted M onday w as unable to d eterm ine the cause o f death. M ore tests w ere p lanned and results w ere expected w ithin five w eeks. Salem pol ice arrested C ourchesne about 10:30 p.m .M ay31 fo rc a u sin g a d istu rb a n c ea ta m o te l. He had been throw ing furniture out the w indow o f his seco n d -flo o r room , said Salem police Lt. Bill Kohlmeyer. “ H e appeared em otionally disturbed, saying people w ere w aiting in the p a rking lot for him , p eople w ere a fte r him ,” K ohlm eyer said.