Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2003, Page 14, Image 14

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    Pase 88__________________________________ (Clje ^ o r t l a n ò ( O b s e r v e r _______________________________ lune 11,2003
S ports
Local Team to Host All American Tourney
Top players from
around the
country slated for
weekend play
InnerC'ity Players are hosting an
all-American basketball tournament
this weekend in addition to an
achievement banquet fundraiser.
The tournament at Grant High
School will feature some o f the top
basketball talent in the country.
The Players are a mentoring pro­
gram founded by Canaan Chatman
in 1997 to help local youth build
basketball ski I Is for the col lege level
and develop good character and
academic achievement.
The local team will play the Hous­
ton Superstars and Oakland Sol­
diers at the Rose City Showcase
basketball tournament, tipping off
at 5 p.m. Friday and continuing
through Sunday, June 15.
Other games will feature the Port­
land Elite Legends. Atlanta Celtics,
ing Jefferson High School’s Tho­
mas Gardner, who wi 11 play for Mis­
souri; Jefferson’s Jerae Nelson, who
w ill p lay fo r W eb er S tate;
Jefferson’s Jonathan Jackson, who
will play for Eastern Washington;
J.R. Moore from W orcester Acad­
emy who will play for Rhode Island;
Carl Appleton from Jefferson, wno
w ill p lay fo r W eb er S ta te ;
Jefferson’s Isaiah Allen, who will
play forCoffeevilleC'ollege; Marcus
B roussard from B enson H igh
School, playing for Cascade C ol­
lege; Aaron Col lins from Lake O s­
wego, who wi 11 play for San Diego;
Tyler Monk from Benson who will
play for B akersfield C ollege;
Michael Richmond from Jefferson,
joining Western Oregon State; and
The Inner City Players use basketball as a motivational vehicle to Quincy Sanders from Benson who
will play for Prairie View.
prepare them for the ultimate game: life.
The banquet keynote speaker
ICA Panthers and Seattle Rotary
The team ’s Achievement Ban­ is Q uin Snyder, m en’s basketball
quet fundraiser takes place at 6 p.m. head coach from U niversity o f
Tickets to the tournament are $5 Thursday at the Center for Self M issouri.
Tickets to the fundraiser ban­
daily and a portion o f the proceeds Enhancement, 3920 N. Kerby Ave.
will benefit the Inner City Basket­
The event highlights players in quet are $75 and can be purchased
the 2003 graduating class, includ- by calling503-282-4073.
ball program.
W o rld
2003 Mazda Protege5
Price tested.........$20,955.00
Engine......... ........ 2.01. DOHC 16-valve 1-4
Transmission..... 5speed manual
The Protege5 is even more appealing with a host o f new options.
M azda continues to build fetching cars that have that zoom-zoom
appeal. It has a dazzling little sporty look and is available in seven
colors. The young at heart will enjoy driving this vehicle zipping
around the city streets. It looks like a shorter version o f the Subaru
Legacy GT. The engine sounds very solid when dropped. The act o f
shilling is made easy by the uncomm only agreeable coordination o f
Robinson Says Best of NBA Finals to Come
(AP) — David Robinson says the
b estisy etto co m ein th eN B A Finals.
“I just d o n 't think two teams who
are this good can keep playing like
this,” the San Antonio Spurs’ center
said Monday before the team ’s work­
out at the New Jersey N ets' training
The 14-year veteran, w ho’s set to
retire at the end o f this season, ac­
knowledges the lackluster quality o f
the finals to date, but h e’s sure there
are plenty o f memorable moments
coming soon.
“I’m pretty sure the quality o f play
is going to improve. Back in '99, we
didn’t play som e o f the prettiest
games, but nobody remembered that
when we won it all. When it gets down
to the final games and it gets tense.
that will bring out the best in both
The Spurs lead the N ets 2 - 1 in the
best-of-seven series, with G am e 4
set for W ednesday night at New
San A n to n io ’s com bination o f
Tim D uncan’s inside play and Tony
P ark er’s outside scoring has been
too much for the N ets to handle.
W hile D un can ’s dom inance isn ’t
surprising, P arker - the S p u rs’ 21-
year-old French point guard - m an­
aged to outplay Jason Kidd in both
o f the S p u rs’ victories.
So far, the N ets seem stuck on
the sam e step they took last sea­
son: good enough to beat everyone
in the East, but struggling against
the W est pow ers.
the clutch, throttle and shi tier. It is very user friendly. The aerodynam ­
ics is good. It handles sw eet and tight but rough road is felt throughout
the vehicle. It’s alw ays responsive and spirited. The interior o f the
vehicle has touches o f aluminum. It looks small but it has plenty o f
roomy space for al I inside. Everything falls into place for the driver. The
child seat anchors consist o f the latest system with this system the
New Jersey
Nets' Kenyon
Martin (center)
and Jason Kidd
(right) sit on
the bench
during Game 3
o f the NBA
(AP photo)
child seats can be secured without using the seatbelts. T here’s a lot
o f value in the new Protege5-in its efficiency, utility, looks and sporty
performance. The zoom-zoom spirit will embody the driver. It’s an
option for the sporty family that does not want an SUV or mini-van.
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pecialty :
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Expansion Team Named Bobcats
(AP) — Charlotte’s NBA ex­
pansion team wi 11 be cal led the "Bob­
cats," a nod to the owner who spent
$300million forthe franchise. The
Associated Press has learned.
Bob Johnson selected Bobcats
over “Flight" and “Dragons," a
source familiar with the process
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told the AP on M onday on condi­
tion o f anonymity.
The dominant color in uniforms
and logos will be orange.
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Chicago Cubs ’ Sammy Sosa
gives a thumbs up to the fans
as he leaves the dugout before
a game against the New York
Yankees Friday. Major League
Baseball gave Sosa an eight
game suspension for using an
illegal bat in a game against
the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, but
he is appealing the suspen­
sion. "He understood he made
a mistake. ’ Chicago Cubs
General Manager, Jim Hendry,
said. "He knew there was
going to be a suspension, and
I think he feels it's worth the
appeal to try to have it re­
duced. ’ (AP photo)
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