Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2003, Page 13, Image 13

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    lune il, 2003___________________________ (£¡jV ^ n r tla n ò (fib s e r u e r _______________________________Pagc 87
C lassifieds /B ids
Im m ediate full and part-tim e open­
ings. S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le , w ell-
Worksystems Inc. (WSI) is pleased to announce this open solicitation
to select a vendor to design a data driven service delivery strategy
incorporating WIA program requirements, best practice information
and customer feedback to recommend a continuum of employment
and training services and delivery strategies that will support youth
moving from the community to incarceration, during incarceration
and upon return to the community. Services are to be provided
August 1,2003 through October 31,2003. Total amount of funding
available is $25,000.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be available on the WSI website
http://www.worksystems.org/contractor/contractorinfo.htm on
June 6, 2003.
A ll fu n d in g o p p o rtu n itie s are a v a ila b le a t h ttp :/ /
w w w .w orksystem s.org/co ntra ctor/con tra ctorin fo.h tm . To be
n o tifie d by em ail o f fu n d in g o p p o rtu n itie s , p le a se e m a il:
lmickelson@worksystems.org and indicate that you wish to be added
to the procurement notification list. If you have additional questions
regarding procurement, please call 478-7300.
Bid-Package #1-AIIWork
groomed. positive individuals.
$8.00 + Starting wage
Overtim e/advancem ent
M edical & Dental,
401K avail.
Drug test/Background Check
New hires m ust have acceptable
docum entation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues
& Thurs at
City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland
Eam Income From Home
Your own business!
Full training & support.
Free information
888 453-3729
Over 1,000 community members gathered recently to celebrate Ethos' acquisition of
the Masonic Temple next to Jefferson High School. The non-profit group plans to
turn the historic building into a music education and performance center
Hoff man-intends- to- bid- the-Rough Carpentry-and- Concrete- Work
- Precision-Images (503/274 ?030) or WWW .bX W a.C 0rn
Bid Doc
Restoration Celebration
H O F F M A N -C O N S T R U C T IO N -C O M P A N Y
805 S W Broadway. Suite 2100 • Portland. OR 97206 -C C B License # 2 8 4 1 7
We are an aqual opportunity employer and requeal sub brda from all inlereeledtmamjclng
duadrantagad, minority, women, disabled veteram and emerging smaUbusneeaeriatpmea
Q ther S u b c o n lia c tin q O pportunities- Intel n e ltillp : w w w .h o ffm a n c o rp .c o m
Portland Community College
Physical Education Building
705 N. Killingsworth
Portland, OR 97217
All Divisions
Bid onTuesday, July 1 ,2 0 0 3 a t 3 P.M.
Walsh Construction Co./OR
2 9 0 5 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1
(5 0 3 ) 2 2 2 -4 3 7 5 FAX (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -7 6 7 6
Contact: Bob Forster or Bob Fisher
ORCCB# 1 1 3 9 8
Utility Maintenance, Oregon
C on ven tion Center. $15.20 -
17.12/hour, FT, Deadline 6-18-03.
Performs semi-skilled work in a
v a rie ty
c o n s tru c tio n ,
m aintenance, and operational
functions, including such tasks as
c a rp e n try , p a in tin g , g e n e ra l
maintenance, etc.
Required application materials
a v a ila b le a t: M e tro H um an
R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d
Avenue, Portland, OR. Resumes
are not accepted. Please call
(503) 797-1570 if you would like
application materials mailed to
you. W eb address: ww w.metro-
Walsh Construction Co. is an equal opportunity employer and requests
sub-bids from Minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small
business enterprises
Vegetation Management Services
Metro is requesting bids for Vegetation Management Services -
Spraying (RFB #03- 1078-0PEN). Potential bidders may obtain bid
docum ents by contacting the Metro Regional Parks Department,
Janelle Geddes 503-797-1550. Sealed bids must be delivered to
the Parks Department at Metro, 600 NE Grand, Portland, Oregon
97232-2736, to the attention of Janelle Geddes to be received no
later than 1pm., June 20, 2003, at Metro Regional Center. A bid
may not be submitted by Facsimile (FAX) transmittal. The sealed
bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 p.m. and read. The room
number will be available at security desk at Metro Regional Center
entrance on day of bid opening.
The contract contemplated consists of “Herbicide application on a
total estimated 650 acres. Work sites are forested, recently planted
or being prepared to be planted. Various methods will be used
including hand and boom application. Type of spraying includes
spot and broadcast." Complete details and requirements can be
found in the request for bid document 03-1078-0PEN.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and
participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services.
S ocial S ervices
(Fair Complex)
$14.38 $ 1 7 .4 8 / hour
Closes June 20, 2003
Environmental Health Specialist I
$3,114 $ 3 ,7 8 4 /m on th
Closes June 20, 2003
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Youth Em ploym ent
Institute, an alternative school
p ro v id in g G ED , e m p lo ym e n t
training, and day care for youth
ages 16-21, is currently seeking
a full time Teacher for their Child
& Fam ily Developm ent Center.
Position includes designing child
development curricula, planning
a c tiv itie s , e n su rin g s a fe ty of
children in care, and providing
parent education classes to YEI
students. Minimum of three years
exp in infant and child-care with
at least 6 months exp in a center-
based program, plus some course
workingECE required. Lookingfor
an individual interested in working
as a te a m m e m b e r and
s u p p o rtin g Y E l's m is s io n of
promoting self sufficiency and life­
lo n g le a rn in g by n u rtu rin g
personal, educational and career
developm ent of young people.
Please subm it cover letter and
resume to: Gerri Fortson, c/o YEI,
1704 NE 2 6 ’", P o rtla n d , OR
97212. Position is open until
filled. We value diversity and
are an Equal Opportunity
(A P) — F orm er G ov. John
“ People have come to see gov­ was motivated as a college student
K itzhaber had a message for publ ic ernment as something separate from to get involved in politics 35 years
involvement, when addressing a themselves. Money and special in­ ago through the inspiration o f M ar­
group o f young activists in north­ terests have moved in to fill the tin Luther King Jr. and Robert F.
east Portland's Hollywood The­ vacuum,” he said.
K ennedy
and the im petus
“ The evidence o f this problem against an unpopular war in Viet­
“Today there is a greater need is all around us. It’s shortened nam. King, the civil rights leader
for this kind o f civic activism than school years. It’s rising tuition and Kennedy, a Democratic presi­
perhaps at any time in the past 40 that is putting a college educa­ dential candidate, were assassi­
years,” he said. “ W henever there tion beyond the reach o f many nated in 1968.
are young people who want to get high school graduates. It’s a crum ­
"Believe you can change the
involved in the political process bling physical infrastructure. It’s world, because you can,” he said.
and try to make this state a better u n p re c e d e n te d h u n g er. I t ’s a "W hen I first ran for public office in
grow ing population o f at-risk chil­ Roseburg in 1978, I was young,
place, I will show up.”
Kitzhaber accepted a “Great De­ dren. It’s a social safety net, in­ naive and idealistic. As you can
fender" award from the newly cluding the O regon H ealth Plan, see, I am no longer young, I cer­
tainly am not naive— but I tell you
formed New Progressive Network that is near co llap se.”
at last w eek’s event.
Kitzhaber talked about how he I am still idealistic.”
AA/EEO Employer
Development Specialist I
Fu ll
Metro Regional Parks Department
Kitzhaber Visits Northeast Portland
tim e
needed for a ltern a tive school
providing GED and em ploym ent
train ing for youth ages 16-21.
Position sp ecific to com pu ter
instruction and d evelopm ent,
implementation and evaluation
of computer training curriculum.
Position also supports GED/basic
skills, em ploym ent training, and
life -s k ills c u rric u la s. O regon
teaching certification desirable.
Starting range $26,500-$28,500
per year. Position temporary with
p o ssib ility to becom e regular.
Please subm it cover letter and
resume to: Operations Manager,
c/o YEI, 1704 NE 26’", Portland,
OR 97212. Position closes on 6/
18/03. We value diversity and
a re an E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity
Graphic Design and Production
C o o rd in a to r
fo r
P la n n e d
Parenthood responsible for the
design and creation of all print
materials under the direction of
th e C o m m u n ic a tio n s and
M arketing Manager. Requires
Bachelor degree in Graphic Design
or related field (portfolio required)
+ 1 ye a r exp in w eb d e s ig n .
R e q u ire s
Q u a rk X P re s s ,
Photoshop, Illustrator, MS Office
S u ite , H TM L e d ito rs , FTP
p ro g ra m s , w e b b ro w s e rs .
W indows OS environm ent Send
resume with cover letter to: Comm
& M ktng Manager, PPCW, 3231
SE 50’" Avenue, Portland, OR
e -m a il
jo b s @ p p c w .o r g .
E qu a l
Opportunity Employer.
E ducation
Local alt ed program seeks VISTA
volunteer to develop resources
and materials for alternative high
school students transitioning to
p o s t-s e c o n d a ry
e d u c a tio n .
Background in communications or
c o lle g e
s u p p o rt
s e rv ic e s
p re fe rre d . L iv in g a llo w a n ce ,
health coverage, and a $1200
cash award upon completion at
end of year. Contact Carla Gay by
6/23 for more information.
Place under or SOCIAL SERVICE
(5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 - 1 1 0 3
(5 0 3 )2 8 6 - 1 1 4 6
6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland. OR 97 217
Paul A. Neufeldt
Affordable Design and Business Support
Graphic Design • Company Identity
Logos • Signage • Ad Design •
• Web Design
Outdoor Events
T ra in p e r s o n
Union Pacific has openings for the position of Train Service
Personnel near Portland, OR A train service employee is respon­
sible for the safe movement of freight trains and switching of cars
in the yards.
This Is not a typical 40 hour-a-week opportunity: the position
consists of variable and Irregular work hours. Train service
employees work weekends and holidays on an "on call" basis, 24
hours a day. seven days a week.Personnel must be available to
report to work 90 minutes after notification. Work is constantly
performed out of doors, involving exposure to all weather condi­
tions Travel is required and the employee may be away from the
home terminal several days at a time.
Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age, have 2 years
of full-time work experience after leaving high school, or have an
associate's degree. Must be able to read and comprehend regula­
tions and instructions in English, as well as possess good oral
communication skills. Candidates must be able to discriminate
between colors, and must successfully pass a reading compre­
hension exam, a physical ability test, a physical examination
(which includes drug testing) and a background investigation.
Apply NOW for priority consideration!
To apply, visit our web site at
on "Jobs at UP”, then View
Service location for which
employment inform ation
www.uprr.com When applying click
Positions, and select the one Train
you want to apply. For additional
call our Employment line at
EEO/AA Employer
Advertise with diversity in
^Jortlanb CObscrucr
call 503.388.0033 or email:
Call for
People of
Red Cross sets
donation events
The A m erican Red Cross is
choosing this y ear’s Juneteenth
celebration, the day the last slaves
in the United States were freed, to
let area residents know more about
rare blood types and diseases that
are unique to the African-Am eri­
can community.
African-American patients with
sickle cell anemia, certain cancers
and rare blood types such as U-
negati ve and Duffy-negative could
die if they don’t have donations
from A frican-Am erican donors.
Ethnicity is also critically important
in matching bone marrow donors
for patients with leukemia.
“African Americans who have
rare blood types and need blood
transfusions depend on African
Americans to come in and donate
forthem. There’salw aysadem and
for blood,” said Melissa Long o f
the American Red Cross.
Even through African Americans
make up seven percent o f Portland's
population, less then two percent o f
blood donors are A frican American.
The American Red Cross will
launch a Juneteenth Blood Drive
from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesday,
June 25, at the Red Cross Portland
C enterat3131 N. Vancouver Ave.
The event features live entertain­
ment from local choirs and bands,
food and giveaways.
In addition, the RedCross “Save
a Life Tour" will come through Port­
land with its American Red Cross
Mobile Blood M useum on Satur­
day, June 21. The afternoon event
will be held in the North Park Blocks
in downtown Portland.
For m ore inform ation, v isit
www.tavelife.org orcall the Ameri­
can RedCross at 1 -800-GIVE LIFE.