Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2003, Page 11, Image 11

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    lune II. 2003
(Elje JJortlanò (ßbeeruer
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R eligion
aáábon f o r
day c lo th e s w ith th e d em an d s o red h ats to g o w ith in d iv id u al
o f fam ily w earin g on th e ir fi­ o u tf its .”
was an extreme amount in those n an ces so th ey took the less
K ilpatrick-Brow n said she usu­
e x p en siv e but eq u ally re w a rd ­ ally keeps her shop stocked with
T hese day s the p rices w om en ing ro u te to b eau ty and bo u g h t m ore than 40 hats and custom ers
w ill pay to look th e ir b est are h ats in stead .
a re w e lc o m e d to co m e look
su b s ta n tia lly h ig h er. T he hats
“ B lack w om en d id n ’t have through her catalo g u es to make
at K ilp a tric k 's ra n g e in p rice much m oney,” K ilpatrick-Brow n special orders. Soon she will be­
from $90 to $ 3 0 0 b u t som e - said. “ T he o n e n ice th in g we gin to stock m ore shoes and ac­
including a cream -co lo red dom e co u ld have for o u rselv es w as a cessories. So far business has
hat e n c ru ste d w ith p e a rls and n ice h a t.”
been good and she hopes it will
rhinestones and trim m ed in fox-
M ost w om en buy ab o u t fo u r get better.
fu r and a v eil - can run as high
as $700.
C e rta in ly th e s a tin , w o o l,
fe a th e rs, fu r and ra in b o w o f
c o lo rs th a t a d o rn so m e h ats
hav e to be w o rth so m eth in g ,
b u t w h y p a y so m u c h ?
K ilp a tric k -B ro w n say s w om en
d o n ’t ju s t p ay fo r th e p eo n ies,
o rc h id s or ro ses th at d e c o rate
th e ir h e a d p ie c e s - th ey pay for - Allie Kilpatrick-Brown, owner of Kilpatrick's Hats and Accessories
the w ay th ey feel in a g o o d hat.
“A hat com pletes a w om an,”
she said. “W ith m atching shoes, h ats a y e a r, she said , tw o for
“People will realize how impor­
gloves and a bag a g reat hat will su m m er and tw o for w in ter. A tant it is to have som ething like
m ake a w om an feel b eau tifu l.”
good black hat and a good w hite th is in th e n e i g h b o r h o o d ,”
K ilp a tric k -B ro w n said h ats h at is alw ay s the best p lace to K ilpatrick-B row n said. “A nd our
hav e alw ay s b een a cu sto m for sta rt a c o lle c tio n , K ilp atrick - hats - th e y ’re sim ply beau tifu l."
c h u rc h w o m e n . S h e sa id th e B row n ad v ises. N ext co m es a
F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n on
b ib le tells a w o m an she m ust g o o d b lack an d w h ite h at th at K ilp a tric k ’s H ats and A c c e sso ­
c o v e r her head b e fo re e n te rin g can be w orn all y ear long.
rie s, lo cated at 407 NE M ason
a p la c e o f sa n c tu a ry . H is to ri­
"B la c k an d w h ite go es w ith St. S u ite 1 on the c o rn e r o f
c a l l y m o s t b la c k w o m e n m ost an y th in g ,” she said. “Then M artin L u th er K ing Jr. B o u le ­
c o u ld n ’t affo rd to buy new S u n ­ w om en usu ally start b uying col- vard, call 503-288-8565.
continued jA , fro m M etro
A good black hat and a
good white hat is always the
best place to start a
Church, State Sued
over Sexual Abuse
Keriäni Khilnani graduating from
Portland State University June 14,
2003 with a Bachelor's o f Science in
Social Science. Keri- you're a gift
from God. Love Mom
Alleged victims say they were
abused by MacLaren chaplain
(AP) —- Seven men filed a lawsuit Monday claiming
they were physically and sexually abused by a Roman
Catholic priest while incarcerated at the MacLaren School
for Boys in the early 1970s.
The men each allege that they were “repeatedly physi­
cally and sexually abused” as teenagers by Rev. Michael
Sprauer, who served as the chaplain at MacLaren between
1972 and 1975.
The complaint, which seeks upward o f $28 million, was
filed in Marion County Circuit Court. Among the named
defendants are Sprauer, the Archdiocese o f Portland and
the state o f Oregon.
It was believed to be the first time that the state has been
sued in connection with a sexual abuse case involving a
clergy member, although Oregon has been sued over other
incidents at the MacLaren facility in W oodburn, said
Daniel Gatti, the plaintiffs’ attorney.
The archdiocese
released a statement
that said: “ Father
S p rau er em p h ati-
gations o f miscon­
duct 30 years ago as
c o n ta in e d in th is
lawsuit. Further, al­
legations that the
-C urtis Grecco, one of seven men
Archdiocese o f Port­
accusinga priest of sexual abuse
land had knowledge
while Incarcerated at the
o f a ‘pattern o f on­
MacLaren School for Boys In
going sexual m is­
the 1970s
conduct directed at
children' by Father
Brian Butler (second from right) officially turns over a mural created by more
Sprauer are false and unfounded."
than 50 people to the resource center at Woodlawn United Methodist Church
The statement also said that Sprauer, who worked with
Northeast l S h and Dekum.
the state correctional department for 30 years, was placed
on administrative leave pending further information.
Curt is Grecco, 44, said he was abused seven times over
a three week period when he was in the “hole,” or isolation
A mural portraying the importance o f Martin Luther King Jr. holiday under the
cell at MacLaren. He was 14 or 15 at the time.
“He offered me an out if this would take place," said community with bridges symbolizing the direction o f Brian B utlerofthe M etropoli­
Grecco, who was in MacLaren for robbery. “1 was a kid, I links between different people, was dedi­ tan Family Services office.
cated Sunday at the entrance to the
O ver 50 people, included small children
was scared and that's what happened.”
Woodlawn Community Resource Center and several foster grandparents, were in­
He said he twice told authorities at MacLaren about the
at the W oodlaw n United M ethodist volved in the actual production ofthe mural.
abuse, but first he was warned o f further punishment and
Church on Northeast 15* and Dekum.
M iller Paints donated materials for the
the next time he w asn’t believed.
Volunteers began the mural on the project.
The complaint alleges the "guards, management and
staff at MacLaren were made aware o f Sprauer's abuse or
should have known o f S prauer's abuse, and, in fact,
facilitated it.”
Doug DeJong, 48, claimed he was abused once when he
was about 17.
Each o f the men, who said they still have problems with
The 25* annual Hand-in-Hand Festival com e them. Games, clowns, food, prizes,
alcohol, drugs and the law, were seeking non-economic willbe held Saturday June21,2003 from 11
live music and arts and crafts are among the
damagesof$3 million,economicdamagesof$ I million.and a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Andrew Community
high lights o f the day.
possible punitive damages.
Center, located at NE 8* and Alberta.
The goal o f the Hand-in-Hand Festival is
The complaint requests a jury trial.
The Festival, which is completely free to break down the barriers that separate
“ I want to look him in the face,"Grecco said. "I want him o f charge, is a carnival-like day o f fun and
people with different needs. The partici­
to know what he did to me.”
sharing for persons with developmental pants and volunteers will come from all
The MacLaren facility has operated in Woodburn since disabi I ities and for many volunteers who
areas o f Portland and beyond. For more
1926. It came under the supervision o f the Oregon Youth serve as a support comm unity to wel-
information call 503-288-4943.
Authority in 1996.
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I was a kid, I
was scared
and that’s what
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