__________________________ Stye Fortiani» Oftbacruer________________________ lu n e iu o w IL Angel Finds Medical Relief in Portland Angel Coj Tajtaj and his new friends at Provi­ dence St. Vincent Medical Center, celebrated last week after completing two o f surgeries to repair Tajtaj’s spine. Tajtaj, 21, arrived in Portland in April, from Antigua, Guatemala, to correct the curvature of his spine that would eventually kill him. The curve, caused by spina bifida and severe scolio­ sis, was so severe, it would eventually collapse his lungs. With the help Transition Foundation, a non­ profit Guatemalan disabilities association, and the Portland Rotary Club, Tajtaj underwent the surgeries at St. Vincent, where he had a riband six disks removed in his back. All the medical services and surgeries were donated. Angel returned to Guatemala earlier this week with John Bell, the executive director of Transi­ tions Foundation, who served as Angel’s guard­ ian during his stay. Angel Coj Tajtaj, a 21-year-old from Antigue, Guatemala, is surrounded by his caregivers at a celebration to thank those involved with his surgery and recovery at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. M M M H M N H M M H M M B M M Explorando el Columbia Slough A rea resid e n ts are invited to jo in the C olum bia Slough W a te rs h e d C o u n c il a t the W hitaker Ponds E n v iro n m en ­ tal L earning C e n ter in n o rth ­ east P ortland for the second annual E x p lorando El C o lu m ­ bia Slough on S aturday from I p.m . to 5 p.m . The free festivities celebrate the nature and history o f the Colum bia Slough. Canoe trips, m usic, bird w atching, cnviron- Powell Offers Friendship to Struggling Argentina P o rtla n d ,'A m ile n o rth o fC o - I lu m b ia B o u le v a r d . F re e shuttle buses to the event will pick up at the O rtiz C e n ter on (AP) — Secretary o f State 6 7 3 6 N .E . K illin g sw o rth , Colin Powell is on a goodwill H oly C ross C hurch at 5227 mission to Argentina, ready to N. B o w d o in a n d a t th e I offer friendship to newly installed R ockw ood Fred M eyer P ark ­ President Nestor Kirchner and ing Lot in G resham . Thecvent hoping to put U.S.-Argentine re­ is also accessible by Tri M et i lations on a sounder footing. bus #75. For more inform a­ Powell was flying to Buenos tio n , v is it Aires Tuesday after attending an Organization o f American States w w w.colum biaslough.org. foreign m inisters m eeting in Santiago, Chile on Monday. A senior OAS official said there was optimism that the U.S.-Ar­ gentine relations can prosper now that President Bush has a new team o f economic advisers. On M onday, Powell ch al­ lenged the OAS to help the United States find ways to “hasten the inevitable democratic transition in Cuba.” The United States traditionally Job + Driver License=Car Loan has refrained from taking the Cuba issue to the OAS. but Powel I Choose from 500, Cars, SUV, Vans & Trucks apparently feels that the political Call Now: 971-570-1233 “Local Call" climate in the hemisphere may be ready for such an initiative fol­ mental gam es and displays, b i­ lingual storytelling, face paint­ ing, refreshm ents and more arc planned. G uests will also receive a Spanish recreation guide to the C olum bia Slough, which fea­ tures outdoor locales for bicycle riding, walking, paddl¡ng, and pic­ nicking within the Slough w a­ tershed. T he W hitak er Ponds are lo ­ cated at 7040 N .E. 4 7 ,h A ve in Need Car Loan? Bad Credit? You are Approved!! & cAfflie BUSINESS CKiCpoLticb -