Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2003, Image 1

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ImClone Systems Founder
Ordered to Pay
Sam W aksal, Im C lone System s
fo u n d e r, re c e iv e d a se n te n c e
o f s e v e n y e a r s a n d th r e e
m o n th s in p riso n a n d w as o r­
d e red to pay ab o u t $4.3 m illio n
in fin e s a n d b a ck ta x e s to N ew
Y ork, T u esd ay . W ak sal tip p ed
h is d a u g h te r last fall to d u m p
Im C lo n e sto c k in D ecem b er.
I School'S Out'.
M a rth a S te w a rt a ls o d u m p ed
Im C lo n e sto c k o n an in sid e r­
tra d in g tip.
Bye-Bye Pulitzer
N o P ulitzer Prizes have been re­
voked before, but that m ight
change in N ew Y ork. In 1932, a
N ew Y ork T im es correspondent
seem ed to fail in reporting truth­
fully a fam ine in the Ukraine. The
review o f W alter D u ran ty ’s a r­
ticles b egan in A pril.
Mass Destruction
Weapons Not Found
P re sid e n t B ush sw itc h e s the
focus o f current speeches aw ay
from w eapons o f m ass destruc­
tion not found to the Iraq is’ new
freedom . W ar critics point to
lapses in intelligence and ex ag ­
geration for no w eapons o f m ass
destruction found.
CUT|/T he
Devils beat Ducks,
Win the Stanley Cup
Meek Elementary School sixth grader Shand Gill hugs school secretary Sharon “Nana ’
Williamson on Friday, the last day of operation for the school at 4039 N.E. Alberta Ct. The school
is being closed permanently because o f school district ouuget cuts.
T he D evils w on the Stanely C up
in N ew Jersey w ith a 3-0 victory
M onday night. T he A naheim
M ig h ty D u ck s, h o w e v er, go
hom e with feathers betw een their
knees ending a surreal season.
Meek Elementary
packs up for good
for Mother’s Day
by J aymee R. C uti
T he P ortland O bserver
T w o new prairie d ogs from a
M other’s D ay event seem ed safe
a n d f u r r y a d d itio n s to th e
K a u tze rs' hobby farm in W is­
W hile schools throughout the Portland Public
School district are finishing up s ta n d a rd iz e d testing,
and celebrating w ith end-of-the-year barbeques and
aw ards assem blies, one northeast school is packing
u p for good.
M eek E lem entary School, 4039 N E A lberta C ourt,
c losed for the last tim e on Friday, after a controversial
school board vote closed the school because o f
declining enrollm ent and as an effort to relieve the
d istric t’s strapped budget.
M eek m arks the fifth school to clo se in this n o rth ­
east Portland neighborhood over the past 30 years.
R o n H a n lo n , th e s c h o o l ’s in te r im p r in c ip a l,
s a id th a t M e e k p r a c tic e d b u s in e s s a s u s u a l on
i t ’s la s t w e ek o f s c h o o l, w ith n o rm a l e n d - o f- th e -
Brenda Jackson packs up books and empties
the shelves at the Meek Elementary School
Library. The 26-year employee with the district is
awaiting transfer to another school.
y e a r e v e n ts .
“ W e ’re ju st try in g to end the y ear and m ove on,”
said H anlon, w ho took over as principal 10 w eeks ago
after Ken Berry, M eek ’s form er principal, took a m edi­
cal leave o f absence.
For som e teachers and staff, how ever, packing and
m oving has been a hassle, aside from ending the
school year.
“ I have m ixed em otions. It’s hard to m ove and close
on page AS
consin. B ut the rodents passed
on the m onkeypox virus to the
fam ily o f three, q u arantined af­
ter a suspected bout o f the ill­
ness on th eir farm .
Review Takes
More Time
Conviction for Deaths
of Virginia Couple
A ju ry on T uesday convicted
Erika Si frit, a wai fl ike former honor
student, o f m urdering a V irginia
James’ shooting
report will be
disclosed at
community forum
couple she and her young hus­
band m et during a night o f b a r­
hopping in O cean C ity. Jurors
deliberated four hours before
finding the D uncansville, Pa.
w om an g uilty o f first-degree
m urder for the death o f Joshua E.
F ord, 32, and se c o n d -d e g re e
m u rd er for the d eath o f his g irl­
f rie n d , M a rth a M . “ G e n ie ”
C rutchley, 51. Parts o f the d is­
m em bered bodies o f the Fairfax,
Va., couple w ere found in a Dela­
w are landfill n in ed a y sa fte rth eir
M ay 2 6 ,2 0 0 2 , slayings.
3 E 3
Supporting the Community
A special performance by the Martin Luther King Jr. Early Childhood Education Center choir caps a commu­
nity celebration at the Nike Factory Outlet Store at 2650 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The event paid
tribute to Nike s long history o f supporting non-profit and community-based organizations that serve the
north and northeast Portland. See story on Page AS.
photo by
S teve S c hm idt
by J aymf . f . R. C uti
T he P ortland O bserver
O fficials at the Portland Police B ureau
are taking m ore tim e than exp ected to
finish an internal investigation into the
M ay 5 shooting death o f K endra Jam es, a
2 1 -year-old A frican- Am erican m other w ho
w as killed d uring a traffic stop in north
A M ultnom ah C ounty G rand Ju ry d e ­
cided last m onth that N orth Precinct O f­
ficer, Scott M cC ollister, did not violate
crim inal law w hen he shot and ki lied Jam es.
Since the decision, the com m unity, in­
c lu d in g religious leaders and civil rights
groups, h ave held vigils and rallies in
Ja m e s’ nam e, calling for justice.
“T his is not the first tim e the Portland
police has killed a citizen ," said R obert
L arry, president o f the Portland ch ap ter o f
the N A A C P.
A co m m u n ity forum , called for by the
A lbina M inisterial A lliance, has been
pushed back tw o w eeks to al low the police
dep artm en t to finish their internal investi­
O fficials w ith the police dep artm en t
and m a y o r's o ffice said the forum is now
tentatively scheduled for T uesday, Ju ly I ,
from 5 to 10 p.m . w ith a location y e t to be
So far, the com m unity leaders plan n in g
y f on page AS