lune 04. 2003 (Life Jlortlanò (Dbscrucr Page A7 Focus B.B. King Crowned With Top Blues Title Prestigious awards recognized a montage of newcomers and veterans Ò1 AWARDS (clockwise from left): B. B. King - Entertainer of the Year; Pinetop Perkins - In­ ducted into The Blues Hall of Fame; Koko Taylor - Traditional Female Artist; Shemekia Copeland - Blues Album o f the Year, Contemporary Female Artist, Contemporary Blues Album; Magic Slim and the Teardrops - Blues Band o f the Year; Robert Randolph - Best New Artist. ' (AP) — B.B. King won en­ tertainer o f the year for the fifth consecutive year at the 24th annual W .C. Handy Blues Awards. Last w eek’s awards show honored newcomers and veter­ ans alike. Shemekia Copeland, daughter o f the late Johnny Copeland, won three awards, includingblues album ofthe year for her Dr. John-produced “Talking to Strangers.” It marked the second time that Copeland has won the cat­ egory; she won in 2001 for her sophomore effort, “Wicked.” In the night's most diverse category, sacred steel virtuoso Robert Randolph beat out Yugoslavian blues diva Ana Popovic, hill- boogie one-man-band Richard Johnston, country-blues artist Precious Bryant and former guitarist Nick Moss to win the best new artist debut. I Copeland also won awards for contemporary female artist and contemporary blues album for “Talking to Strangers." Memphis-born Koko Taylor took home her 23rd trophy, win­ ning traditional female artist and retaining her title as all-time Handy champion. In the night’s most diverse category, sacred steel virtuoso Robert Randolph beat out Yu­ », w. g o slav ian blu es diva Ana Popovic, hill-boogie one-man- band Richard Johnston, coun­ try-blues artist Precious Bryant and former Jimmy Rogers gui­ tarist Nick Moss to win the best new artist debut award for his album, “ Live at the Wetlands.” Magic Slim & the Teardrops were named blues band o f the year.whileCharlieMusselwhite won contemporary male artist. Musselwhitc also won forblues instrumentalist-harmonica. One-time Sun recording art­ ist and Muddy Waters sideman, pianist Pinetop Perkins, won for keyboards, and he was inducted into the Blues Hall o f Fame, established by Handys producer the Blues Foundation. The Memphis-based Blues Foundation is a nonprofit um­ brella organization formore than 100 blues societies. The 25-cat- egory Handy ballot is chosen by an international panel o f blues industry professionals, and then voted on by more than 30,000 blues fans. SEASONS IT’S A Idpi p S A L A D D R E S S IN G T A S T IN G S A T U R D A Y & S U N D A Y • 1 1 A M -5 P M r tAkick one wM (re uottr favorite? The friendliest-store in town. E A S Y & F U N TO S H O P • L O C A L L Y O W N E D & O P E R A T E D C O N C O R D IA O R E N C O S T A T IO N R A L E I G H H IL L S N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O P 9 7 2 1 1 SELLW OOD N E 6 1 s t & C o r n e ll R d . H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 2 4 5 0 3 .6 4 8 .6 9 6 8 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n - H ills d a le H w y . P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 1214 SE T a co m a P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 5 0 3 .2 3 0 .4 9 4 9 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m 5 0 3 .2 8 8 3 8 3 8 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m I 5 0 3 .2 9 2 .6 8 3 8 O p e n 8 a m -9 p m