Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 04, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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Page A6
lune 04, 2003
Whitney Houston visits
Israel for Inspiration
(AP) — Singer W hitney
H ouston is in Israel looking
for inspiration for her upcom­
ing C hristm as album. Hous­
ton arrived last Sunday for her
stay with the Black Hebrews, a
group o f nearly 2,000 black
Americans who followed a
C hicago bus driver to Israel
d e c a d e s ag o and b eliev e
they are descendants o f one
o f the lost tribes o f Israelites.
T heir religious custom s
include a vegan diet and polygamy. H ous­
ton spent her first day at their com pound
in the desert town o f Dimona receiving
m assages, relaxing, and meeting w ith the
Black Hebrew s, w ho call each other saints.
“ She is lo v in g it,” said P atricia H o u s­
ton, the s in g e r’s spokesw om an and sis-
While in Israel
stayed with a
group o f Black
Hebrews and
met Israeli
Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon.
te r-in -law . "S h e is a sp iritu a l w om an
and w an ted to com e h ere and touch
the land and be aro u n d the saints o f
D im ona.” W hitney H ouston is accom ­
panied by a group o f rela tiv e s, in c lu d ­
in g h e r h u s b a n d , s in g e r B o b b y
B row n, and th e ir d au g h ter.
Rap Offices Showered in Gunfire
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(A P )— Rap impresario
Suge Knight believes a
"jealous boyfriend orajeal-
ous h usband" probably
fired the seven bullets that
smashed through the win­
dows and front door o f his
Tha Row Records of­
fices in Los Angeles.
No one was injured
Suge Knight
by the May 27 gunfire,
which erupted about 2:30 a.m., said
Officer Jack Richter, a police spokes­
Police didn’t know o f a motive or
suspect, Richter said, but Knight is­
sued a statement offering his own
theory for the gunfire at the company
fo rm erly know n as D eath Row
“The crime was probably committed
by a jealous boyfriend or a jealous
husband," Knight said. "W e’ve got a
lot o f artists like Crooked I, Eastwood
and Kurupt that are currently working
on new albums. And because o f the
Open Call
Talent Search
The Art of Thelma
Johnson Streat
Out o f viewing for almost 40 years,
Thelma Johnson Streat’s art displays once
more at the Portland Art Museum. Johnson, an Afri­
can American artist who grew up in the Northwest
focuses her art on the world’s multiple cultures. The
exhibit takes place at the Portland Art Museum, 12 19
S.W. Park. For more information, call 503-226-2811
Audition Now For Print,
Television b Movies
Auditions for children and teens ages 5 - 25.
are currently being held at John Robert Powers in
Portland. No modeling or acting experience is
necessary. Our graduates have been featured in
ads for JC Penny, Macy's, hundreds of commercials,
numerous TV shows and even blockbuster movies!
Give your child a shot at stardom by calling today
for their audition appointment.
Woman Tree Art Gallery Opening
Focusingon community artists, the Woman Tree Art
Gallery on Alberta Street will host a different woman
artist each month. The first artist, Soonae Kim, studied
for months the people o f Vietnam, Laos, Nepal and
India for inspiration o f her many talents: fashion
design, ceramics, printmaking, wood sculpting, draw­
ing and painting. Gallery hours run 11 a.m. through 5
p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. For more information.
CALL NOW! 503-284-7100
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1 _____
Modeling. Acting. Life.
* 9 « ________ E-motl
hype and media attention
associated with these two
projects, there have been a
lot ofgirls flocking to them at
the studio and at the clubs.”
Knight, 38, wasjailed ear­
lier this year for allegedly
violating terms o f his pa­
He was sentenced to pro­
bation in I992afterpleading
no contest to two counts o f assault stem­
ming from an attack on two rappers at a
Hollywood recording studio. He was found
to have violated that probation when he
was involved in a fight at a Las Vegas hotel
in 1996, hours before Tupac Shakur was
shot to death while riding in Knight's car.
He served nearly five years in prison on
assault and other charges before being
released in 2001, then was sent to jail last
year for allegedly violating the terms of his
parole by associating with gang members.
He was released in February and ordered to
perform 200 hours o f community service
aimed at persuading chi Idren to avoid gangs.
Mary Brown
JPP Graduate
Ransom a mellow Pope to save life? This play guaran­
tees to pull all the stops with larger than life characters
and events. The show goes on at the West End
Theater, 1220 S W T ay lor St. Show times on June 7 at
7:30 p.m., June 8 at 2 p.m. For more information, call
503-228-7465. A $ I Odonation isasked.
IFCC June Artists
A Day in the Country
Learn about Oregon's past, and enjoy a day in the
country at the historic James Bybee House on
Sauvic Island, open each weekend through Labor
Day Visit the Agricultural Museum. Pioneer
Orchard, wetlands and picnic grounds, and join
in tours and educational programs presented by
the Oregon Historical Society
Visual artists, Bonnie Meltzerand Becca Bernstein are
this m onth's Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center
artists. M eltzer's work focuses on native icons o f the
Northwest. Bernstein’s work is a series o f textural
paintings centering on the relationship between moth­
ers and daughters. Simultaneously, both artists' ex­
hibits begin June 5, 5:00 p.m. through 7:30 p.m. The
exhibits run through June 27 with a late reception June
26at 7:30p.m. The IFCC is located at 5340 N Interstate.
Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m.
through 6 p.m.. Saturdays 12 p.nt. through 4 p.m. No
admission is charged, but donations appreciated. For
more information,call 503-823-2072.503-823-2071 or
online: www.ifcc-arts.org. galleryfuifcc-arts.org.
African Film Festival’s Listings for June 6
Operated by
(iO M E T R O
Morti h
» •
Suggested donation $3 per visitor No pets please
For program information and directions, please call
the Oregon Historical Society at 503-306-5198 or
click on "Bybee House at www ohs org/educatiorV
Throughout the month o f June. The Film Center
presents films from the African Film Festival. “The
Price o f Forgiveness", “Surrender” and “One Sunday
Morning" make up the first day o f films Friday, June
6 beginning 7:30p.m. at the Whitsell Auditorium, 1219
SW Park.General admission tickets cost $6.50. Mem­
ber, student and senior tickets cost S5.5O. Filmed in
Senegal, “The Price o f Forgiveness" is the first film to
play June 6. Brothers, vengeance, and fishing plays
off folk tradition and oral story telling to present a
dramatic tale. After "The Price o f Forgiveness", “Sur­
render" plays. This film originates from Tanzania and
Zimbabwe and is about a son, his father and tradition.
The last film for June 6, “One Sunday Morning" is a
Macy Gray Comes
to ‘Life’ in Cartoon
Singer Macy Gray has signed a deal with
Warner Bros. Animation to develop a cartoon
called "A Pretty Good Life," based on her
experiences growing up in Canton. Ohio. The
series will be set in Los Angeles and feature a
group of multi-racial children. Gray will provide
the voice of the lead character and compose
for the soundtrack. No airdate is set.
Seal's third self-titled album, due Sept. 9 was
four years in the making, three of which were
spent recording and ultimately scrapping a
completed initial version. That collection didn't
earn Seal's approval because “it lacked
Zimbabwe production about
Nigerians seeking refuge in a for­
eign land.
Reading: Opera Star, Shirley Verrett’s June 5
Thursday, June 5 at 7 p.m. Shirley Verrett reads from
her book "I Never Walked Alone: The Autobiography
o f an American Singer". Verrett is one o f America’s ’
first African-American artists to achieve international
stardom over coming racial prejudice, and career-
threatening health. The reading takes place at Borders
Books and Music, 708 SW Third. For more informa­
tion, call 503-220-5911.
African Film Festival's Listings for June 6
Throughout the month o f June, The Film Center
presents movies from the African Film Festival. “The
Price o f Forgiveness”, “Surrender" and “One Sunday
Morning" make up the first day o f films Friday, June
6 beginning 7:30 p.m. at the Whitsell Auditorium, 1219
SW Park. General admission tickets cost $6.50. Mem­
ber, student and senior tickets cost $5.50. Filmed in
Senegal, “The Price o f Forgiveness” is the first film to
play June 6. Brothers, vengeance, and fishing play o ff
folk tradition and oral story telling to present a dra­
matic tale. A fter“The Price o f Forgiveness", “Surren­
der" plays. This film originates from Tanzania and
Zimbabwe and is about a son, his father and tradition.
The last film for June 6, “One Sunday Morning" is a
Zimbabwe production about Nigerians seeking ref­
uge in a foreign land.
Children's' Concert: Jose-Luis Orozco, June 6
Sponsored by the Learning Circle Community Action
Organization. Orozco will entertain chi Idren ofall ages
with songs, games and rhymes Friday, June 6. The
show begins at 7 p.m. and will last about an hour. The
concert takes place at the Hi I Isboro Stadium, 44(X) N W
229,hAve. in Hillsboro. For more information, call 971 -
Kinetic Images “Balance”, June 6 - June 8
The Portland based dance com pany com bines the
choreography o f Kimm M ahoney-W atson and the
videography o f Will M ahoney-W atson w ith eight
Portland area dancers. "Balance" will combine mod­
ern dance and videography to exam ple the human
range o f em otions and experiences. Shows take
place at the Echo Theatre, 15 15 SE 37*, June 6 and
June 7 at 8 p.m. and June 8 at 2 p.m. Tickets are
available through T ieketsw est outlets, by phone
503-224-8499oronlincwww.ticketswest.com. Tick­
ets are subject to a service charge. For m ore infor-
mation.call 503-913-5788.
Reparations Thursdays
David Park's new band. The Reparations, will play
every Thursday at 9 p.m. with DJ Chill and special
guest performers and DJs at The Red Sea, 318 S.W.
Third Ave. Admission for those 21 and older is $5.